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Entre Preneur Ship

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This dude ?

I remember jumping on and right off of this bandwagon a while ago. I'm a terrible salesman ? 

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Well, you are probably aware of the whole Djent/Prog community with alot of youtubers and DIY stuff... There is one big downside to that. Which makes not worth doing it for me. The symptoms of these people's behaviour are as follows.

*They will offer you overpriced lessons you realized you didn't need;

*They will get triggered about everything and not hesitate to post that on social media;

*They will be pretty good on pretending to be your friend;

*They will post music memes to death;

*Their EP's will come much later as announced (my problem aswell);

*The competetive nature, even some fakes really makes you burnout and insecure;

*Alot and the majority sounds pretty much the same, and kust about every software and hardware used is the same aka whats popular;

*And constant posts about them making it, basically making money of of people that you could educate by far less, ny teaching things they could have learned on their own with just a little guidance and self dev work.

*The vibe just feels so fake and not what music feels about to me, the very exploration of it.

This marketing is so corroupting. The problem is if you succeed even (which is fine) you know there are SO MANY people wandering this rat maze without ever utilizing their immense creativity.

I feel like i don't even like most of the djent that i have heard or core genres. Its really bland.

Now after talking so much shit, i am thinking, whats the alternative.

Dayjob + learning multiple instruments, expermenting with styles and production to make something really cool and memorable.

Microtinality is a great asset and an antidote of hearing dad rock blues riffs or that one djent solo (especially in major), yuck

Jazz fusion and almost like atonal harmony of 12 tone sounds like a really good sandbox.

Obviously band with people would be like a cool ecosystem to release music with.

Guitar lessons for free from me to lets say 5 people per month or something.

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For example yt channels lkke Davie504, ok mad drespect for his playing, but its about entertainment not music. :(

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