
Galyna’s adams and eves

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1 minute ago, Galyna said:

I think yesterday we had this conversation, I told you to be honest with her and tell her in a gentle way that you would like to add protein in your meals, did you guys talk to each other about it?

Well I did told her. Even started acting as some sort of rebel. Started going on her nerves with that. But she is on the diet. I have lots of dry meat in fridge so np. 

Was just nostalgic. I saw that stuffed peppers and omg I know I will rarely see her cooking that. 

I am sick of her soups too. Summers are hot here and last thing I want is God damn soup. But she likes 'em. 

I Saw soup lost my mind + her behaivor. 


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15 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Grieving, lost control over cooking and kitchen.

Why would you need this control? Isn't it nice when she takes care of you? Gosh, I wish someone makes meals for me, I would be so happy. xD Kitchen and cooking is not something I would want to do all the time. Btw, my spouse loved that dish, he reminded me again to cook it for us, he really likes that recipe!

17 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

She hidding her stuff from me being lost in toughts not appreciating time we spend together.

opening up is a gradual process, you can not push it on her. She might not be ready or something holds her back. Do not take it personally, be patient. I know it is hard, but we have to appreciate our differences. 

19 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Absent, will forgive if she was tired or something but she wasn't

maybe she had a stressful day, it is hard for me to understand here because I am making judgment from your words. Also you might have a wrong perception at that moment.

20 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

She will never understand me and she doesn't know what she can expect from me. 

I think she will. How long have you been dating? 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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10 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Even started acting as some sort of rebel.

This is a part she has to work on. 

You do not need to argue about silly food preferences. You are both free to eat whatever you want or like. Explain her in a nice way that it is how it is for you and you will eat as you like. If she does not understand this, it is an issue on her part. You can be very gentle and still do what ever you want. We have to learn this from Aquarius people, they never fight, but they always push their strategy in a very polite manner. xD

I gotta run, have to go on a 5 mile hiking now with my friend. We will get back to our conversation later.

Everything is great, you are just getting used to each other, do not take it too close to your heart! ;)

Talk to you soon!

Have a good one.


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Why would you need this control? Isn't it nice when she takes care of you?


Well it is. Always have to adapt. I like being self reliant and doing everything on my own including care and full responsability for everything. Including her ofcourse. I cook for almost 20 years and I want to be involved. Will let go but is not so easy. Strikes me it's like losing part of my life which I loved very much so.

5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Gosh, I wish someone makes meals for me, I would be so happy. xD Kitchen and cooking is not something I would want to do all the time. Btw, my spouse loved that dish, he reminded me again to cook it for us, he really likes that recipe!

Yeah I so like it. Ok will tell her in calm manner I want to eat it. She will made it I know. We have to work on that. I am the problem not her. 

5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

opening up is a gradual process, you can not push it on her. She might not be ready or something holds her back. Do not take it personally, be patient. I know it is hard, but we have to appreciate our differences. 

Yeah I guess so. Well she can fully trust me I want her to see that. I lose my temper she still doesn't get why.Ok will give her time. With her I have to learn so much. She just cools me off in an instant and I ignite. Have to control that. 

5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

maybe she had a stressful day, it is hard for me to understand here because I am making judgment from your words. Also you might have a wrong perception at that moment.


5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

I think she will. How long have you been dating? 

Just a more then a month that's the main problem. So fast and I dunno I don't like where all this is heading. I am on my toes with her. 

I have no problems with her it's like I am trying to create them to see her glory and THAT SMILE innocent, pure and loving. I know how she really is just somehow afraid I dunno. 

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13 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Just a more then a month

More than a month?? and you were already considering marriage, you’re funny guy!!! ?

I thought you’ve been together like a year. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@zeroISinfinity Ralph Smart has good vids on romantic comparability and one of the things he lists is diet. It's in the top 10 requirements for a life partner. If you don't agree on what you both prefer to eat, maybe you're just not right for each other, sorry to say. I'll find that vid and post it here for you

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8 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

That's the problem it looks like a marriage doesn't look like regular relationship at all. Now ya get why it Strikes My nerves. 

She slowly takes all control when she is here. And she is here a lot. I've only been at her apartment twice. Pisses me off so Much. It is what it is, calm down. Calm down. Calm down. 

Sorry if I may sound rude....so.....

Why haven't you established that personal space and limits at the beginning of your relations. I think you guys rushed and let me explain why.

I remember once I read a very good book where the author advised young people that they should take time to develop some romance. He even proposed that there are 4 main stages of relations. And! for girls especially it is not good to jump over the stages because each stage helps her to develop deep feeling of trust and respect to her man. Think about it, if one day you get married she will have the whole entire life on this kitchen cooking you soups. I promise. I've been in marriage for eight years. I am sick of cooking already.

You do not know each other, why jumping in each other's lives so quickly by playing hubby and wife. Believe me, you will have this and it will get old pretty soon! Boring!. At your stage of relations I would enjoy going out, traveling, visiting some friends. Even nice walks together, yes without sex. Just talking and building connection. Girls needs time to develop that deep sexual desire for guys. I get that it is super sexy for you when she jumps in your bed on your first date. But! In my opinion great sex and pleasure are built on emotional connection. It is like a dish, the more you cook it, the better it is going to be. And! the more you wait, the greatest the pleasure. Passion has to be built on, slowly. I do not say to wait like months, but still it is so romantic to wait a little bit.  So stage one is for roses, candies, dates, romantic dinners, restaurants, walks, coffee conversation, gifts, simple things. Plus, she needs to give you some chance to flight for her, and miss her going crazy when she is not there with you. Maybe being unavailable sometimes, maybe going out with girls, maybe doing her own stuff. Also, imo, some intrigue between you could build more passion. Otherwise, why jumping onto stage 4 and become a wife for a guy that has not proposed you yet. Girls from my culture do the same mistake. I think it is wrong. This stage should be obligation free, should be more like: we are great friends first and for most. It has to be effortless, stress free and both of you need to respect each other boundaries. Not hanging out with each other for days. Why do you think people in old Russia had separate rooms with their spouses? To keep that fire....Osho said the same thing. Routine really kills all the passion, unless you are an enlightened person, I am sure for them it is a bit different.

