Leo Gura

The Intelligence Of Survival Mega-Thread

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have you guys ever thought that being  extermely cute may be a survival mechanism ? I'd let that thing steal my lunch any day.

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Not really survival, but I thought it was a cool example of the mystery of nature. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Hows that for survival! "Back off or I will puke battery acid on you!"

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Yoo this is crazy, who knew that chimps were so intelligent?

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@Tim R

It looked like from the movie 'predator'. Quite amazing their hunting IQ.

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Millions of spiders in Australia have recently spun blankets of silk for miles on end in order to escape a flood.



Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Jordan Peterson isn't the main attraction here btw. Reality is ridiculous.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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This is not a troll post by the way lol. I'm genuinely fascinated by how extremely streamlined survival is and how little it has to do with acquiring accurate information about the world xD


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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stuff I found on russian youtube :

The simple existence of the phenomenon of " domestication " is pretty mind blowing for me.

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Experiment prooving that monkeys understand what is fairness and unjustice. You can imagine the ramifications of this understanding in their social life. 

Edit: the clip is absolutely hilarious. He even tests the rock just in case he accidentally gave him something that's not a rock but then then hes even more outraged at the injustice. 

Edited by mmKay

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How Supernormal Stimuli F*ck with Survival Instincts
(many ramifications for humans too)



The characteristic that determined which egg a goose would roll back into the nest—color, size, markings—could be exaggerated in dummy eggs. The graylag goose ignored its own egg while making a heroic attempt to retrieve a volleyball.

Tinbergen named the phenomena of his exaggerated dummies “supernormal stimuli.” He published papers outlining the concept that instincts were coded for a few traits and amplification of these traits could easily fool animals.




Tinbergen and his students also studied the stickleback—the most common freshwater fish in Holland. The male has a brightly colored red underbelly; it vigorously defends a territory and builds a nest in the center. Other males who enter the territory are attacked, but females are guided toward the nest to lay eggs. Sticklebacks continue these rituals when scooped out of ponds and installed in aquariums. Tinbergen and his students constructed model fish and spent hours leaning over the tanks, “swimming” the dummies around. At first these were just dead fish on wires, but later they carved and painted wooden ones. Systematically varying the wooden models, they established that it was redness of the underbelly that signaled “male to attack.”

Sticklebacks didn’t attack a realistically shaped model if its belly wasn’t red, but violently pursued very unfishlike shapes with red undersides. Males in aquariums by the window went into attack mode when a red postal van drove by. Color wasn’t the determinant for detecting females; males escorted carved wooden models to the nest if they had the curved belly of an egg-bearing female. They preferred the model with the roundest stomach.

The most interesting of Tinbergen’s discoveries was that dummies could surpass the power of any natural stimuli.

*Male sticklebacks ignored a real male to fight a dummy brighter red than any natural fish. They’d choose to escort an exaggeratedly round-bellied model over a real egg-bearing female.*




He studied butterflies and found that marks on the torso of the female and its vibratory movements were the sole mating releasers—he could construct dummy butterfly torsos with brighter stripes and more regular movements. Males would ignore a live, receptive female to mount cardboard cylinders that didn’t even need wings!


Excerpts from: "Supernormal Stimuli: How Primal Urges Overran their Evolutionary Purpose" by Deirdre Barrett

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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This is a stage beige mega topic. Adjust the title . ?

Edited by StarStruck

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