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Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism and the humanitarian, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example, philanthropy and the philanthropist, charity, self-sacrifice, selflessness, destiny, life purpose and soul mission, generosity, a a higher perspective, romance, inner-strength, public relations, responsibility, intuition, strength of character. 

The number 9 also resonates with learning to say ‘No’, creative abilities, sensitivity, loyalty, generalist, discretion, brilliance, problem-solving, inner-wisdom, self-love, freedom, popularity, high ideals, tolerance, humility, altruism and benevolence, empathy, non-conformity, artistic genius, an expansive viewpoint, eccentricity, communication, influence, perfection, magnetism, understanding, forgiveness, compassion and sympathy, the visionary, duty and calling, obligation, mysticism, optimism and Divine wisdom.

The qualities of the number 9 are those of leadership, the ability to see clearly, integration, the three worlds – physical, intellectual, spirituality, last symbol before return to unity, ability to understand, inborn talents, compulsions, introspection, personal integrity, unity, truth, the Seer, artistry, high moral sense, good advisor.perfection, concord, dissolves ego attachments, challenges faced in looking for your own wisdom."

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Number 3 Meaning in Numerology

Learning about the single digit three

By Numerology.com Staff

The number 3 is one of nine very important symbols in Numerology: the single-digit numbers. Each of the numbers 1-9 in Numerology has a different meaning -- like its own personality that sets it apart from the others. By understanding the unique personality traits of these numbers, we can better understand their influence and their guiding messages. Whether they show up in a Numerology reading or seem to appear over and over in our lives, it's a sign that there's opportunity waiting for us. When it comes to the optimistic number 3, communication, connection, and unbridled creativity are the opportunities in store.

What is the definition of 3 in Numerology?

The 3 has a tendency to thrive in an upbeat and engaging atmosphere. Its energy is youthful and positive and it has an incredible zest for life. It dances from one enjoyable experience to the next, eager to interact with others along the way. The prized skill of the number 3 is communication and it uses this talent to build a wide and interesting circle of friends, lovers, and kindred spirits.

The 3 is highly original and embraces unique thinking and creative expression. This number's artistic, curious nature allows it to convey abstract ideas and find solutions others may miss. A child at heart, the number 3 never misses a chance to have fun, engage with others, and express all the love and joy it embodies.

Find out if the number 3 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Strengths of the number 3

Communicative: The 3 is a communicator through and through and shines in all forms of expression. It is bursting with thoughts, ideas, dreams, and musings and must let them out to the world. The number 3 is the "ideas person," and by sharing these notions it attracts supportive energies that can turn its ideas into real plans.

Artistic: Color, music, creation ... anything that engages the senses has the number 3 written all over it. It realizes the written and spoken word can only take us so far. Words can communicate ideas, but to express our feelings we need the unparalleled power of art.

Charming: The number 3 has an easy time attracting other people with its magnetic personality. Its lighthearted demeanor and ability to communicate well combine to create a natural charisma that gets and keeps others' attention. Without even trying, the 3 in Numerology is the apple of everyone's eye.

Find out if the number 3 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Weaknesses of the number 3

Naive: The young and innocent nature of the number 3 in Numerology makes it very unaware of the realities of the world. Because it hasn't had any experience to develop this mature wisdom, it is susceptible to making poor decisions, putting itself in bad situations, and getting burned by others.

Unfocused: This number suffers from shiny-object syndrome. It is excited by everything it sees and won't spend much time looking in one direction before shifting focus elsewhere. It is so full of enthusiastic energy that it just wants to live and love and laugh and create ... which means real-life goals and progress fall by the wayside.

Shallow: The 3 in Numerology prefers to live on the surface of life and relationships. To go deeper would mean opening itself to potential negativity and having to relate to feelings and situations that it doesn't have much experience with. This number puts pleasure before growth -- if it isn't lighthearted and enjoyable, the 3 would rather not participate at all.

