
A little stuck with my Do Nothing meditation

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Hey! For all it matters I am more of an empath, I am looking for some advice regarding meditation and the shenanigans an ego does.

I am using the Do Nothing meditation, for several hours each day. I kind of feel stagnant with it now. And I am seeking something to compliment it with. 

See the issue is that when joy arises, when equanimity arises, when my innocence, the truth in my heart, is beginning to emerge: Instead of not doing anything and just going with it, I automatically shut it down. I believe that I am not worthy of these states or that they're not real. I ACTUALLY feel better when I allow myself to experience these states, when I let them take me... I HATE to say it, but I think Do Nothing is not so much for my ego. Let me clarify, I am not looking for bliss or enlightenment!!(Of course I am) but should I really be sabotaging myself? obviously not, which is what this is all about. Anyway I am not into explaining myself, if you don't get it that's fine...

I don't want to drop Do Nothing entirely, it helps me develop, recognize, spaciousness, and I am very grateful for that. But now there are these dark, sometimes painful, emotions inside me.  

So uh... Anyone here more experienced and can direct me to something complimentary to Do Nothing?


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I am just another student so you should take my view with a grain of salt, but I think you could benefit from metta / lovingkindness meditation.

It might be easier to feel joy and love without your conditioned mind rejecting it if you feel you are growing your love for all beings instead of just blissing out and having fun by yourself.

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These are common states that occur when a highly active individual sits down to just observe or do nothing. Since the mind is being conditioned to always find an escape route out of boredom, it does the same when it recognizes that you are doing nothing. However, it should also be understood that the mind can be conditioned again to work for you instead of against you. 

Actually the mind isn't doing anything bad, it is just doing what it has been programmed to do and the good thing is that you can reprogram it again. The reprogramming happens automatically. So, just probe through the discomfort.

Beyond discomfort, there is comfort. The mind needs to see it. You need to help yourself to see it.

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Notice that in your efforts to not control yourself, you will helplessly and inevitably end up controlling yourself. Become aware of that fact. There is a tendency to repress your feelings with certain techniques of meditation, and then questions tend to arise like "should I be making an effort or should I remain effortless?". Rupert Spira once said: "If you feel like making an effort, then make an effort. If you feel like not making an effort, then do that." Whatever you do, you're still yourself.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 13/07/2020 at 5:43 PM, TripleFly said:

Hey! For all it matters I am more of an empath, I am looking for some advice regarding meditation and the shenanigans an ego does.

I am using the Do Nothing meditation, for several hours each day. I kind of feel stagnant with it now. And I am seeking something to compliment it with. 

See the issue is that when joy arises, when equanimity arises, when my innocence, the truth in my heart, is beginning to emerge: Instead of not doing anything and just going with it, I automatically shut it down. I believe that I am not worthy of these states or that they're not real. I ACTUALLY feel better when I allow myself to experience these states, when I let them take me... I HATE to say it, but I think Do Nothing is not so much for my ego. Let me clarify, I am not looking for bliss or enlightenment!!(Of course I am) but should I really be sabotaging myself? obviously not, which is what this is all about. Anyway I am not into explaining myself, if you don't get it that's fine...

I don't want to drop Do Nothing entirely, it helps me develop, recognize, spaciousness, and I am very grateful for that. But now there are these dark, sometimes painful, emotions inside me.  

So uh... Anyone here more experienced and can direct me to something complimentary to Do Nothing?


Ultimately you know best.

Spirituality is about counter-intuitive moves and doing things that go against everything you believe, think is right or true or logical. Its about changing your perspective rather than your environment.

Here's an example:

"I am using the Do Nothing meditation, for several hours each day. I kind of feel stagnant with it now."

Challenge yourself to accept, embrace and enjoy the feeling of stagnation, rather than running away, avoiding or escaping it. 

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