
Galyna’s adams and eves

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3 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

@Galyna :x :) 

@zeroISinfinity love you people ^_^ 

Hey Sweet Pea, I am so sorry, womenizer takes all the time to respond. I am trying to bridle that animal instinct in Milosh....we are here for the self-development, right?

I still love you too! I will watch that trailer you sent me.


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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7 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Nobody can force you for anything. Period!

Well that’s true. 

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Yeah, this is going to be the most interesting part, to show your true nature with all the crap. 

Yes there is negative side, yes there is. 

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:

I would rather bring everything to the table immediately not to be heartbroken at the end if she does not tolerate that part of yours. 


She is not capable of putting real arguing with me  like you are and I like that very much so. Finally, this is what I like. So miss that. Imagine how I feel. Want to work on that with her but atm she is not capable. 

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:




I wonder if you are self-realized, what is holding you from being authentic self? Just be who you truly want to be...you want to curse,- so curse, otherwise you are wearing a mask and pretending to be better than you actually are! That is a game, my friend!



Well quite actually I don’t. I like honesty even if  I am full of shit I express it. Not wearing god damn mask I hate lies and deceptions of all sorts. 

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:



Why would you need to show off, if as you claimed in the earlier message,  you can be with any woman you want, then just relax and let them see your real nature. You are a "dream" at the end, so why bother? 


Well. I don't but I bother with her. I am passionate love to understand and learn, what I love I care about. 

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:

If they do not except you, you will find a new one. Right?

Well yes that is true. I sound so arrogant pisses me off. 

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:

I do not get what is the problem here? I do not get why are you struggling?

No my guy, that is not how it works!;)

You are not forced (let me repeat it again), you've met a woman you really like ( I would not use the word "love" here, because it is too early) and now you need to compromise with her to not lose this relations, since you probably never compromised with anyone else before or did it on a rear occasion, it is an emotional labor for you and you are out of your comfort zone. And you do not like it.



YES! You nailed it. Absolutely true.

7 minutes ago, Galyna said:




Well, congratulations, someone should give that lesson, right? It's a part of maturing.




I so love you. 

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@Galyna this place is all yours...it's serving a magnificent purpose at any rate. It's a dance floor and you are the center stage conductor :P 

Love to see this magik 

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@DrewNows I take her as boss here. 

I bet that she understands Sagi doesn't like authorities from above.But are good friends. 

Like this dynamic. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Quite honestly I am getting healed from her. Returning my authenticity back kinda lost it. I am really greatful for her. Much more then any "Self Realized" mofo there is. 

Probably on of the fewest peeps here who really understands "schizo". ❤️

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Irl we would lets say argue like this and I will go on her nerves so much until she losses temper and I will burst in laughter. She will hate me for a moment but will hug me in the end and say don't do it again. ?

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@zeroISinfinity See, that is why I say with some people it is so easy, with others you need to take some effort. ;)

I remember when I was like twenty I met a very handsome guy, Scorpio. Of course, as with other scorpions we had an instant crush and passion, oh Lord he was a womanizer, told me that women were standing in line to date with him....that was so funnyxD, but I could not date him because I was in serious relations already. We are still in touch, he is married ofc. But he always loved me because I was not chasing his looks, never called him first, never initiated the communication....

Dating a womanizer is fun, because it is like a game. But at the end, the game becomes very old and you grow out of it. You want authenticity, not a cat and mouse game. 


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@zeroISinfinity See, that is why I say with some people it is so easy, with others you need to take some effort. ;)

Yeah it is. I can make you to lose your temoer quickly and you will honestly say what you think. You can do same with me. But with her it is effort. It really is. 

3 minutes ago, Galyna said:

I remember when I was like twenty I met a very handsome guy, Scorpio. Of course, as with other scorpions we had an instant crush and passion, oh Lord he was a womanizer, told me that women were standing in line to date with him....that was so funnyxD, but I could not date him because I was in serious relations already. We are still in touch, he is married ofc. But he always loved me because I was not chasing his looks, never called him first, never initiated the communication....

Dating a womanizer is fun, because it is like a game. But at the end, the game becomes very old and you grow out of it. You want authenticity, not a cat and mouse game. 


Yeah I get it. She has quality I have it too and I don't want cat and mouse. Want real authentic deal with no games. Yes requires emotional labour. Once I break her out, all her crap will go out and I will let go of my crap too. 

You are mature women it's so easy with your type but these water signs so darn difficult yet so God damn attracted. 

It will be fun will lose my hair. ?

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@Preety_India I love you too, my Dear!

40 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Quite honestly I am getting healed from her. Returning my authenticity back kinda lost it. I am really greatful for her. Much more then any "Self Realized" mofo there is. 

Probably on of the fewest peeps here who really understands "schizo". ❤️

I do not take you seriously, my dear, so no worries. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

But if I meet a man like this, lets say ten years ago, oh man....it would not work out, for sure. I mean it. I would slam the door. Your looks, properties and money are not going to save you, sweet pea! ;) 

I do not like to mention anything about my looks, how can I access my looks? Not a queen, not a model, normal, average, but for some magical reason it was not a problem for me to find a man. Never!

In my relations the door is always open. You want to leave, please, nobody is going to chase you. I will help you to pack your suitcase and remain your good friend.

I hope I'll always exercise and eat well, so finding a man is never a problem for me, just in case if I am single again.

So even, lets hypothetically say, if I meet a guy like you, he knows that I love myself enough to not be his slave.  

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 minute ago, Galyna said:

@Preety_India I love you too, my Dear!

