Eren Eeager

Would we at a certain point Stop having children?

27 posts in this topic

What do you think guys? it seems the more conscious a human being the less he is  likely to have children. 

would we stop having children, maybe in a thousand or ten thousand years?

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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@Eren Eeager

The two best predictors shown to having children are 

1# Stupidity

2# Religiosity

It is proven that the higher a persons iq, the less likely they are to have children

The more rational and caring a person is the more they contemplate the ramifications of bringing another human being into this world and burdening them with existence

The stupider they are the less likely they’re to care, the more likely they are to be impulsive and the less like they’re to take precautions such as contraceptives 

Before contraceptives were invented the intelligent, civil and hardworking people actually had children 

Now we’re stuck in a system of dysgenics

Just look at the people who have children in the west

1# Single mums

That are so stupid and impulsive that to say that they could perform the basic calculations that having children = more welfare I put beyond them

2# Good Citizen

Who has children because that’s what you’re supposed to do in life, that’s what society or the church says, they have a child like they buy a new house, car or get the wife, just a check list of stupid shit that has no really consideration

7 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

would we stop having children, maybe in a thousand or ten thousand years?

If we stopped having children we would die out

I just hope we hurdle quickly towards the Huxlian dystopia of the artificial womb

Because 99% of people shouldn’t breed

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The problem with such questions is always: what is meant by "we"?

10 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

it seems the more conscious a human being the less he is  likely to have children.

Gotta be careful with correlations. It could also be that the fewer children people are, the more "conscious" they tend to be.

In any case, having fewer children on average is a very different dynamic from having none at all.

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2 minutes ago, commie said:

what is meant by "we"?

Human beings

2 minutes ago, commie said:

Gotta be careful with correlations. It could also be that the fewer children people are, the more "conscious" they tend to be.

Any evidence for that?

3 minutes ago, commie said:

In any case, having fewer children on average is a very different dynamic from having none at all.

Fucking ain’t going out of style

Its just about whose fucking, whose having the kids


Look at the 1960s


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Yea we'll stop. Much sooner than that. Infertility will be the cause. Something like the movie Children of Men. 

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Just now, DivineSoda said:

Infertility will be the cause


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5 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

Human beings

And when will "we" stop being human?
Obviously if having kids if part of your definition of "human" then humans will always have kids...

6 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

Any evidence for that?

Any way to measure how "conscious" people are?

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1 minute ago, commie said:

And when will "we" stop being human?

I don’t fucking know, when we mutate and evolve, probably 1000s of year time, depending on what environment we find ourselves in

2 minutes ago, commie said:

Any way to measure how "conscious" people are?

Sure, the world values survey

Spiral dynamics 

Though it’s all in a sense abstract and relative, purely down to subjective taste but what isn’t?


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29 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

What do you think guys? it seems the more conscious a human being the less he is  likely to have children. 

would we stop having children, maybe in a thousand or ten thousand years?

I hope we don't stop having children! The world needs consciously parented children who can go on to create a world that's really worth living in.

Imagine the kind of life you'd have had if your parents taught you consciousness work. They taught you how to face your fears, what Truth is, how money actually works, how to have good relationships, about life purpose, etc. Conscious people have the opportunity of having children and providing this kind of an amazing childhood to them.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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10 minutes ago, IJB063 said:


Toxicities are everywhere. Our immunity is shot. That's why coronavirus is as deadly as it is. This is the trend. Medicine will not save us, nor is that it's goal. 

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It’s funny I was just talking about this with Lord Leo himself, about conscious people not having kids

38 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

What do you think guys? it seems the more conscious a human being the less he is  likely to have children. 

would we stop having children, maybe in a thousand or ten thousand years?

3 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

The world needs consciously parented children who can go on to create a world that's really worth living in

Well that’s what’s happening, the more “conscious” a person is the less likely they are to have children and do all the things you listed, and the more likely they are to trot out muh “overpopulation”.


Edited by IJB063

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2 minutes ago, DivineSoda said:

Toxicities are everywhere. Our immunity is shot. That's why coronavirus is as deadly as it is. This is the trend. Medicine will not save us, nor is that it's goal. 

I think that’s silly

I don’t think humanity are going to be infertile because of our immunity

Post some evidence or studies for that

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20 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

Sure, the world values survey

Such a survey isn't about what I'd call "conscious" in the first place but let's not quibble over semantics.

That's got two axis, right? Are you only talking about "secular-rational". If you have a dataset that covers countries with varied and varying birthrates over a few generations, there might be evidence for or against causation in there. Maybe someone has already done the work.

After eyeballing the data I found, it doesn't look so promising actually. But maybe you have data which looks like it might actually be useful?

Edited by commie

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8 minutes ago, commie said:

Such a survey isn't about what I'd call "conscious" in the first place but let's not quibble over semantics.

That's got two axis, right? Are you only talking about "secular-rational". If you have a dataset that covers countries with varied and varying birthrates over a few generations, there might be evidence for or against causation in there. Maybe someone has already done the work.

