
Vaccine with promising results found for Covid-19

7 posts in this topic

   Finally! Even if it's too early, at least this is a sign of hope. 

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Time to start Iran War once Covid-19 is over?

Or has humans awakened? 

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It’s a good sign to see the vaccine induced 4X the antibody levels as regular person infected with the Coronavirus. Yet the other question is the length of immunity. If the vaccine only offers six months immunity, it’s not very effective. Yet it could provide temporary immunity and give time to develop an more effective vaccine. 

Once concern is that they won’t be able to develop vaccine that offers long-term immunity. 

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@hyruga Trump may not be President by the time this is over, which hopefully means there’ll be less neocons in the White House. Who knows though.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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