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Reality is Perspective issues

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I really like Leo's new video, it was an amazing vision for how my life, more specifically my relationships could be and I realize the importance of the approach of seeking to understand the other person's perspective. The problem I'm having with it is that if I get triggered by someone, invalidated by them it is very hard for me to try and see their perspective and empathize with them without abandoning the sensations in my body at the time. It seems like I can either stay present with the triggered sensations inside of me until they pass and then consider the other persons perspective after they've died down or stuff down (resist) the anger and hurt that I feel when I am invalidated by another person , go into my mind instead and force myself to try and see their perspective. 


I really don't want to abandon myself in these moments because I feel being present with the sensations in my body when I am triggered grows me a lot but I also want to get better at realizing and understanding other people's perspectives and loving them for it. 


Anyone have any thoughts on this? Or struggle with this?  I don't know if I misunderstood you or something Leo

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