Also, by giving her a key from your place, it is like hinting a woman that that territory is hers already. Now you have to face the consequences of your actions. I know you are confused and pissed off. It is a bit late for that. According to what I've learnt from you, it is not a first time when you are doing it, inviting people to your house right away, without taking time to get to know them better. Now, if you start to back off, she might take it personally. 

Remember " Men from Mars, Women from Venus" book, "men are like a rubber, you pull them, then they freak out of intimacy and they stretch like a rubber far away from you to claim their freedom back. Rule of life! 

I think if you do not feel comfortable with a pace, be honest and tell her about this. Tell her that you need your kitchen, space, bathroom /whatever/ back and you need to take some time to develop your relations. You do not want to be rushed. At the end, what are you losing by being authentic, if she is not ready or willing to except you, then...she might not be the One. If she is truly into you, she will back off by giving you more freedom. In my opinion it was too fast. If you are really happy and lost your mind about that woman, then pls, for God sake, forget everything I wrote you. But!!! if for some reason you feel that it is too soon for you, you feel any discomfort, then it really is too fast. Follow your true feeling and heart. And do not be intimidated by being misunderstood or losing her. If it meant to be, it will be!   


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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7 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

I am not so serious with this just joking. 

If you are just joking, then pls lets talk about something else, like consciousness or books we read! otherwise, I spend some time and energy to help you. I take it seriously. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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8 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Well this things happen and are like that I just like to blow it up and over dramatize. 

Oh I see, so you are a drama queen then xD

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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7 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Also zero respect. 

Zero respect to other people? I am not sure I understand....please explain

7 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

It's fucked up for your psychology.

Can you please tell me about it, I want to know, really...from the beginning. It is always interesting to hear other people's experiences about awakening. Have you ever shared this with your gf?


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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On 7/28/2020 at 5:02 PM, Galyna said:

@abrakamowse This is not my first rodeo, lol. It is quite normal for me. xD

So you have not finished Ralston as well, what page are you right now?

I am in the chapter "Our Conceptual Self Experience".

Not sure if the pages are the same as in the printed version, I have a digital version and the text flows. It's like the page 303.

But I think if I change the size of the font because the view of the book is "fluid" the page numbering can change.


But the chapter is that one I mentioned above... "Our Conceptual Self Experience".

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@zeroISinfinity wait, don’t do it... emotion will go away soon!

I will be back in a few, we will talk about it. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Literally crying how.mad I am. No just no please no.

How mad mad I am this time I don't over dramatize. 

Invokes full blown agression. Literally crying. Why for fuck's sake. I am so angry have to cool off. She just fucking left it and gone home. But she called me this morning while I was on the work that she bought it for. My apartment. 

Suprise, suprise. 

How angry I am. Don't know what to do. Literally crying from rage. I do.Whole day I can't calm down. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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This gone way out control have to cut it off. Womenizer, womenizer I don't care it's just a dream not important at all. Doesn't matter to me anyways. Can die tomz would not give 2 flying fucks.

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Literally crying how.mad I am. No just no please no.

There is nothing to be upset about, my drama man friend :)

Why don't you talk to the lady in a soft voice and tell her everything, including  your fear of intimacy and fear of marriage. 

3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

How mad mad I am this time I don't over dramatize. 

Literally, what are you mad with? just because all the girls want to get married and wear a princess dress on their wedding day. Well, this is the reality of this dream which we call "life". You are healthy, have something to eat, your family is safe, the rest is just relative. Nothing bad has happened yet. Everything is great. Why nervousing like this because some lady wants to be serious with you? Some guys really dream to have sex or even a date. Consider yourself a lucky guy. You have a nice woman, regular sex, regular job. Life is wonderful! It really is. 

3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

l have to cut it off.

if you don't learn this time, you will be going through the same issue over and over again. I promise. You will find another one who will desperately want to get married and what? Cut off again? 

Maybe you are doing something that leads them to think in such a way. Set up your boundaries, keep some distance. 

Maybe you need to reconsider your "lady market". Get someone with a child and who is not in marriage or who just came out of relations and not seeking any serious commitment, what do you think? ;)


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Don't know what to do. Literally crying from rage.

Reading your post and realizing myself how different we are (I mean all people on Earth)

First of, do not identify with your emotions. Secondly, womanizer, hah? Isn't just a belief? You are NOT a womanizer! Period. You just like women and sex! And...it is hard for you to commit because you can not be fixed. You probably look for some changes from time to time. There is something there which makes commitment harder for you. You are a mutable.

Something has happened to you in your childhood or in your family, because you are having  emotional roller coasters all the time. 

One day you love everybody in this forum, another day is a whole bunch of curse and negative reinforcements.

Please tell me what is it that you can not find this golden middle?


Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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5 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

It's like the page 303.

I was on page 280, so I'm near. 

My perception always changes, this is so weird. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@zeroISinfinity maybe your ideal girl is your best friend, with benefit ofc?

Maybe you do not need to date?

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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