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Male-female equality -- how about responsibilities part?

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I think that full-fledged male-female equality is impossible. It's because with equality comes responsibility.

Namely, if men and women were 100% equal, it'd mean I'd treat women the way I do men. A woman joged me, even involunteraly? Since we're equal, it's up to me how to respond to her and I may do so with jogging her and even harder. I may kick her in the face. Why not? We're equal, and it were a man there, I might've do it, if I decided that he did it deliberately.

That's one of many possible examples of such 100% equality. You, as a female, don't like it? Well, that's 100% equality with men you all talk about.

Yet the advocates go on about equality and the "rights of women" part, but forget about possible responsibilities of women.

What do you think?

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You misunderstand what equal means. You are taking it too literally which leads to absurdities like: "That means a man should be able to talk into a woman's dressing room" or "A woman should be allowed to walk around on the sidewalk topless."

Equality means fair treatment while respecting gender differences.

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Equality means fair treatment for both genders.. 

If you wanted fair treatment for an elephant and and a cat, it does not mean that the cat should start eating grass. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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People consider fair treatment, that is by its nature different treatment

Because men and women are different 

As sexist today

Its “equal” treatment when convenient 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You misunderstand what equal means. You are taking it too literally which leads to absurdities like: "That means a man should be able to talk into a woman's dressing room" or "A woman should be allowed to walk around on the sidewalk topless." 

Well that's a bummer.

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I did take into account gender differencies: a man wouldn't be allowed to come in into a woman's dressing room, and the like.

Still  I think that fighters for 100% equality between male and female have neglected that 100% equality in rights, treatment, would mean 100% equality in responsibilities as well.

If a man commits a crime -- it's usually viewed as terrible. If woman -- not much so. With 100% equality women's crime would viewed equally terrible. Or vise versa -- men's would be viewed less terrible. Equality? Yes.

Female body is persived too be more beautiful than men's. 100% equality would have to make such a perseption equal as well; female wouldn't have any special treatment when it comes to beauty. Equality? Yes.


No matter what, one will never treat one's dog to be 100% equal to oneself. Yet, that doesn't mean that one may beat a dog. One may love a dog, but they'll never be equal.

Edited by rnd

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39 minutes ago, rnd said:


No matter what, one will never treat one's dog to be 100% equal to oneself. Yet, that doesn't mean that one may beat a dog. One may love a dog, but they'll never be equal.

In the future I guess when the progressivs win you have to take complicated courses to learn how to treat animals fair without exploitation and stockholm syndrom method to exploit them emotionally. 

Edited by Epikur

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2 hours ago, rnd said:

If a man commits a crime -- it's usually viewed as terrible. If woman -- not much so. With 100% equality women's crime would viewed equally terrible. Or vise versa -- men's would be viewed less terrible. Equality? Yes.

Crime should be treat the same regardless of gender.

I don't know what judge or jury views crime by women as not terrible.


Female body is persived too be more beautiful than men's. 100% equality would have to make such a perseption equal as well; female wouldn't have any special treatment when it comes to beauty. Equality? Yes.

You should distinguish between equality under law vs cultural norms and values. We will never has equality at the cultural level, and that's being asked for. What's being fought for is equality under law and equality in material treatment, like in the workplace.

You can treat a boy and girl differently, but with equal fairness. You don't have to dress the girl in a tuxedo to treat her fairly.

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