
Fascism Political Test

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Fascism Political Test: 


Lot of overlap with most ideologies, I see a lot of people on this forum are very left wing, Trotsky esque, I want to see how highly you score on a fascism test

Just got reminded of this movie clip lol

Anyways here’s my score


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I see absolutely nothing going wrong with this thread

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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5 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

I see absolutely nothing going wrong with this thread

As the computer scientists say, "garbage in, garbage out".

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3 minutes ago, Boethius said:

As the computer scientists say, "garbage in, garbage out".

9 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

I see absolutely nothing going wrong with this thread

I see nothing wrong with this thread

Unless you guys are a bunch of secret fascists lol

If this is okay

Don’t see why this isn’t 

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@IJB063 You start from a premise that the people on this forum are "Trosky esque" in their views and then ask people to reveal how highly they score on a fascism test, where your conception of fascism is that of an anti-semitic neo-Nazi. It's hard to understand what you think this will achieve, aside from the exact same provocation that Leo has set as a warning to avoid.

Why don't you try to constructively engage with the members of this forum instead of picking a fight?

Edited by Boethius

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6 minutes ago, Boethius said:

@IJB063 You start from a premise that the people on this forum are "Trosky esque" in their views and then ask people to reveal how highly they score on a fascism test, where your conception of fascism is that of an anti-semitic neo-Nazi. It's hard to understand what you think this will achieve, aside from the exact same provocation that Leo has set as a warning to avoid.

Why don't you try to constructively engage with the members of this forum instead of picking a fight?

Buddy I’m not picking a fight lol

What it’ll achieve is it’ll show your political scores on a fascism test

Just trying get the nogging jogging

Case and point





Edited by IJB063

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2 minutes ago, IJB063 said:


Just trying get the nogging jogging


brother, nobody in here has a big enough brain to understand politics and society the way that you do... our iqs are just way too low. it is a lost cause for us commie simpletons. 

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6 minutes ago, louhad said:

brother, nobody in here has a big enough brain to understand politics and society the way that you do... our iqs are just way too low. it is a lost cause for us commie simpletons. 

Its seems you’re taking things personally bud lol

Ive never said I understand everything about politics or society, I’m just giving my opinion I’m sorry if I’ve offended you


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LMAO come at me Stalin wanna-bes. I'm not sure but there were a few questions that the answer seemed intuitive on for most people to answer a certain way, but the way they were worded seemed to corner you a bit. I'm not even sure what the word means because it's thrown around so liberally these days.

My basic understanding is isn't Fascism just an idea that supports a powerful government that is strict and tyrannical (in various degrees) in accomplishing it's goals? Regardless of if the goals are liberal or conservative leaning?

Anyways here we go;


Edited by Roy


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14 minutes ago, Roy said:

My basic understanding is isn't Fascism just an idea that supports a powerful government that is strict and tyrannical (in various degrees) in accomplishing it's goals? Regardless of if the goals are liberal or conservative leaning?

Most people share some similarities with fascism, it’s just all about degrees

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For example I'm taking the 8Values quiz right now and there is question that can go both ways because it is worded too ambiguously;

"The sacrifice of some civil liberties is necessary to protect us from acts of terrorism."

So when it says "is necessary" you would imagine you might have to answer one way, because it's a technical truth that yes individual liberties like privacy are infringed to protect us from terrorism right now, with the current technology we have.

But you could take it as a values statement as well and say, "No it's not necessary, because they need to do better and find out ways to protect us without infringing our liberties."

However even THAT response could be taken as a position of a liberal OR conservative.

It's these kind of questions that need to be shored up on these tests. Maybe I expect too much.

Anyways ended up where I thought I would (except I feel I'm more Market economic than it says);



Edited by Roy


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Don't like the test the questions are too vague. I could end up with drastically different results. 

Edited by Opo

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6 minutes ago, Opo said:

Don't like the test the questions are too vague. I could end up with drastically different results. 

lol scared of results from an online test? I guess it could matter depending on the country you're in, someone may be watching :o:ph34r:


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17 minutes ago, Roy said:

For example I'm taking the 8Values quiz right now and there is question that can go both ways because it is worded too ambiguously;

"The sacrifice of some civil liberties is necessary to protect us from acts of terrorism."

I agree, a lot of the question have loaded premises

But these are the best quick tests ive been able to find on the internet so far

The leftist value one was so bad that it’s uncompletable with all the loaded questions


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24 minutes ago, Roy said:

lol scared of results from an online test? I guess it could matter depending on the country you're in, someone may be watching :o:ph34r:

Lol mr fbi man may be watching you





Edited by IJB063

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Did the other one as well; 



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When Mr FBI man sees you’ve scored low on an online fascist test


Edited by IJB063

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23 minutes ago, Roy said:

lol scared of results from an online test? I guess it could matter depending on the country you're in, someone may be watching :o:ph34r:

No i got 40 something percent but i didnt put much energy into it and i left a lot unanswered. Myb il do it again from my left and right self to see the difference but im too lazy now. 

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4 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

When Mr FBI man sees you’ve scored low on a online fascist test


What is opposite of fascism? Myb anarchysm?

I don't think they would like that either. 

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