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Integrating Non Duality Experiences

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Hellau Comrades

To those who grasped non duality, how was your integration process?
Or how is it

My ego is really dissolving, especially over the last 6 months or so.
E.g. I sit in the garden and Im just look at "It"
I see it, and it just baffles me. I have no where to go anymore, my goals have completely disappeared or at least changed dramatically. 
I lost a ton of neurotic drive, which at least, was drive. 
I have no real long term motivation, Its more that I want to experience more different things
kind of tasting the buffet, not really worrying about being wealthy and safe. 
Just studying things I´m interested in with no particular goal.
I feel like I am Spiral Dynamics Green yellow turq all at once, oscillating depending on my environment.

I feel like I am alive for the first time, yet my brain cant connect things or make order out of it anymore, 
Its like being in a vacuum so even If I start moving I ultimately stay exactly in one place. 

How did you start to "human" again and how? 



<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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His name is Matt Kahn. And he has literally saved my life from the spiritual traps.

Integration is everything. 

And boy does he give you a hell of a BEAUTIFUL experience of simply a HUMAN- BEING. In the FLESH.

Edited by TripleFly

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