An young being

Why does our universe have fixed set of laws in a particular way?

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


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But also, the Universe does not have any fixed laws. All laws are flexible, temporary, local, and relative. Gravity does not exist in your dreams.

@Leo Gura I agree that laws are relative, but what might be deciding which kind of laws exist where?

3 hours ago, remember said:

there is no internal no external - it’s all you. there is no rocket if it is not imagined. peter pan dreamt himself to fly. without believing in possibilities you can’t create them.

do planes exist if we forget them? is looking at the sky external stimuli? more so, does the sky exist?

@remember, everything is how I perceive it to be, I agree. But I can't understand how everything is how I imagine it to be. Yes, planes exist even if I forget them, imagine a plane crashing straight into your home, is it there because you imagined them?The light from the sky falls on the eyes and that enables us to see the beauty of it. Isn't that an external stimuli? Is the experience the same as you imagine a sky in your mind? Isn't imagination itself dependent on memories that you get from the space around you? 

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

I’m saying you create everything that can be referenced by being it. Because “it” is you, there is no such thing as a “separation”. There is the experience of believing thoughts about there being separations, but if you inspect amply, you will indeed find there is no such ‘thing’.  Because “reality” is you, by being “it”,  you’ve forgotten or veiled yourself from your own infinitude. But you are you. Every ‘aspect’ or ‘facet’ of you is in tact and present, and ready to create the life you most want, within the apparent reality which you are being / which is Being. 

@Nahm, this I agree and I am always trying make more sense out of it, but the last one, where you say that there is the ability to create the life I most want, what do you mean exactly? Can I create whatever I want while I am confined in this body? Or, is it like, everything is me and everything  around me and myself is already happening the way I want it to happen? Does the 'want' exist at all?

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31 minutes ago, An young being said:

everything is how I perceive it to be, I agree. But I can't understand how everything is how I imagine it to be. Yes, planes exist even if I forget them, imagine a plane crashing straight into your home, is it there because you imagined them?The light from the sky falls on the eyes and that enables us to see the beauty of it. Isn't that an external stimuli? Is the experience the same as you imagine a sky in your mind? Isn't imagination itself dependent on memories that you get from the space around you? 

are you dependent on the space around you or within you?

is the space within you dependent on the space around you?

is the space around you dependent on the space within you?

or is it both the same?

Edited by remember

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15 minutes ago, An young being said:


@Nahm, this I agree and I am always trying make more sense out of it, but the last one, where you say that there is the ability to create the life I most want, what do you mean exactly?

You can do what you want to do. If you don’t know what you want to do, you can discover what you want to do. 

15 minutes ago, An young being said:

Can I create whatever I want while I am confined in this body?

You are not in a body nor confined. You’re believing you are. In a lucid dream would you be believing you are confined to a body, or realizing you’re dreaming a dream, in which is a body & world?

15 minutes ago, An young being said:

Or, is it like, everything is me and everything  around me and myself is already happening the way I want it to happen? Does the ‘want’ exist at all?

Both. Your true nature is unconditional love and you get to be the experience you’re appearing as, where you can want, choose, etc. You’re hung up on perspectives, looking for truth in your thoughts. Transcend perspectives and thought attachment. Nothing is happening. Nothing exists. No thing is existence, ‘things’ do not exist. It seems so in believing the thoughts, as labels, for ‘things’. There are no things in a dream. 



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17 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Your true nature is unconditional love and you get to be the experience you’re appearing as, where you can want, choose, etc. You’re hung up on perspectives, looking for truth in your thoughts. Transcend perspectives and thought attachment. Nothing is happening. Nothing exists. No thing is existence, ‘things’ do not exist. It seems so in believing the thoughts, as labels, for ‘things’. There are no things in a dream. 

But this reveals nothing about the mechanisms behind reality. If nothing exists and nothing is happening, then what's the point of doing anything at all? What's the point to wake up everyday and move this body if reality just is?

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3 hours ago, An young being said:

I agree that laws make life beautiful and possible, but why not something different now and then, isn't life too boring with the same laws?

The bit in bold is the real reason I think you're asking the question.

The short answer is no.

The longer answer is that it's all about perspective or framing.

When you're disengaged from something or feel separated from it, it's very easy to judge it negatively or to dismiss it as not being interesting. Life becomes boring and dull when you're not engaged with it. The are several ways this could happen in my experience. I will add the caveat that I have in no way solved all these problems for myself:

  • You are not engaged with the present moment. This means that you're not experiencing the full majestic force of reality, instead you're distracted away from it.
  • You are too engaged with thought and you're not being "present". Thinking is a poor substitute for reality. It also distracts you from paying attention to what is really happening around you. It's like watching a movie whilst scrolling on Facebook, you're missing most of the action.
  • You are too engaged with maintaining your identity and story. This is a tricky one. Basically your ego is getting in the way. Your ego is a rabbit warren of interconnected ideas and memories and on and on. Your ego is constantly grabbing your attention and distracting you from reality. Most spiritual work is really about damping down the ego, so you get a chance to engage more fully with reality.
  • You're stuck in a goal or future oriented mindset. In other words you're never "here" you are always striving to be "there". This habit is ingrained from society, it's very hard to escape. It also disengages you from reality.
  • You're not "letting go". More accurately most of us hold on too tightly to things in our lives: people, possessions, memories, identity. This causes suffering, which in turn consumes your attention away from reality.
  • Your job or habits means you're stuck in a rigid sitting posture looking at screens at close range most of your waking life. This consumes all your attention and your body suffers, giving you negative signals.

All these things are really about attention. It's very possible to shift your attention so that you are more fully engaged with reality and this means it will be a lot harder to judge negatively or to dismiss it as being uninteresting.  When you truly pay attention you'll find that reality is astonishing and very very exciting.


Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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who cares? you can do whatever you want in the astral realm, a less 'dense' realm of consciousness. Why do people complain so much about the physical realm? You literally can experience both. Each one compliments the other and makes the other more valuable. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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7 hours ago, Member said:

If we are able to cure any ailment or disease via placebo

We aren't. Which is why drugs exist.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, An young being said:

I agree that laws are relative, but what might be deciding which kind of laws exist where?


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What is space? Is space truly empty? If space is empty then how can gravity bend it? And if space isn't empty, then how can we occupy it? If space isn't empty but was made empty, then would time stop?

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4 minutes ago, Member said:

Life always needs a reason to be, no matter if it's only about survival.

Well we do have to came up with something. I mean we can sit in cave or blasting ourselves off to Infinity with 5 meo. 

So you know I write my own story. 

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8 minutes ago, Member said:

That's a wise thing to do. Will it be the greatest story ever told? ;)

Ofcourse it will. Have my dog. She just barks but her bark  Reveals all wisdom I ever needed. 

Never got it from fellow humans?! Even candle was useless. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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56 minutes ago, Member said:

Life always needs a reason to be, no matter if it's only about survival.

No, it doesn't.

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1 minute ago, commie said:

No, it doesn't.

Lol life isn't simply just "because", the cause is being. Without a cause, nothing exists. So you can fight against the reason of life if you want as it makes no difference. Life goes on nevertheless.

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Now I want to be US senator. Dunno is that possible for me and want to enter US senat riding horse holding my dog in my arms. Cool story. 

I really am nuts. Time for 10 points intervention that's for sure. 

Well Serbia is just small of a country for my Greatness. OMG man just... 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Truth vs backstory/life. You sound so nuts and delusional with this thing. 

No wonder people crucified Jesus. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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