I do not take you seriously, my dear, so no worries. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

This hurts. ?

I guess nobody does not even my dog listens to me. ?


1 minute ago, Galyna said:

But if I meet a man like this, lets say ten years ago, oh man....it would not work out, for sure. I mean it. I would slam the door. Your looks, properties and money are not going to save you, sweet pea! ;) 

Oh c'mon I am Not evil. I am good guy I really am. But if you turned me down and I am back being 22 years old  I will try everything to get you. I really would. OMG she doesn't want me, really? What. Was prideful I guess, still am to some extent. 

1 minute ago, Galyna said:

I do not like to mention anything about my looks, but for some magical reason it was not a problem for me to find a man. Never!

I know. People here /eastern europe are beautiful and there is no doubt about it. 

1 minute ago, Galyna said:

In my relations the door is always open. You want to leave, please, nobody is going to chase you. I will help you to pack your suitcase and remain your good friend.

Typical Aries. With aries firm hand and your word must be last like must be or she will leave you. There is no mystery about it. Always lije to be a boss and No1. 

1 minute ago, Galyna said:

I hope I'll always exercise and eat well, so finding a man is never a problem for me, just in case if I am single again.

So even, lets hypothetically say, if I meet a guy like you, he knows that I love myself enough to not be his slave.  

"to be his slave". There is a lot of that here you know in rural areas. It is sad thing. Women out up with a lot of crap just to keep family together. 

So mistress wise guy here. ? 

Normal one, don't want slave or low quality women. Want equal and I got her.

That's easy but doesn't bring good to both at all. 

So I indeed care. Not jerk. 

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52 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

She is not capable of putting real arguing with me  like you are and I like that very much so

Here is what I think about the relations: there is no need for argument, I promise. You can talk it out, no need to prove anything. No need to be intimidated. If I disagree with you, I will stand for my position, why would I be scared to show you my opinion.....

I do not think I am more mature than any other lady on this forum.

I just love myself to a point where I am not going to be in a detrimental relation just because I am scared to be lonely.

I do not like loneliness but not losing myself and dissolve in man completely where I do not remember my own name, or he becomes my whole reality. This is not healthy. Together but free probably is the most appealing for me, I am not talking "free" to sleep around or be swingers, I am just saying to do what we like and never be scared to say: " Hey, I need my space and time to be alone, I am tired!" I had a bf in the past, he was so clingy, like he wanted even to go to the gym together, do everything together. This is crazy! I love my freedom.


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I love you so much. Thank you! 

You are correct. 

Now to prepare for her. Atm she is nit my main worry but lets enjoy this sweet period before storming ahead. 

Awesome passanger she will be. 

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2 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

This hurts.

No need to be hurt, I mean do not take argument seriously. I still love you too, my little online friend! All is good.

2 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Typical Aries. With aries firm hand and your word must be last like must be or she will leave you. There is no mystery about it. Always lije to be a boss and No1. 

See, I am not like this either. It is childish. It is hard to explain.

I guess Osho explained it in a very beautiful way of how it should be between man and woman. I am not a boss and never will be! Respecting and loving myself and being a boss is different. I would absolutely compromise with my spouse. He is alive being and not my trained dog. What I mean is that if I am not happy in relations, I would not cling to it. When man loves me I will worship him completely. But if he is a selfish and ego-centric, it is not going to work out with me. But if he is weak and does everything I want, it is not going to work either! I, from all my heart, want Leo to make a video about mature relationship. It is not about my power vs. your power. I see ideal relations as a synergy. Where my man opens the best parts in me and I open the best parts in him. It is more like a partnership. Nobody proves anything to anybody. Like I am cooler than you, look how other men look at me. This is so silly. 

Actually this is so simple.

I think ideal relations is when you feel comfortable with her to that point where you and her can absolutely be vulnerable with each other, can say what you want or how you feel without being intimidated that she might not understand what you mean. When you can cry in front of her and not being scared that it might look like weakness to her. 

I think it is a total free self-expression, natural expression of your being.  

When you truly meet your person, you let your guard down completely, to a point where it is very scary to lose yourself in another being. 

But it is huge, because this way you become mirrors for each other and with time the relations become so strong that you feel so connected on all the levels and become ONE! It is actually a very mystical experience. You become closer to God this way. This is so pretty, you grow a lot and the most interesting part of this relations is that you did not even know that you were capable of doing some things you are doing now with that person!


Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@zeroISinfinity You are welcome, love you too!

I will be your marriage counselor, hahahahah! xDxDxD

Well, joking, ofc it will be Nahm, he is the Pinnacle, so I would not even think to take his place! He is the best of the best. So grateful we have him in our lives. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@DrewNows So... I watched the video, honestly I do not even know who I am anymore xD

I do not have any patience whatsoever, it is so true. Like not even 1%, want everything right here and right now, if it is not available, the interest is lost. 

Aggressive, yeah, if you push my buttons, can absolutely lose my mind. But it is rear....

My numerologist told me that actually in relations I am not a boss, at work yes, but at home I was not created for thatxD. Somehow my bd which is on 27th should represent some feminine features and my mission in life to inspire my man. So he told me to forget about Aries and all the crap connected to Mars.xD

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Amit Thought you'd like this, being a big  Coldplay fan that you are :D


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5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@Natasha ????

Check out James' carpool karaoke YT channel, he's done it with most famous singers. It's hilarious and so entertaining to watch/listen. This is one of my fave, with Sia, so freakin adorable and funny xD:x


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@Natasha that’s a good way to start my day, ????❤️

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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