Call Me Whatever

Something Rather Than Nothing

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The past two mornings I've been up before dawn admiring the moon and stars. I was overwhelmed in a sense thinking "it's amazing that any of this exists at all", accompanied by an understanding that it's an illusion!

This evening I open Youtube and find Leo's new video.

What is this?

Coincidence? Some type of synchronicity? The universe pushing me closer to ego death? A glitch in the matrix? 

It's wonderful when things like this happen.


(Accidentally posted this first in the High Consciousness Resource thread. Sorry!)

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yes everything is pointing to this so when it's recognized it can feel like coming home. 

For others it can be very unsettling and terrifying in fact.



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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2 hours ago, Call Me Whatever said:

What is this?

Coincidence? Some type of synchronicity? The universe pushing me closer to ego death? A glitch in the matrix? 

Well I think about it everyday, so for me it couldn't ever really be a synchronicity. However, I have this very persistent synchronicity where I'm hearing a word on a video in one tab while reading that word in another tab. It happens consistently 1-3 times a day and it's profound yet normal for me now.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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My lifelong concept of nothing?
Just empty space. Like if you moved the chair to another room, there is now nothing  where that chair was. Until I learnt about air, then all that white space became actually filled with this invisible air, and for awhile, there was no nothing. Then I learnt about outer space, and that it does not contain air like earth does, and that became the new standard for nothing - the empty space between planets and stars. And now that science is talking about dark matter, that what they thought was empty space in an atom is really "dark matter" and they cant really explain it, and once again... they're taking away my nothing. I give up!

Why should there be something?
Aka where did something (all of creation come from). Asking the same question differently does unlock new possibilities in the mind, outside the usual answers and assumptions science and religion have provided. Like always taking it for granted that nothing is the more sensible state, and all these things need an explanation. And they really do... most of the answers seem so unsatisfying on some level, maybe just the limit of the (my) mind.

What's the boundary of the universe?
I've never really considered this.. I guess the universe is infinite? This is the big question for me, just wondering  why it does not end, feels... funny.

How did you as a child distinguish between nothing and something?
My five senses: sight, sound, touch/feeling, taste, smell. These are intuitive knowings, the mind can't explain where it gets it from. What we learn from other humans later on are the labels to attach to these things.

something + nothing = everything

On the nature of reality
Reality is an illusion in the sense that a solid wall is mostly just empty space. This is something a modern scientist can measure and agree with, yet the budhists from centuries ago had already experienced. Interesting, seems higher consciousness is all about perceiving more of what is there.

Edited by wwhy

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