
Zen Master Eido Roshi answers the question, 'Does God exist?'

114 posts in this topic

33 minutes ago, Consept said:

If you made eggs for breakfast, the eggs came from chickens of which their ancestry can be traced back to the beginning of time. Before time there was no material only consciousness so, material was created from consciousness which set the ball rolling for your scrambled eggs 

More than that, you are creating that whole chicken story right now.

You are imaging chickens and the whole Universe every moment. It's not something that happened some long time ago. You're doing it now, now, now, now...

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why do you even post contents of other authors here? 

This place already got its curriculum. So you have to talk the talk, dance with the groove, follow the curriculum here in oder to have it accepted/validated.

It doesn't matter who you are or what you've realized or not; but you gotta talk the talk of this place. Thats the name of the game pal xD

''Not this...

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PLEASE...Not this...''

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48 minutes ago, Consept said:

If you made eggs for breakfast, the eggs came from chickens of which their ancestry can be traced back to the beginning of time. Before time there was no material only consciousness so, material was created from consciousness which set the ball rolling for your scrambled eggs 

If time has a beginning it's not infinite 

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The idea of the world as an illusion is sometimes specifically associated with Hindu Advaita Vedanta (or nonduality) philosophy, but this interpretation of Advaita stems from a similar misunderstanding. The most influential Advaita Vedanta philosopher was Sankara, who lived during the eighth and ninth centuries CE. Sankara famously made three statements (later reframed by Ramana Maharshi and others): “The universe is unreal. Brahman is real. The universe is Brahman.” If the first two statements are taken alone and out of context — as they often are — then they suggest a duality between the world and spirit: the world is an illusion, and only spirit is real. But the third statement, which is often overlooked, completely reverses this. The third statement says that the universe is spirit, and so the universe actually is real. Sankara is not literally saying that the universe is unreal, only that it doesn’t have an independent reality. It depends on brahman for its existence; it’s pervaded with brahman, and it can’t exist without it. 

Ramana Maharshi (pictured), perhaps the greatest Indian sage of the twentieth century, held a similar view. He explained that the world is not unreal in itself. It becomes so when we perceive it purely in terms of its appearance and only see interacting separate objects rather than an underlying spirit. That world is unreal in the same way that a dream is unreal, because it’s based on delusion. But in itself, the world is inseparable from spirit. It’s a manifestation of spirit.

This is exactly what wakefulness reveals — not that the world is an illusion but that the world as we normally see it is incomplete, a partial reality. In wakefulness, the world actually becomes more real, partly in the sense that it becomes more tangibly real and alive, more vivid and powerfully there, but also in the sense that it becomes infused with spirit. In wakefulness, we realize that there’s no duality, no matter or spirit, no matter or mind. We realize that the physical world and the spiritual world are one, with no distinction. The world is gloriously infused with spirit and gloriously real. 

Nevertheless, the idea of the world as an illusion is appealing to many people, as it offers a way of circumventing problems. If you’re facing difficulties in your own life, and if the world itself is full of the suffering of your fellow human beings, then it’s comforting and convenient to tell yourself, “Oh well, it’s all just an illusion, so there’s no need to worry.” In other words, it offers a means of spiritual bypassing, that is, using spiritual beliefs as a way of escaping issues that need addressing. 

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Here's the full 26+ minute video 


5 hours ago, Yarco said:

This guy says Buddhism does not see God as the creator of heaven and earth, or humans.

I'm really confused because I thought Buddhists mostly see enlightenment and God the same way that Leo talks about. Absolute infinity/nothingness/love. Something greater than the universe that includes and interpenetrates all aspects of it.

If everything exists within God, how is God not a creator? Was everything not created just in this perfect way to maximize love?

Is this guy just wrong?

