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Beyond Words

How Much Self-development Work Would You Recommend Before Taking Psychedelics?

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In Leo's video "The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!" Leo discussed the importance of doing self-development work to get the most out of psychedelics. I've been doing self-development work for 2 years. Is that enough?

I tried LSD 2 years ago before doing any self-development work. My trip "awakened" me and I've been spending almost all of my time on self-development work ever since. Would it be worth taking more now, or should I develop for a couple more years?

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@LiberalPipe Let you higher intuition guide you. If you're reasonably emotionally stable and you take them in a good setting, then there's really nothing to fear. You just have to be developed enough to be okay with letting go the ego and surrendering to the experience.

Many undeveloped people take psychedelics and the majority still have awesome experiences, so don't be paranoid about it. The only thing to fear is fear itself. That's what causes bad trips.

If you follow the guidelines in my next video, you should have a great trip. But of course, there are no guarantees.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I typed a reply that didn't have anything to do with the OP, couldn't figure out how to just delete it, so this is what I'm writing instead. 

Edited by ChimpBrain

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