
On abortion

24 posts in this topic

All of theses post are just a sequence of mansplaining abortion, which is exactly what the government does. Every time they debate about abortion is a bunch of men mentioning God and sin. Didn’t we agree a long time ago in the separation of church and state? The mention of religious dogma when talking about laws is outrageous. 
Also, the long term abortion argument is very misleading because most women don’t abort late term, that just feeds into this rhetoric that woman are dumb or evil so they should be monitored. 
When a woman wants to have an abortion they want to do it ASAP. But now because of “counseling” and “waiting periods” they are forced to stay pregnant for longer time. Those type of regulations only make everything worst. The only time I agree is about long term abortion because that is just being irresponsible. Wanting to have an abortion ASAP is actually very responsible. Giving a kid up for adoption is just cruelty for everyone involved. Why would someone want to impose that life-time cruelty on someone is beyond me. 
When I say mansplaining at the beginning is because all of this happened because men and society as a whole don’t trust woman and want to have opinions and be dogmatic about something that is 100% non of your business.


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@tenta the funny part is that anti abortion is male liberalism - you don’t value any life. you only value your male supremacist rights. you‘d rather abort a woman than a child in the size of a fly, while you probably eat cow and pig every day.

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