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What Brought You To Self-actualization?

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Basically, what motivated you to meditate and seek awareness? What's your story?

For me, it was my depression and lack of emotional self control. On the surface, I have everything going for me. But inside, I always felt empty, and those feelings would lead to nagging suicidal thoughts. My logical brain that I should be happy, and my true emotional state weren't aligned. It got to the point where I was going to have a serious breakdown if I didn't do something about it, so I sought a solution. I remember reading a strange factoid: that in Buddhist Monks's brains, they have the greatest potential for happiness. I thought that was interesting, considering the perception is that they basically meditate all day and do very little else. I also remember watching a video of a Buddhist Monk that sat down and set himself on fire. The monk didn't even budge, and sat there calmly as he went endured what could only be the most excruciating pain. It hit me: the monks are on to something. I desired to have that kind of emotional control.

I youtube'd how to meditate, saw Leo's video, and have been following ever since. I've been practicing mindfulness and self-awareness for a month now, and my depression and suicidal thoughts have disappeared. They creep up once in a while, but I quickly observe and then let them go. Distancing myself from society and human nature has brought me more peace than I ever thought imaginable.

And yes, I realize that "we" don't exist and are just an illusion, but for the purposes of this topic, let's keep it simple.

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Nice to hear of your growth you have done well friend and it sounds like you left a dark nasty place. Good Job !

My issues revolve around  a current rut of lazy thinking and  slothfulness in my actions or lack there of.  Had a rude awakening that I have welcomed and decided to improve on , have been improving on.

Currently reading articles and watching YouTube videos to get my brain in gear ,  enjoying it immensely.  Leo's video's grabbed my attention do to his straight forward no nonsense approach , Love it.
In short life has found meaning again and I'm only on week 1  of  10 to 12  hours of self work a day.

First time meditating as well it has made me much more aware of my thoughts in this short time , priceless.

Hats off to Leo for his intelligent videos / approach



Edited by Beam

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