Billy Shears

Do you guys still drink alcohol?

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Alcohol numbs the mind, relaxes the mind's filters, even quietens the activity of mental programs to an extent that allows the body to operate more on primordial feeling and less on acquired mental judgments. In regards to spiritual development, alcohol helps some and sets back others, depending on circumstances. 

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@VeganAwake hehhe yeah! The chain of events that led to your birth could be a few sips of wine ;) love that video too

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It can change people easy to fuck up everything fast.

No more drinking alcohol and drug addictions nowadays, after 30 years, gave me good times sometimes and much more often a lot of painful suffering, i started using from early childhood ended up in heavily drug abuse.

Now +2 years sober, everything in life starts be much more effortless and a lot less drama.


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10 hours ago, dimitri said:

If you enjoy to drink alcohol and do it for a celebration of life - why not? 

Compare drinking glass of wine with beautiful woman at night and drinking bottle of vodka due to life desperation. It's two completely different stories. Doesn't matter what you do, what is important how do you feel about it. Is it due to lacking of something or due to abundance? It all comes down to "need VS want". 

Personally, I don't drink alcohol for 3 years. If I want to have 'state change' fun I can microdose acid for example ?


Said just like good old Francis Lucillle, I wish he never closed access to his old blog. 

@Meta-Man do you have any access to it, there was so many golden responses on it, including the perfect response for this thread!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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First of all. I find that taking b-vitamins (nutritional yeast) and wheatgrass supplements greatly helps with hangover. I also do it for mushroom and LSD trips (before and after) to the point of having no head aches or tiredness etc the day after.

I forced myself to stay away from alcohol for years as a meditator (including university). Then as I was becoming more relaxed about precepts and opening my heart, I heard Eckart Tolle drinks 1-2 glasses of wine occasionally (and coffee). He said - paraphrasing - if my consciousness can't handle a glass of red wine, then what is it worth? LOL. :D

I went through a period of trying out all kinds of drinks and having a lot of fun with it. For a while it became a crutch as I went through a very trying time, I gained A LOT of weight. I think partly from drinking, but mainly from stress (I'm an adrenal body type, so stress really gets to me). The main draw back I found was that alcohol gave me a feeling of *everything is great* except that's not how I really felt about it at the time. It might have prolonged my sorting myself out. But on the flipside it was also a relief. I don't know how I'd gotten through that time without it.

After that I have been naturally drinking less and less, losing the desire. I lost the weight I gained. Since I started with psychedelics I've only had a drink when offered at a social occasion. Lately I have turned down drinks completely. It doesn't attract me now. I am tripping regularly so am more focused on that.

I have also read trip reports of people taking LSD and drinking alcohol at the same time only to find themselves at their ordinary state - not high/ not drunk. Fail, LOL. :P


Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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I enjoy a good bevvy. Imagine the modern world with no pubs. How many great new friends and social interactions have most people made via a few bevvies in the pub. And needless to say how many new lives have been created because of a few too many?. So long as you don’t take drinking alcohol to the extremes and moderate how much you have on a regular basis I see no harm in it what so ever. I’m not convinced of its spiritual benefits mind, but then again it is an altered state of consciousness, although an ego enhancer rather than an ego dissolver. Then again, I every now and then enjoy just taking a wander around a few pubs on my own during an afternoon and just observing the behaviours of the public and seeing how people go abouts their lives whilst having meself a few pints. Can gain some interesting insights whilst just taking in the world as it plods along in front of you. Not that alcohol is at all needed to do that, but is just something I’ll do from time to time. But In general I think alcohol is much more of a social aspect of life and won’t do much at all, if anything in ones pursuit of realising God. But then again there may be people who can suggest otherwise ??‍♂️

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Nope. Haven't had a drink since March. I'm planning on keeping that way.

I realized I don't need to drink to have fun in social settings. For years, I thought I needed to drink just because all of my peers drank. They're drinking and having fun, so it should be the same for me. That's what I thought. Though I did have a few nice memories of drunken parties that were great, but I realized it's just not worth it for me. I also didn't like that my awareness became cloudy and the alchohol made me tired lots of time. Not to mention the hangover.

Although there's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation. I'm not demonizing drinking, so if you enjoy it from time to time, go for it.

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Thanks for all the answers, I read them all. To be honest, I posted that when I myself was (unfortunately again) really drunk. I can't handle my consumption and I guess my drunk ego just wanted to hear some recognition that it's doing nothing wrong. Whenever I wake up the next morning, I tell myself that I should avoid drinking alcohol completely. It's just sad that I'm doing the same mistake over and over again. Just having a bad day triggers that action. 

