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Awakening and Deconstruction Of Ego

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Living an ego-dominant life was all about knowing what others know, what the "wise" know, what science knows, and etc so that I can use it to gain something for myself - more money, more sex, a better career, big status in society and so on. Up until awakening, this was normal and this seemed as the only true way that a human being can grow. It was imprinted into the mind and anyone who challenged it was demonized.

With awakening, yes, the distance between the True Self and the illusory self occurs but the real work begins here. 

This distance allows us to objectively look at the ego and deconstruct all its conditioning.

Awakened individuals know that "We are all One" and this insight can be applied to deconstruct the conditions of the ego.

Actually, now it is time to seek help. Now, it's time to listen to enlightened masters so that we can actually listen without any egotistic barriers. This pure listening itself deconstructs the ego.

PS- The wise stay silent because the wise know that the wise know;

The wise also stay quiet because the unwise don't want to know.

Ego is unwise. Ego is illusion. Ego is ignorant.

When all illusions are cleared up, ignorance is cleared up and wisdom steps forth.


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10 hours ago, VincentArogya said:

Living an ego-dominant life was all about knowing what others know, what the "wise" know, what science knows, and etc so that I can use it to gain something for myself - more money, more sex, a better career, big status in society and so on. Up until awakening, this was normal and this seemed as the only true way that a human being can grow. It was imprinted into the mind and anyone who challenged it was demonized.

With awakening, yes, the distance between the True Self and the illusory self occurs but the real work begins here. 

This distance allows us to objectively look at the ego and deconstruct all its conditioning.

Awakened individuals know that "We are all One" and this insight can be applied to deconstruct the conditions of the ego.

Actually, now it is time to seek help. Now, it's time to listen to enlightened masters so that we can actually listen without any egotistic barriers. This pure listening itself deconstructs the ego.

PS- The wise stay silent because the wise know that the wise know;

The wise also stay quiet because the unwise don't want to know.

Ego is unwise. Ego is illusion. Ego is ignorant.

When all illusions are cleared up, ignorance is cleared up and wisdom steps forth. this ?

Have you seen this video yet... talks a lot about what was mentioned here. ❤


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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2 hours ago, VeganAwake said: this ?

Have you seen this video yet... talks a lot about what was mentioned here. ❤

Thank you for the recommendation.


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@VincentArogya your welcome ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I am my own Master and I am Source of my own Love. So what enlightened master can teach me? 

Can you really teach God? 

When God decides to finally stops being donkey.... 

As Source of all Love who can really teach me about who I am or anything else? 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

I am my own Master and I am Source of my own Love. So what enlightened master can teach me? 

Can you really teach God? 

When God decides to finally stops being donkey.... 

As Source of all Love who can really teach me about who I am or anything else? 

There is a saying in Zen, I have a modified version for you:

Before Satori: Human Being

After Satori: God

Mastering Satori: Human Being

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2 hours ago, VincentArogya said:

There is a saying in Zen, I have a modified version for you:

Before Satori: Human Being

After Satori: God

Mastering Satori: Human Being

Why not both? 

Well if I am. Still here typing this then it's obvious I am unable to give away dreaming or lets define it as material existance. Problem is I am God all the time. 

That's actually main reason why you guys are unable to actually awaken without substances. You are all afraid to die. 

No teachings or understanding will ever help with that. 

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That's why meditation won't help you because you will always pussyfoot out of it but most likely with 5 meo you have no chance for that. 

My humble opinion regarding Spirituality farse. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

That's why meditation won't help you because you will always pussyfoot out of it but most likely with 5 meo you have no chance for that. 

My humble opinion regarding Spirituality farse. 

How do you know that I had to take substance to awaken? 

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10 minutes ago, VincentArogya said:

How do you know that I had to take substance to awaken? 

This whole thing is your own dream. 

So yes spirituality is your own farse. Game you play. Including psychedelics and whatever. 

As God you transcend all of it too. 

Just my humble opinion nothing serious at all. 

(mindfucking myself but it is what it is) 

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Ofcourse Nobody likes to hear this because it stops mesmerization. Very scary stuff. 

How far you want to go. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Ofcourse Nobody likes to hear this because it stops mesmerization. Very scary stuff. 

How far you want to go. 


Well, in that regard, yes there is "time" for everything. Time for being awestruck and time for being clear cut and cold. I am not surprised.

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