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Life Path 3 meaning in Numerology

Charming, romantic, and full of creative energy, people who were born with a 3 Life Path number know how to embrace life! They tend to see the world through rose-colored lenses where everything looks like an opportunity and the chances for expression and enjoyment are endless. They have a tendency to be skilled communicators and have a knack for coming up with and sharing brilliant ideas. The Life Path 3 makes an excellent journalist, blogger, social media influencer, or author.

People with a Life Path number 3 enjoy an active social life where they can interact with others often. From the moment of birth, their light is warm and exciting and draws many friends and admirers. They tend to be extroverted and embrace any opportunity to show off their original thoughts and stand-out personality. They have a way with words and can charm their way into anyone's heart.

But while Life Path number 3 people are great at attracting others, forming real, deep bonds is the difficult part. They want to keep things fun and new but feel they have to give that up if they make themselves vulnerable to intimacy. Those with this Life Path live in the moment, so the idea of committing to anything long-term can be a daunting one.

A person with this Life Path number is very fun to be around, but could also benefit from embracing a deeper, more spiritual side of life. While those with a 3 Life Path truly enjoy who they are and what they do, there's a more meaningful level of experience and emotion that people with this Life Path may never even know exists. It's an untapped well of ideas to explore and engage with if they will muster up the courage to go to a deeper, more spiritual level.

Though people born with a 3 Life Path number in Numerology will be dealt both joy and hardship just like the rest of us, their unique way of thinking and dedication to happiness allow them to always see the silver lining. The power of positivity goes a long way for people with this Life Path.

Find out if the number 3 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Personality traits for number 3:










"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Amit I know you would not believe in this :), treat it as a game....

Number 5 Meaning in Numerology

Learning about the single digit five

Every one of the numbers in Numerology has its very own set of personality traits that sets it apart from the other numbers. The traits the numbers represent help us understand the meaning of these important symbols and the unique ways they impact our lives. The foundation of Numerology are the meanings of the single-digit numbers, and the number 5 in Numerology holds a special place in this mix. In the span of single-digit numbers 1-9, 5 is the number in the exact middle. It acts as a go-between and a pivotal point of change.

What is the definition of 5 in Numerology?

A key characteristic of the number 5 is curiosity and the need for a variety of exciting experiences in order to feel fulfilled. It craves freedom and adventure and isn't afraid to let the wind carry it where it may. For the 5, life isn't about setting goals and making plans, it's about getting out there and experimenting. Anything that stirs the senses piques the 5's interest and it can't wait to partake in the experience.

The Numerology number 5 is a master of change, able to go with the flow and adapt itself to thrive in different environments and social situations. It is happiest when things feel fresh, high energy, and full of possibility. The moment an experience starts to feel too routine or predictable, the 5 will move on to something more captivating. The only thing this number is truly attached to is being unattached.

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Strengths of the number 5

Curious: The opposite of tunnel vision, the Numerology number 5 has 360-degree vision and everything it sees looks enticing. This curious nature leads it into a variety of exciting and enlightening new experiences few others may have. For the 5, the best way to learn is to experiment.

Adaptable: This number does not stick with any one idea, job, relationship, or situation long, so being flexible is vital. Its detached emotions allow it more freedom of movement. Whether something changes by choice or by chance, this number can easily shift gears and direct its attention and energy toward its new circumstances.

Social: The number 5 is an explorer and knows that one of the best ways to experience the world is to interact with the people in it. Whether it's one-on-one or in a lively group setting, this number flourishes in social situations and never misses a chance to engage with and learn from someone new.

Find out if the number 5 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Weaknesses of the number 5

Non-committal: An uncontrollable need for freedom and constant change makes the number 5 very non-committal. To the 5, committing means being bored and tied down, which goes against everything it stands for. Forming meaningful relationships and becoming proficient in life skills are difficult because this number lacks the attention to see things through.

Unreliable: Easily distracted and sometimes curious to a fault, the number 5 has difficulty maintaining its focus long enough to follow through on projects and promises. This inconsistency is damaging to agreements and relationships of all types and can make the 5 come across as incapable and uncaring.