I generally find it boring to memorise stats and studies to back points

I’d rather just think things through on purely syllogistic grounds but I find this topic interesting, so I may find some studies and info backing up what I’m saying here  

Im certain more “secular rational” people have less children than religious and irrational people


Edit Side note - 1:23:35 into World Value video talks about China which I find to have interesting birth rates over generations, 1979 one child policy interesting case study for example

Edited by IJB063

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11 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

Im certain more “secular rational” people have less children than religious and irrational people

"Secular rational" people aren't secular or rational at all. They're just answering survey questions according to their cultural and political biases.

India scores about as high as the USA on that scale for instance so your certainty is obviously unwarranted. You're deluding yourself when you're inhaling "purely syllogistic grounds".

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14 minutes ago, Moon said:


Nothing’s funnier than the truth

14 minutes ago, Moon said:

The fact that you're basing intelligence off of IQ...

IQ is the best proven measure of intelligence, most others are pseudo science

14 minutes ago, Moon said:

OR there is a balancing act... e.g. developing yourself enough BEFORE having children, so that your kids will have a good foundation and upbringing to help them to see the beauty of life (without being ignorant to the issues), and making them realize they can drive society forward!

Yeah, the kind off people who are capable of that balancing act don’t want children

14 minutes ago, Moon said:

For me, I don't know whether I will have kids but I have a DEEP craving for wanting children and being a mother (NOT because society/my parents tell me to) but more of a "biological" desire...It's as bad as the desire to be in an intimate relationship for me! 

Yeah that’s biology 

I understand why women don’t want kids because it’s rational to not want kids

Having something grow inside you for 9 months, fuck with your hormones and mind, then you have to take care of it for the rest of your life, fuck that

But biology doesn’t give a fuck what’s rational, it’s runs solely on instinct, I’d recommend for women to have children, it’s truly the exceptional 1 in 10,000 woman who shouldn’t have kids, and in all likelihood you’ll be miserable from your 40s to your death if you don’t.

14 minutes ago, Moon said:

I'm not saying that's a justified reason for having children on it's own (it would be selfish for me to fulfill this desire at my current age, without being financially, emotionally, consciously etc ready for this) 

It’s not selfish if you would actually love your kid and take care of them, if you even have the thought that you might be selfish you’re already going to be if you choose to have kids be probably in the top % of mothers on this planet, the clocks ticking the longer you wait the less likely you are to have kids

14 minutes ago, Moon said:

But If I did eventually have children, it wouldn't be for either of the reasons you posted above as I'd prepare myself beforehand to make sure my kids have the most loving and conscious start to life, as existence doesn't have to be a "burden" 

That’s all a child could ask for

You want you child to if he or she could have a choice in who they picked as their parents to have still picked you

If you can do that you’re a good mother or father

Edited by IJB063

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20 minutes ago, commie said:

you're inhaling "purely syllogistic grounds".

Yeah, syllogisms my favourite drug

9 minutes ago, Moon said:

guess adoption is also an option though 

It’s good to recycle 

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30 minutes ago, IJB063 said:



IQ is the best proven measure of intelligence, most others are pseudo science


''Proven'' ? You're giving authority to whom, for trying to quantify something as multidimensional and infinite as intelligence ? 

''Pseudo science'' ? What do you think science actually is ? And even in the conventional sense you're talking  about it, anything not conforming becomes outcasted ? Because science is some sort of highest Truth ? You're aware of the lots (and lots) of limits and assumtions and chimpery within science, right ? 

1 hour ago, IJB063 said:



The more rational and caring a person is the more they contemplate the ramifications of bringing another human being into this world and burdening them with existence

''Burdening them with existence'' ? 

I suggest you some serious spiritual contemplation.

(Btw it'll be interesting if you list some of those ''ramifications'')

Edited by Kross

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13 minutes ago, Kross said:


Yes, best model for intelligence we have currently is IQ

13 minutes ago, Kross said:

You're giving authority to whom

The scientific process

and don’t say whom, it’s antiquated, makes you seem pretentious  

13 minutes ago, Kross said:

some of those ''ramifications

Death and suffering


13 minutes ago, Moon said:

IQ is a stage orange tool

It’s a stage correct tool

13 minutes ago, Moon said:

idea of a limited sort of intelligence

Words and concept aren’t useful if they’re not limited, they get there uses in their limitations 

13 minutes ago, Moon said:

IQ doesn't have much correlation with wisdom/consciousness

Sure but it does correlate with civility, industriousness, pro social behaviour etc... that you would generally consider to be more conscious than your average person

13 minutes ago, Moon said:

high IQs/very rational minds lack the emotional/empathetic abilities to be good parents in the first place

That’s where women come into the picture



13 minutes ago, Moon said:

The first part not so much...but imagine having a lil mini me who you could share you life with :D:x

I feel like seeing cute babies and family channels on YT somewhat satisfies me for now hahaha 


Yeah that’s nature, most people want their own clone

13 minutes ago, Moon said:

that's a bad reason for wanting kids IMO, women should find how to be happy regardless of having kids or a partner first! Then having either of those things on top is a bonus! :D

Wanting to have a happy life isn’t a bad reason to have kids

Edited by IJB063

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