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What about being trans-age?

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Or just being young-looking and also feeling younger. I'm especially looking for a female perspective on that topic

I'm in my early thirties but look much younger than my official are. It often happens to be mistaken for an underage. My age is highly contextual. If I'm surrounded by people my age my age it isn't underestimated that much - I will adapt to the conversation. But without a context people are always shocked.

I wonder what is the impact on male - female interactions. It happened to be asked out by girls ranging from halve my age to few years younger. How females perceive large age difference in cases like that?

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I don't think women mind dating a guy older than them. 

But it varies from person to person. Depends more on how you perceive the age gap between you and the ladies who want to date you. 

And if you are okay with the age gap, most likely they would be okay too. 


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