Directionless: This number has no problem just seeing where life takes it. But without any sense of direction, the 5 wastes a lot of time on experiences that don't serve a purpose while missing out on opportunities that could make it more successful. Looking back, the 5 may realize it should have spent more time preparing.

Find out if the number 5 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Life Path 5 meaning in Numerology

People with a 5 Life Path number are on a lifelong adventure. They are ready for anything and want to soak up every experience this world has to offer. Number 5 people tend to learn by living and don't allow themselves to get stuck in any situation that has outworn its interest. The moment things start to get humdrum, a person with this Life Path will move on to something more fascinating.

Routine is unbearable to people with a Life Path number 5, so typical 9-5 jobs are not appealing to them. Though they will change their career path many times throughout life, positions that allow them the freedom to make their own decisions will be the most satisfying. And whether on the job or off, making time for travel will be key to feeling fulfilled for those with this Life Path.

Meeting new people is no problem for a person with this Life Path number -- they are very social creatures by nature and enjoy engaging with others. What is more difficult for these people is maintaining friendships and romantic relationships beyond the initial stages. They have a tendency to lose interest and bow out before there's a chance to make a deeper connection. When they are in a relationship, people with a Life Path number 5 make exciting partners who want to show and share everything with their companion. However, their fickle and flighty nature makes it tough to ever really get close.

If there's one thing a Life Path 5 person's life will never be, it's boring. To them, life is about experimenting and engaging and learning and enjoying and they can't wait to take it all in each and every day. Anyone with this Life Path doesn't always know exactly where they're going, but they're guaranteed an epic journey.

Find out if the number 5 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Personality traits for number 5:










The Number 5 in Tarot & Astrology

The number 5 card in a Tarot deck is The Hierophant. He is an advocate of learning and acts as a messenger between the people and the heavens. In Astrology, the zodiac sign Leo is primarily associated with the number 5. Leo is the 5th astrological sign and is an energy force that embraces enjoyment and expression. The signs Virgo and Gemini are also associated with the 5 -- two curious signs that thrive on information and acquired knowledge.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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What is the definition of 6 in Numerology?

The number 6 is the embodiment of the heart. It represents unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal.

It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy and its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart and soul to be of service to others.

The 6 in Numerology shines in partnerships of all kinds but especially emotional ones. Its empathy makes others comfortable letting down their guard and being open and honest about their feelings which, in turn, allows it to understand and provide the help that's needed. We could all use someone in our life who manifests the devoted energy of the 6.

Find out if the number 6 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Strengths of the number 6

Supportive: When a shoulder is needed to lean on, the number 6 will be the first to arrive, equipped with a kind, soft presence and heartfelt advice. It does not simply wait to speak -- it truly listens and seeks to understand so it can direct its compassion and healing where it is needed most.

Protective: The unconditional love of the 6 extends to all beings and allows it to speak up for those that don't have a voice. But this protection becomes especially fierce when it comes to family. Anything that threatens to upset the emotional or spiritual balance of its loved ones will awaken the ire of the 6.

Romantic: The 6 is more romantic than any other number. It works hard to create peaceful, mutual relationships and is fluent in all the love languages. The number 6 is only happy when its other half is happy, so it will direct all its time, support, and affection into making this so.

Find out if the number 6 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Weaknesses of the number 6

Passive: In an effort to please others and keep the peace, the number 6 may allow itself to get taken advantage of often. More assertive, controlling energies can easily overpower the 6 who would rather go along with an undesirable option than speak up and make waves.

Self-sacrificing: While its compassion is a virtue, the number 6 is so willing to sacrifice itself for other people and the sake of harmony that it neglects its own needs and well-being. There is only so much one can give and this number often overlooks the self-care that would make it feel balanced. As they say, you can't pour from an empty cup.

Idealistic: The 6 expects everyone to treat others the way it does which, in its mind, would lead to a perfect world. But that's not the way the real world works, and when this number realizes its ideals are unattainable it may face extreme upset and imbalance.

