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A big part of my awakening process was gaining an awareness of synchronicity. I went from thinking that coincidences were either random, or made by human interference, to seeing that it is actually a deeply spiritual thing. I now frequently notice synchronistic events.

Do you pay much attention to coincidence? What do you think causes it?

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Love/God (I know)

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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You create (imagine) your reality, you are created by your reality and you are one with reality. There's no line or difference between imagination and reality. 

Noticing synchronicity is an effect of becoming conscious of how "this" is unfolding. It sometimes lets you know you're on the right track. Try to think of it like the white fog line on the road. It's a helpful guide but I don't put my focus right on it for very long, I focus on the actual road where I'm going, not the line on the side. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Synchronicity is how you sync to the Source.

It is the way God pulls you toward Himself.

When you are out of sync, you are lost. When you start to sync, you get found.


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I've heard that the synchronizations exponentially accelerate until it literally produces miraculous outcomes 

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8 hours ago, Artsu said:

What do you think causes it?

the desire that things aren't random 

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42 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

the desire that things aren't random 

The good ol materialist paradigm.

What causes it is that you and reality are not separate things. Your mind is literally locked in with the fabric of existence. Ive encountered some WILD synchronicities the more Ive gone into consciousness work. 

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When i checked this thread just now it had 7 replies and 77 views!

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Some time ago I was noticing a lot of synchronicity and I was asking a question on this forum.
The response which I've got was along the lines:
You are God, why do you give a meaning to synchronicity? Wake up.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Most of my synchronicities are around the number 33, to the point beyond just desired outcome. Many times when I check posts here or on Facebook, it's been 33 minutes since last reply or is the 33rd comment, etc. And that's just social media...  Clock is often on the 33rd minute, etc. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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I also notice a lot of number synchronicity, the last to days i think i have seen the minute 55 on every waking hour, you can look up the meaning of the numbers, according to numerology they are signs from our Angels and the different numbers numbers have different meanings wish get amplified depending on how many digits you see, not sure what exactly an angel is tho...? 

Also notice what you are thinking at the exact moment of seeing the number.  

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@Artsu Hahaha I was writing a reply to another thread about synchronicity and I got a synchronicity while I was doing that. Universe is so funny.

Describe a thought.

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12 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

7 is a magical number. ;) 

To add to it, i posted that post at 7.17am! Only just saw that.


I pay attention to any synchronicity i can. I dont have specific numbers i see, except that i often make the best forum posts right on the hour, e.g. 11.00am.

7 is a powerful number though. It is regarded as perfect, i think. God is said to have 7 spirits, though i don't know if that is true.

The cross product can be done in 3 or 7 dimensions, but no higher, so there is a nice connection between 7 and dimensional symmetry.

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So far, the meaning i have gotten from synchronicity is largely centred around the knowledge that it is a real and prevalent phenomenon. Scientifically minded types tend to say it's just random, but i doubt they've actually investigated it. It took me years to see that it was clearly not just random or fabricated.

It is common i think to view synchronicity as a sign that one is on the right path, although iirc Stanislav Grof said it turned out to be the opposite for him.

When my spirit is awake and active (post integral consciousness) i can read synchronicity more easily and engage with it, though it's hard to say how exactly i do that. The meaning of the synchronicity informs what action one should take, for maximum spiritual benefit. B|

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On 7/18/2020 at 3:50 AM, Consilience said:

The good ol materialist paradigm.

What causes it is that you and reality are not separate things. Your mind is literally locked in with the fabric of existence. Ive encountered some WILD synchronicities the more Ive gone into consciousness work. 

Could you share some? And what about repeating numbers, do they have specific meanings?

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11 minutes ago, wwhy said:

Could you share some? And what about repeating numbers, do they have specific meanings?

One time I was tripping on mushrooms and hiking. The first part of the hike was just hill land, very open and empty. As I entered the woods, the weather turned extremely grim, cloudy and the energy of the trip turned sour, and dark. As the hike progressed in the forrest, it started raining which only solidified the negativity. However, as the hike was nearing its end and the forrest opened back up into the clearing, the rain spontaneously cleared and the sun shined through, forming a giant double rainbow and the most beautiful sunset id ever seen. The entire trip had been a metaphor for life. Entering the dark woods is like going through extremely difficult phases of life but there is beauty on the other end. Or even life is suffering and death is merging with God. The trip can be conceptualized in multiple ways and all meanings are valid. Moreover, because I was under the influence, I used uber to go home. And the uber driver’s name was Wisdom, an Indian man who started spitting life advice the whole way home. He was the guru, the trip sitter to help guide and connect all the dots. One of the craziest trips of my life. 

Another more brutal example. When I was in high school, I got super obsessive into bodybuilding. I spent 6 years studying and applying these training and nutrition principles on myself, experimenting with what worked and what didn’t. Long story short, I got very muscular and into great shape, and was armed with a very high level of exercise and nutrition knowledge. I even double majored in Kinesiology and Nutrition in undergrad. Well as Im just learning about enlightenment and, learning non duality, I get sent to the emergency room and am diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. First of all it felt like a test to see how much I was embodying these new higher consciousness principles. Yet more amazingly, out of the myriad of possible autoimmune conditions I could have developed, I get the one I was the most well equipped to handle. All of my exercise and nutrition knowledge was now being put to the test in a whole new way as my interest in bodybuilding fell away and was replaced with pursuing consciousness and life purpose. The amount of grace, humility, and love the disease has taught and still teaches me is a difficult to communicate. Ive been able to handle it extremely well though because of my history. 

There are a couple of more personal big ones that have happened in my life, but most synchronicities are smaller and you have to really be aware to observe and register. 

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This man is so articulate. If only I had such eloquence.

 explain grammar to an alien ?

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@Consilience that first story was great, it really was like a metaphor of life.

Does it represent passing from life into death, or does it perhaps signify entering into paradise?

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@Consilience  Thanks for sharing. Funny this morning I was reading some article about how breath-work can cure some auto-immune problems, including type 2 diabetes.

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