Would you update your username to your real name?

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So the other day my profile was discovered at work. I freaked out since i said some insensitive things on here. Nothing too controversial but i am a lot more bold with my conservative POV on here. I work in a very liberal work setting...

Going forward, I want to be more honest with how i communicate on here and really what I say. I think that the anonymous aspect of having a username, especially one like k vil, helps me say true yet "less developed" statements. On one hand, they are honest- they are how i actually think at the time I post them. On the other hand, I would not say them in public.

I ended up hiding a lot of content and I apologize for those who have posted helpful feedback in my previous threads. I believe that I'm taking away from the community each time I hide a thread. What if what Leo said in my thread could help someone else? What about others? 

I'll probably be posting less too since with this level of transparency, it can make it less fun for my ego. 


But just wanted others to think about- if your full name was here, would you write that down?

Edited by K VIL

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@K VIL It's just my perspective, but what you've shared sounds like it's coming from someone who has grown and integrated on some issues. You're willingness to be upfront about some of this is admirable as well as your consideration of others feelings. You should feel good about that! So,,, congratulations!

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@Zigzag Idiot Thanks for seeing that Zigzag. I have posted some idiotic things. I realize now that forum words have impact too. 


I used to think of it like a youtube comment. now I see that users are more personal on here. 

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@wwhy yeah it will always be on the internet lmao I would have deleted my profile but it's hard to do.

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Its good you can keep a sense of humor about it, tough situation.

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I wouldn't. I know there are friends of mine who searched for my name on the internet before. Some people do that. I posted quite a few personal posts in the past. It's really helpful to just have an anonymous username. After all, most of us come here to ask for help in personal problems. But thanks for the idea of thinking like my real name was my user, it really shifts the perspective of what I should and shouldn't post.

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I would update it but it has no use in my situation.My user name means literally ''hot dog'' in my language so that's a little hint. For example Leo is not going with some username like ''xxCrazyboyxx''. There are many reasons for our choice but most of them are fear based.  I think ''less developed'' statements are the key for human relationship. Otherwise we pretend to have communication. Just a repeating process? You already know the direction, the person you talk, and the subject etc...  This is dead for me. I think this is ignoring the Nature. Which always gets in our way and says '' Excuse me gentlemens but...''

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I would update my real name to my username. :) 

I picked my username, while others picked my real name. :( 

But in the end, the name doesn't matter much.

You need to be consistent with your views so you don't develop a multiple personality disorder. LOL 

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46 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

You need to be consistent with your views so you don't develop a multiple personality disorder. LOL 

The timing of Leo's video couldn't have been better.


I realize that i can go elsewhere (pick a more fit work culture for my perspective) or I can stay where I'm at and learn from those around me. I don't suddenly have their views but I can acknowledge where my own can improve and reflect it better on the forum.



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As regards politics, I think it's important to have space where we can explore different perspectives whereas at work it's important to have a "polished" presentation of one's perspective. So I see no contradiction in being relatively anonymous on the Internet (as long as one isn't a racist troll, of course). As regards personal stuff, I draw a pretty sharp boundary between work and my private life -- I don't feel obligated, for instance, to come out as gay at work if I don't feel comfortable with the situation.

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Yeah, this is my name. But I do feel a bit vulnerable when I share some deeper thoughts here and definitely wouldn't use the full name.

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As an INFP nothing feels better than being my authentic self (first name and picture). I'm very much inspired by Leo's openness. I also dream about coaching people who are working with psychedelics and am working up the courage to tell family and others what I'm up to. And to make it an official niche for my business. Funny thing is an old friend just contacted me after seeing my posts, sharing he/she is also into psychedelics now, that would never have happened if I was anonymous. :x

I'm also glad I didn't put my last name, it makes it a bit harder to find. It is more likely that someone who finds my posts are already into psychedelics or at least open-minded about it.

Yes, it does affect what I post. Still I find it very rewarding and satisfying to be truthful and authentic. It's challenging myself to be more honest and genuine. I'm careful especially when it comes to other people close to me, who could be identified. I would ask their permission first.

I do envision a future when psychedelics are legalized and we can be much more open with less fear about social or legal conscequences. At the same time, I feel like some people ought to start opening up this subject, before these things are accepted and legal, to make it so. I feel called to this and am open to face the potential negative consequences. I imagine there could be stigmatization, some people leaving me and possibly persecution. But on the upside, imagine all the magic in the world if more people discovered psychedelics - WOW. I just can't deny that vision. :D

With all this said, if someone wants to be anonymous that's completely understandable and I still very much appreciate all the contributions being made here. :x Seems like this forum would never have happened if users couldn't be anonymous.

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@Marten Sounding free and genuine :)

If i could go back, id prob register with first name only too. Maybe one day id be free enough to use full identification lol

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@K VIL How can I bitch about my family and friends without anonymity? 

Also dude, you're probably fine about this Conservative thing. You spend all your time talking in this forum which is clearly biased towards liberals and the left. If I was the sort of person to judge someone I knew in that way, I would consider that. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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If you're fully aligned with who you are and what you stand for, then using your name and photograph, shouldn't be an issue. 


The internet can be used against you in future. And if that makes you worry about posting certain things here, then I would say that's just getting in the way of proper investigation and expression.

There's nothing to lose by being anonymous, this isn't a social club. If you want to be truly anonymous then make sure that you don't give personal information away ever (name, email, phone number). Especially make sure that your avatar image is not searchable on Google or Tin Eye.

But man @K VIL just set up a new account and make a clean break - be anonymous again.

57% paranoid

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I am consistent about how I speak here and IRL (I always had this thing for some reason about being consistent in my words). Anyway, I wouldn't change my nickname to my real name. I like to answer people directly to them so if they want to know something about me just ask.

In your situation I would just create a new account. Here hundreds of posts mean nothing ( in a good sensexD) or at least I wish.

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I put my real name not knowing that I would't be able to change it, been embracing it since. I also say many personal things here, and i'm okay with it. I won't hide what's true for me. 

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