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Life Path 6 meaning in Numerology

People born with a 6 Life Path number embrace their emotions and lead with their heart. They give off a warm and inviting energy that others want to be around. They enjoy many rich relationships throughout their life, both romantic and friendly. Whether these Life Path people encounter someone who is just like them or someone who is entirely different, they will treat them the same: with kindness, respect, and support. Some Life Path numbers only see black and white, but the Life Path number 6 can see and accept the infinite shades of grey between.

With a natural ability to connect with others and offer aid and advice, 6 people do well as professional counselors, mentors, and teachers. These people are also natural humanitarians, eager to speak up, raise funds, and offer emotional support and protection for those that need it. This Life Path truly embraces the meaning of "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle." They have an infinite well of love to give, and they know the world could use it.

The love life of a person born with a 6 Life Path number is deep and romantic. They are refreshing to partners who may be used to lovers who don't relate as well to their feelings. Though not every relationship can be a lifelong one, 6 Life Path people are devoted to love and harmony and committed to making things last. What these people need to remember, however, is that they are also individuals. It may be noble to sacrifice oneself to love, but it's not healthy. People with a Life Path number 6 must remember to direct the same attention they give others onto themselves. Only then will they feel truly, universally balanced.

Find out if the number 6 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Personality traits for number 6:










"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna  that's awesome. 

All the gremlins on this page are happy now. xD



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Natasha @DrewNows Natasha is 2, little corrections.

Number 2 Meaning in Numerology

Learning about the single digit two

By Numerology.com Staff

Between the numbers 1-9 there is a full spectrum of energies represented. Each of these single-digit numbers has its own meaning and personality traits that give us clues as to how the number affects our lives. There are many numbers influencing us in our own Numerology charts. In fact, when you start to look around, you'll notice these symbols are everywhere, and understanding their meaning helps you understand their message. Here's what you need to know about the Numerology number 2...

What is the definition of 2 in Numerology?

The Numerology number 2 is known to numerologists as a supremely feminine force, one that represents both grace and power. It is cooperative, always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation. This Numerology number is also very sensitive -- of all the numbers, it has the strongest intuition. It is able to sense currents and feelings instinctively, then use these clues to connect with others empathically.

At its very core the 2 in Numerology represents partnerships -- the coming together or balancing of two individual people, concepts, or things. While it holds great power over any situation, it wields it with such diplomacy and tact that the result is not control and authority, but harmony and teamwork. It is a mediator, able to see two sides of a situation in an unbiased way and guide others down the middle road.

Find out if the number 2 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Strengths of the number 2

Intuitive: On a very deep and subconscious level, this number can pick up on energies that cannot be seen, only felt. This trait allows the number 2 to be instinctually aware of feelings, thoughts, hopes, and fears others haven't even expressed, then use them as opportunities to offer support and compassion to the partnership.

Unifying: The 2 in Numerology is a peacemaker that is keenly aware of the values of cooperation and working together. It is diplomatic in its dealings, because to be anything else would create imbalance. Even when up against contrasting energies, this number sees how the differences can join together to create something complete and well-rounded.

Influential: The 2 holds a tremendous amount of power over situations and relationships (love and otherwise) but handles it so carefully that its influence can go almost undetected. It's like it's working behind the scenes: no one sees it happening, but the results are undeniable. It does not have to push or use force with others because its incredible abilities of compassion and cooperation influence them to follow its guidance.

Find out if the number 2 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Weaknesses of the number 2

Indecisive: In an effort to always stay in the middle, the number 2 has a hard time seeing biases which makes it difficult to make decisions both large and small. When a preference cannot be identified one way or another, this number gets stuck in inaction.

Easily hurt: The drive to instill harmony within itself and with others is so strong that even the slightest irk or insult can throw the number 2 off balance and into a world of hurt. There are very sensitive energies here. After everything it puts into creating unity, anything that threatens or works against these efforts feels especially painful to the 2.