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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Alcohol triggers really bad anxiety for me. Also, it's bad since it depletes your body of many vitamins. Moderate consumption from time to time is ok imo. As for the spiritual benefits, it makes me feel music much much better and I'm deeper than when sober but it shouldn't be considered a tool for spiritual evolution. In fact, it can become truly nasty once you're dependent ?

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1 hour ago, Billy Shears said:

Thanks for all the answers, I read them all. To be honest, I posted that when I myself was (unfortunately again) really drunk. I can't handle my consumption and I guess my drunk ego just wanted to hear some recognition that it's doing nothing wrong. Whenever I wake up the next morning, I tell myself that I should avoid drinking alcohol completely. It's just sad that I'm doing the same mistake over and over again. Just having a bad day triggers that action. 

To write questions here being drunk, instead of post the opposite on facebook, are progress and defintly not a mistake.  :x

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Don't demonize alcohol or other drugs diferrent that psychodelic. Each person can be affected differently and can make different use of them.


The closest thing to spiritual experiences I had in my life before taking psychedelics was drinking alcohol. Much more empathy and "brotherhood" with the people around me. More humility and peace.


I still enjoy getting drunk when I party occasionally, I think it is an excellent drug. I dont´think is morally bad. I am aware that there are people who do them wrong, causing them to return to their ego and damaging their spiritual progress (Ken Wilber in his diairos for example). It's not my case.



Stanislav Gorf stated somewhere that often the closest regular people got "spiritual experiences" was drinking alcohol.

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2 hours ago, Billy Shears said:

Thanks for all the answers, I read them all. To be honest, I posted that when I myself was (unfortunately again) really drunk. I can't handle my consumption and I guess my drunk ego just wanted to hear some recognition that it's doing nothing wrong. Whenever I wake up the next morning, I tell myself that I should avoid drinking alcohol completely. It's just sad that I'm doing the same mistake over and over again. Just having a bad day triggers that action. 

Hey bro, your case is unique and sounds like you’re drinking from a place of lack, instead of a place of celebration and fun. 

Have you considered other means to cope with your emotions and what not when you feel down?

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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5 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

Said just like good old Francis Lucillle, I wish he never closed access to his old blog. 


2 hours ago, Billy Shears said:

Thanks for all the answers, I read them all. To be honest, I posted that when I myself was (unfortunately again) really drunk. I can't handle my consumption and I guess my drunk ego just wanted to hear some recognition that it's doing nothing wrong. Whenever I wake up the next morning, I tell myself that I should avoid drinking alcohol completely. It's just sad that I'm doing the same mistake over and over again. Just having a bad day triggers that action. 

Whenever you wake up in the next morning try to be easy on yourself. It's all good now.
Do not focus on what you don't want - "I should avoid drinking alcohol completely." Focus on what you want - what do you enjoy?
I love making cappuccino semi-manually.

If you want to stop drinking try to forget this subject. Tell a story you want to experience in your life. Focus on what you want.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@dimitri So true!!! 

Like if I say don’t think about pink elephants, what are you going to think about? 

@Billy Shears Id recommend looking deep inside yourself into the positives alcohol is giving you, or the perceived positives & why are you drinking so frequently? 

This way you can get what alcohol is giving you from much healthier sources and start a habit replacement journey, so if it’s feeling good, you can start eating healthier and exercising to feel good naturally, and if it’s confidence you can learn social skills and develop your social circle and relationships so you develop natural confidence etc!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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It's just not really a enjoyable drug for me so I just don't generally drink. I like wine just because of the taste.

When I really want to drink, I take n-acetylcysteine and it removes the negative effects for the most part. It also helps with compulsive redosing.

If you want to reduce or even stop, it would be cool if you gave a look on NAC. There's a couple of studies and reports on reddit that it helps with addictions of many kinds. If you are interested I would invite you to research for yourself as I don't really want to convince you to use it.

Good luck!

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@Billy Shears I used to drink to get in touch with a way of being that I wanted to achieve. But I always had this in mind: "I want to become this loose and relaxed even when sober".

I did it. It wasn't easy and required a lot of inner work. And now drinking would have no purpose other than ruining my liver.

unborn Truth

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   It could have spiritual benefits, but in terms of exploring your demonic vibrations from within. Consuming alcohol literal is turning you into a demon, so if you want work in that direction, alcohol and similar drugs could help with that. I rarely consume alcohol, because I'm done working that way, it became too painful.

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I do my best to avoid garbage substances, alcohol included

Edited by Hello from Russia

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I'm Irish, we drink all the time haha. Although I don't drink a mad amount

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After enough inner work you’ll get to a point where your sober state produces more pleasure than alcohol, and even a buzz detracts from this pleasure more than it gives. 

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