
Why Is Reality Full Of Paradoxes?

13 posts in this topic

A question that has come to my mind. It seems in every truth there is falsehood and in every falsehood there is also some truth. It's bizarre, I've yet to discover a single absolute truth. The nature of human existence and limited perception, or my own perception? or perhaps my seeking hasn't gone far enough and I need to work to evolve my consciousness. I'm interested in the insight of other seekers so please feel free to leave comments.

Edited by Iksander

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Inevitable. It's by design. It's actually not "paradoxes" until we start defining it and breaking it down.


All definitions exist with their opposite.

You call a certain movement "up", you create the opposite, "down"

And so on.


Paradoxes because it all loops in on itself...


Love Is The Answer

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It’s simply because reality is infinite(which is also paradox) and the infinite can never, I repeat, NEVER be incapsulated using any symbol or concept, because symbols and concepts by their very nature are finite. 

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Yeah it Is a paradox.  Have you noticed that everything happened in one moment but this moment lasts forever? 

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It is bizarre and it is the last thing the seeker wants. It wants a conclusion, a breakthrough into something feasible that it can know. That breakthrough is a dream, it is falls hope, suffering. Infinite free fall, you grab onto things, but you slowly begin to understand that nothing can be held on to. Gradually the safe solid/known reality dissolves in front of you, it will feel like you are going absolutely crazy, spiritual teachers will lose all of their authority, everyone will lose all of their authority, you will be TOTALLY alone I mean T.O.T.A.L.L.Y alone because it is absolutely hopeless and unreal, you will instinctively know that everyone you gave authority are as clueless as you are to what this is, nothing will help you, NOTHING, because it is all a dream, a prison, you're holding on to the bars with dear life. Not real, and real. If you get a glimpse of the void, you're practically already dead. You can't unsee it. 

All that is of course total bullshit, a story. Welcome to the world of no-thing! Here there is only unknowing and nothing is real, bye bye safe world, hello no-thing world full of existential action like the terrifyingly exciting fan favourite: Fear of non existence!! Or try out one of our new Rollercoasters called: "You're all alone" and "your whole life is a lie!" That sure is a kicking ride yoo! 

I'm on day 2 of nicotine withdrawal so if this sounds depressing, tell yourself that it's because someone over here is depriving themselves of quick fixes of dopamine every 2 minutes, trust me life is miserable without it, but also with it, and my lungs need recovering so I have to do this. 

Edited by traveler

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Paradox only arises when you try to grasp Oneness using a dualistic mind.

The problem is, you keep trying to put reality into relative boxes when it is absolutely unboxed.

It is the same problem as when you try to map the Earth onto a flat square. The result is always distorted and full of seams which don't exist on the Earth itself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Iksander said:

A question that has come to my mind. It seems in every truth there is falsehood and in every falsehood there is also some truth. It's bizarre, I've yet to discover a single absolute truth. The nature of human existence and limited perception, or my own perception? or perhaps my seeking hasn't gone far enough and I need to work to evolve my consciousness. I'm interested in the insight of other seekers so please feel free to leave comments.


3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Paradox only arises when you try to grasp Oneness using a dualistic mind.

The problem is, you keep trying to put reality into relative boxes when it is absolutely unboxed.

Yep! Your mind is the thing that creates paradoxes. Reality/existence has no issues with itself :)) 

Edited by LovingYou

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Paradox only arises when you try to grasp Oneness using a dualistic mind.

The problem is, you keep trying to put reality into relative boxes when it is absolutely unboxed.

Exactly. I talk in my paper "On the Phenemenon of Unification" about how the unformal realm is full of contradictions, and the dynamics of those contradictions is what generates the formal realm, qualia. But using forms to capture the unformal contradictions that generated them, is then impossible.

Edited by Cosmin_Visan

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Because reality is infinite but our mind is finite so it likes to see things in finite and limited ways.

When this limited way of looking at the world is challenged the finite mind cannot fully comprehend it because it can only comprehend limitations and differences. 


Describe a thought.

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You are reality, that's why reality appears full of paradoxes. The moment you try to understand reality, you are like a person looking for the back of your head. A finger can't touch itself, an eye can't see itself, logic can't explain itself. The moment your limited temporal self gets the information about what it is, this information transforms the limited self by adding knowledge to it so the very same moment it becomes just an old picture of your actual self.

Ask the question whether there is something that contains itself completely, and if so, how could there be made a distinction between the container and the contained?

You are a fractal, a recursive process. Like Mandelbrot:

z[n + 1] = z[n]^2 + c

Let's start with c = 1 and z[n] = 0
after one iteration of the formula you get z[n + 1] = 0^2 + 1 = 1
second iteration z[n + 1] = 1^2 + 1 = 2
third iteration z[n + 1] = 2^2 + 1 = 5
4th iteration z[n + 1] = 5^2 + 1 = 26
.... (-> infinity)

See, the moment z[n + 1] is calculated, manifested as a tangible number, it doesn't fully represent the true nature of z[n + 1] anymore, which is infinite. The moment you believe you understood reality, you only saw an image/a perspective of it, but the eternal movie goes on. That's why we say the finite mind will never fully understand reality, and why beeing is prior to knowledge. The truth is, you are nondual, both sides of the equation. The left side z[n + 1] is beeing (absolute, always the same), the right side z[n]^2 + c is the process (everchanging) of understanding/experiencing yourself as a limited form (number), which can go on infinitely and still not know itself completely. Beeing busy with calculating/understanding reality (z[n]^2 + c), you typically oversee your own eternal beeing (z[n + 1]) completely.
Same principle within quantum physics: You are no seperate observer, the moment you measure, you change the outcome.

The only absolute truth you'll ever find is about your own existence, but it is so obvious that your mind (which is programmed to go on calculating) will never recognize it as what it is. It searches for tangible numbers it can contain, not for something infinite it could never contain.

Seek the truth beyond/before/without the mind, then the formula reveals itself in its full beeingness. Truth is what there is (it is you), so just be, realize you can't understand the truth completely because you are the truth. The moment a process like understanding happens, it represents the finite side of the equation which will never be able to contain infinite truth.

A good picture is the snake that bites its own tail. It is constantly eating its back and by doing so it is growing its front. Can go forever like this (eating=forgetting, growing=understanding). But IT IS! No matter how much it eats/grows, it will always be (the same).

The paradoxes disappear/resolve at the level of beeing, no question (a process) is rising, so no answer is needed. Everything just is what it is, eternallly, absolute, the same forever. For the mind, trying to contain/understand itself, the game of paradoxes, the tailchasing just begun.

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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Thank You everyone for your insight. So, must I let go of trying to understand. I am trying to quantify something that can't be quantified

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