Unassertive: The number 2 will put its own needs aside in order to keep the peace. More passive than assertive, it may stay in an unpleasant situation far too long, quietly struggling to make it better on its own instead of being more direct and efficient in its actions. It will often choose its current experience over a new and different path.

Find out if the number 2 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Life Path 2 meaning in Numerology

The Life Path number is of utmost importance in a person's Numerology chart, revealing the overall nature of their personality and purpose in this world. People that were born with a 2 Life Path are blessed with beautiful hearts that they use to bring beautiful relationships into their lives.

From romantic and business partnerships to family and friendships, these bonds are the most valuable thing in life to a person with a 2 Life Path number. They thrive in being part of a team and will do everything in their power to make it a happy, easy, and successful union. They are incredibly giving and do well at creating long-lasting connections with others.

Every action and decision of a person with a Life Path number 2 is geared at creating a harmonious existence. From the professional path they choose to who they surround themselves with to their spiritual pursuits, it's all driven by a desire for peace. To this end, however, 2 people can be so passive that they miss out on their full potential. Whether this means staying silent about things that upset them or not asking for a raise or promotion to avoid rocking the boat, people with this Life Path can suffer from never putting their needs first.

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful for a person born with a 2 Life Path. They may often just "know" things about people they meet or be able to sense the undercurrent of a situation before it reveals itself. This level of intuition allows people with a number 2 Life Path to get in front of problems and address them before they start to throw things off balance. In relationships, the ability to sense what another person is thinking or feeling gives these people an understanding, compassionate quality that makes others feel nurtured.

Find out if the number 2 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »

Personality traits for number 2:










"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Galyna  that's awesome. 

All the gremlins on this page are happy now. xD



LOL yes!

@DrewNows @Amit @zeroISinfinity @Natasha

I am really not into the numerology that much....but one person famous in Russia ( found his channel on YT) so he did like a forecast for me, so we shall see what will happen. He told me that by the age of 41 I will fully realize my life purpose and why I was born. I'll let you know, peeps, in seven years, just hang with me xD

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Just now, Galyna said:

I'll let you know, peeps, in seven years, just hang with me xD

Tall order that one ☝️:P 

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@Amitdude yes! Happy birthday. ? here’s your balloon, have a great day man ?

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3 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Happy Birthday @Amit and keep crushing no nonsense lady with even more no nonsense. 

Be careful what you wish for, you never know, you forum wife might run away with another guy ;)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Happy Birthday Amit! Have a great day 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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22 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Once again that fear of intimacy. Well have to fix it or will end up cheating goldfish left and right. It's time to face this thing.

yeah, lets talk about it one day if you want. I am still thinking about your case, cheating and stuff.....see it is hard for me to understand like this on forum, I do not know what traumas you had, I do not know what person you are....all I am seeing is the letters on this screen. To see the whole picture I need to gather the puzzle peace by peace.....

20 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Hahaha Imagine if she said it will be by the age of 56.xD Better ever then never. 

Do not want to think about being 56, hope plastic surgery will progress by that time and in my 56 I will look like 35!

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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27 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Oh no you won't. I am not like my neighbour. ?

well, I do not know, my dear, I love Sagittarius ofc, but @Amit is Leo! Remember before Drew created this thread, and we were derailing the other thread with you, what did I say on that day?  Leo was #1, Sagittarius was #2, Scorpio #3 and Gemini #4. 

So, if I am you, I would be worried, aaaaaaaaaa lot!!!! xD:o

Leos are created for Aries. Horoscopes do not lie!

P.S. I will be the one to give you the lesson to not be so confident about how awesome you are.....I will be your teacher.

So hang in there, and don't get too jealous, my womenizer, coz your forum wife is not going to behave from now on! I love to give lessons to men like you....;) Womenizers by far is my favorite game to play. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna esoteric geometry = gematria, understanding the deeper meaning behind spells and rituals, how we manipulate energy 


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Battle of the exes. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I’m a Wise Empath, what’s your soul description? 


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