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Us it ego or what, im very confused

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Hello guys, this is ny first and probably onky post here. Idk maybe this shiulda been in dating & relationships but it jusy didnt feel right. 


In february I met this girl, amazing one. She tomd. Me she had never felt anything like this with anyone before, and i felt the same.  We had a good thing going on for a month or so, I was like intoxicated all that time, really high on love. It just kinda faded out. Not our love but the thing, she was always "busy" and didnt have ti. E to see. Ee etc. I just stopped texting her at one point. Its months now and i srill think about her every day, and can not feel fulfilled without it. How come can I want her so much, even tho I've fucked my ego to pieces. Idk if it is egi sneaking in and wanting her or if it can be something bigger. No amount of tinder chicks or drugs could make me feel so fulfilled and true... I dont even know what i want to say with this, im fucked up at the moment. Just would mike to hear u guys opinions and shit. Probably replying ti replys in a couple days maybe. Thanks - mirror

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Romantic love is related to the anima. This is a counterpart to the male ego that has largely female qualities. Seeing through it is still ego consciousness, because you're viewing yourself in terms of component pieces rather thsn seeing through the whole thing. It's natural though.

Maybe try talking to this person again, try and reignite it. Maybe it won't work but at least you will know you tried and you can get closure.

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