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Lucid Dreaming = God Mode / Awakening?

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I experience lucid dreaming almost every week. It's come to the point where basically when I dream I can create any dream character I want, I can imagine anything and receive it, I basically become God and physical laws cease to exist. 

I know that when I am not in this "dream-world" (asleep) that I am limited physically. But an interesting thought I had was that lucid dreaming is basically like awakening. I know that I am dreaming and I am not connected to the body in my dream, instead I become the dream itself and I can manifest anything I want and do whatever I want. Since I know I am just dreaming, there is no fear or anything. Only problem is I get a little bit too excited and become close to waking up, therefore have to use the "spinning around"-technique to keep myself inside the dream. 

I was wondering, have anyone else reached this level of lucid dreaming? I don't know why it's so easy for me to experience lucid dreaming, I know some people who have never experienced it. I have also experienced astral projection several times, but that can be quite scary at times since it's basically like having an intense psychedelic trip and you can face a lot of your inner demons. I once left my body and started walking around my room like a child having trouble with my balance, and I saw that there was an army of people outside of my house waiting for me, screaming my name. Freaky stuff.

Anyways, there is a lot to explore in these dream-states. I guess now it's time for me to wake up and realise this is also a dream ;)

Edited by QandC

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I imagine that the afterlife will be similar to lucid dreaming. 

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@Artsu I can't decide if that's heaven or pure hell

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This was actually a great explanation about dreams

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