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Recommended resources for mastering psychic abilities

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I've found surprisingly little info on this. My goal is to master psychic abilities to the point I have full control over them and can induce them at will.

So far what I know is you have to master meditation (specifically concentration practice), which is a foundational skill used for other skills such as psychic abilities. And I'm doing this. But once you've mastered this, how do you go about mastering specific psychic abilities, such as telepathy, remote viewing, intuition, or whatever?

Does anyone have any recommended resources? This is really esoteric and I've researched it a lot, but it's been really difficult to find legitimate, decent resources that actually show you how to do it in a pragmatic way.

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There's a lot of bullshit in the realm of spiritual abilities...I'd personally just say, focus on waking up first. And after you become infinite, immortal, and awakened to a considerable degree, you'll have your spiritual abilities. They come as a by-product of being a God

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@Aaron p I've heard it's a byproduct, but I'm not convinced. Lots of supposedly awakened people don't use psychic abilities, or at least they haven't mastered them. And there's also lots of BS as you said. I'm trying to find resources that are the real deal, people who have actually mastered it to the point they can induce it at will

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Look into Project Stargate.  A program funded by the CIA studying and cultivating psychic abilities.  The heads of this program claim to have created a method for developing ones ability to do what’s called Remote Viewing, which is essentially just being able to view and gather information about something which should be out of the reach of your perception.  I believe they studied other types of abilities, but this is the one they had the most success with.  

This program is controversial in the scientific community of course, but it should be noted that to the heads of the program itself(or any researcher who seriously looks into psychic abilities really) there is absolutely no doubt that these abilities are real.  To them, it’s not even a question. 

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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