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Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means a wheel or a disk. In the dictionary of Yoga, meditation & Ayurveda, the term refers to the wheel of energy in our body. It is like a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy or prana keeps us vibrant, healthy and active. Chakras are the essence of our being or the loci of life energy. They help to regulate all bodily processes, from organ function to the immune systems and even the emotions. If our chakras are healthy and balanced, we are healthy and stable too!


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it's the name of some kind of mysterious species  

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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4 hours ago, radhika said:

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means a wheel or a disk. In the dictionary of Yoga, meditation & Ayurveda, the term refers to the wheel of energy in our body. It is like a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy or prana keeps us vibrant, healthy and active. Chakras are the essence of our being or the loci of life energy. They help to regulate all bodily processes, from organ function to the immune systems and even the emotions. If our chakras are healthy and balanced, we are healthy and stable too!


Where did you learn this technique?

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