You know very little about Buddhism.   Buddhists don't talk about God or love or a creator
That is not their focus at all.   The do talk about compassion 
What Leo talks about is different, more similar to Advaita Vedanta 

Two videos on Buddhism. The first on God the second on enlightenment. After that another video Worship of God in Advaita Vedanta






Worship of God in Advaita Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda





Below like Advaita Vedanta, Swami Mukundananda approach derives from Hinduism but is not focused on nonduality is less intellectual and lighter
and is much more devotional in approach  towards God.
This  is more similar to Bhakti yoga, two more videos in this thread >>> 

If you watch all of these videos you will understand more about Buddhism and variant Yoga philosophies in regard to God, GodS and enlightenment.   If you get through them all, It will take a few hours I would like to hear your impressions 

Edited by Nak Khid

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They forgot to add the fourth quote from the Legendary Timeless Vegan Nation Station...

It doesn't F****** matter!!

Hehe hoo hoo oye oye 


"The teachings tell us that all things are empty: all things includes creation. So, not any thing has ever been created. Therefore there is no purpose in creation.

What you see is an illusion. The seer itself is an illusion, as in a dream. The dream itself is empty of reality, thus empty of meaning also. 

Where there has been no creation, not anything exists as either real or unreal. You are no more real than the dream you are in. Not anything is happening or has ever happened, in truth" -- Ajata Project Robert Wolfe

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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"Creation" ?
  it's a remnant of the Judeo-Christian upbringing 

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13 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

"Creation" ?
  it's a remnant of the Judeo-Christian upbringing 

You have a tendency to get hung up on the particular meaning of words lol. What is creating that? xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Buddhism is weaksauce.

Take DMT.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Buddhism is weaksauce.

Take DMT.

You don’t actually know Buddhism. You’d need to live and breath monastic life for a solid amount of time to understand it. All anyone on this forum has of buddhism is more accurately an interpretation of what thousands and thousands of hours of meditation does to the mind or one’s understanding of reality. 

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36 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

They forgot to add the fourth quote from the Legendary Timeless Vegan Nation Station...

It doesn't F****** matter!!


LMAO ????

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Buddhism is weaksauce.

Take DMT.

It would really do you good if you sat down, watched your own videos and took some advice 

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45 minutes ago, Consilience said:

You don’t actually know Buddhism.

I know Buddhists. And their understanding of reality is shit.

Buddhists with 40 years professional experience are still in the dark.

And ain't nobody got time to be a monk. I'm talking about solutions for real people.

Show me one Buddhist who can clearly explain what God or Love is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

More than that, you are creating that whole chicken story right now.

You are imaging chickens and the whole Universe every moment. It's not something that happened some long time ago. You're doing it now, now, now, now...

So you are saying I am still dreaming. Like I will dream forever? 

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Being a zen monk is a dream being ? is a dream. OMG

I am so shocked. ?

So ? stop being so dishonest. ?

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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7 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

So you are saying I am still dreaming. Like I will dream forever? 

As long as there is form, you are dreaming it up.

Where else would it come from but your imagination?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I know Buddhists. And their understanding of reality is shit.

Buddhists with 40 years professional experience are still in the dark.

And ain't nobody got time to be a monk. I'm talking about solutions for real people.

Show me one Buddhist who can clearly explain what God or Love is.

Yes, Psyched Substance and Joe Rogan have far exceeded their wisdom  

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There is a story that some people came to buddha and asked him if god exists and he said NO. And next day other people came to him and asked him the same question and he said YES!. 

Buddhism is not a religion. It doesn't teach dogma or belief whether it's about God or anything else.  It's more of a way of life to end suffering and experiencing inner peace via detachment and seeing through the Flux of existence. That also includes the "concept of God" not the actual God.  You see the concept of God is as illusory (fleeting) as any other concept... So it doesn't help to attach to it.. A Buddhist might see this conversation and he will say that it doesn't matter what you think or not think about God.. These are all ideas.. The actual God which is not "God"(the tao that can be named is not the eternal tao) is found in silence. 

Edited by Someone here

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