Nak Khid

Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? Leo Gura Jul 19, 2020

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Any attempt to formalize or symbolize Infinity will lead to contradiction.

Because Infinity is not finite. Except it is ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

.No that is dualism, the idea that something needed to contrast something else. 

You are very wrong here. The very insight that opposites only exist because of each other is in fact an insight into the nature of reality (that it is non-dual). The opposite of that, the false belief that opposites can exist independently of each other, now that is what dualism is, and that is what most people on earth seem to buy into.., i.e. that "evil", "death", "self", etc. are real independent phenomena existing independently of goodness, life and other (just to take 3 opposites).

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

You are very wrong here. The very insight that opposites only exist because of each other is in fact an insight into the nature of reality (that it is non-dual).


The opposite of that, the false belief that opposites can exist independently of each other, now that is what dualism is, and that is what most people on earth seem to buy into.., i.e. that "evil", "death", "self", etc. are real independent phenomena existing independently of goodness, life and other (just to take 3 opposites).

wrong, the concept of opposites is dualism the insight of nondualism is that opposites are not real but instead false mental constructs

You second statement is a straw man you are saying "the false belief that opposites can exist independently of each other"
I didn't say that
There are no opposites in reality and thinking they are is a mental construct an illusion that some people might say could be used as a tool 
So you have built a straw man and are very confused.  After it is established there are no real opposites in reality
then they don't exist independently of each other
and they they don't exist dependently of each other
they don't  exist at all 

that is nondualism 


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30 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

wrong, the concept of opposites is dualism the insight of nondualism is that opposites are not real but instead false mental constructs

You second statement is a straw man you are saying "the false belief that opposites can exist independently of each other"
I didn't say that
There are no opposites in reality and thinking they are is a mental construct an illusion that some people might say could be used as a tool 
So you have built a straw man and are very confused.  After it is established there are no real opposites in reality
then they don't exist independently of each other
and they they don't exist dependently of each other
they don't  exist at all 

that is nondualism 


Everything is mental constructs. That doesn't make it false. Nothing is not mental, except if you believe it to be not-mental (physical for instance). Hehe, then it becomes physical. Ordinary human reality is what ever you believe it to be.

Absolute reality, which contains ordinary human reality, is God/Love/Oneness, though.

Hitler was relatively speaking a pretty bad guy.

Jesus was relatively speaking a pretty good guy.

I consider my statements true from a human, relative point of view. Simultaneously I'm aware that, absolutely speaking, all of reality is Good and both Hitler and Jesus are functions of Divine Love; in fact they are One (God).

Opposites exist in the ordinary human world. Look around. There are good films, bad films. Beautiful women, ugly women. Strong men, weak men. Dangerous animals, harmless animals. To look at the world in terms of dualism (opposites) is hard-encoded into your mind (by Nature/God/Yourself of course, but still hard-encoded). This means that no matter how enlightened you become about the nature of Absolute Reality, you will still prefer to bang a beautiful girl than an ugly one. You see? Part of Real Enligthenment is understanding that order/structure is necessary to uphold the dream of life, which We (as God) voluntarily chose to participate in as apparant deluded separate human beings. Order/structure = logic = opposites = the way your egoic mind works, because it needs opposites to survive. Your body needs to recognize the difference between a dangerous threat and food, for instance. 

You can transcend all this sure. And by transcending I mean you can become conscious of it (I have) and then love it. But it will still be how you view reality. In that sense, opposites are very real. Only you know that they are not *absolutely* real, in the sense that they are just imaginary yes. But imaginary can still be real:-) If a bear crawls into your bed at night, then it will feel real, and you will jump out of the bed  scared as shit and run away. Cos it feels real. That's the beauty of this dream. Even if it is all imagination, it still feels real. God is a genius. I am genius;) You are!

You are still stuck in concepts bro. Let go. You can't eat the menu. Go out and live. The number 1 trap in this work is replacing direct experience with concepts. Love ya <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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