
Visualizating consistently

7 posts in this topic


So, I've found visualization very powerful. But I have a problem with the consistensy.

Sometimes I can do really powerful visualization, sometimes it falls flat and I just cant visualize. This is especially a problem when I need to do a visualization multiple times in a row. Like when Im angry, and I want to integrate whatever Im angry about to myself with self-love, and so stabilize my thinking mind. Sometimes it takes multiple 2-3 second visualizations to achieve stillness of the mind, which is a problem if my consciousness decides to not play along.

Is there a way to achieve a state where I could visualize consistently whenever I am where ever I am?


Edited by Hansu

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   Addressing the consistency, first, make the intention to do the visualization work daily, and pick a time, either morning or before bed. Intentionally set that schedule for yourself. If you can, in a quiet place by yourself.

   Your next problem is not enough information from your experiences with visualization to review. When were the times you experienced more powerful visualizations and where were you? When were the worst times you've had visualizing, and where? Each visualization can last for 5-10+ minutes, Leo has covered how to visualize, and I have a journal on this website that is about visualization work.

   About stabilizing your mind, do concentration exercises and meditation after. Leo has covered how to concentrate and meditate, so check them out. And sorry to say, your mind is a monkey, it can and will play along or throw tantrums, and you must discipline it with focus. I'll emphasize training your concentration and gradually increase by 1 min only if I can sustain focus more than a minute. If it starts acting up, disciplines it, and re-focus. Every time. In fact, do 1 minute of concentration before you do visualization work.

   The above advice is general. If you want more specific advice, please reply clearly explain your problem, as specific as you can. We can only help as much as you are willing to help. Show us your Yu-Gi-Oh deck fully, and we'll help you design the best killer deck ever.

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Here are some lessons to build your visualising muscles :





This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Im not actually doing future projection visualization, Im only doing self-acceptance visualization at the moment (Lasts for 2-3 seconds, I do it every time I feel "negative" emotion during the day. Amazing tool)

But what happens sometimes is that Im trying to visualize, and the image just wont come. Or the overall image comes, but I fail to animate the visualization. For me, the technique requires both visual quality and animation of the visualization to be good.

Concentration practice is definitely a good idea. I also found your journal, and I must say the format is nice! Im definitely going to try the excercises and see how my visualization changes


Thanks, gonna check it out when I get better internet connection


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Try using a token. Take something small that can fit in your pocket, and use it to represent something like "self acceptance" or "remove negativity" and just know that whenever you visualise this object, it will perform that function for you. Should be something simple but interesting enough that you can easily picture. 

You may want to do a ritual to get this all set up, but I think that's preference only. Emotion plays a big part in linking your token to the desired function. 

Carry the token around with you so that in any moment you can use it as a refresher for your visual memory. Then close your eyes and visualise it as needed. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Sounds interesting. Like a token that represents a bridge between me, the universe and a source of infinite love. So when I imagine this token, whatever emotion Im feeling is connected to the universe, me and infinite love.

I will do this and report here how it works. :)

Edited by Hansu

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@Hansu Yeah you can maybe think of it as a channel or tuner. I'd definitely would be interested in your results

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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