
What is to be gained by continuing to seek temporary states of consciousness.

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I was watching Leo’s video about how much more conscious he is than other teachers and that he wouldn’t even necessarily consider them awakened at all. I would just have to ask,  after you’ve killed the ego what do you gain for continuously chasing after temporary states of consciousnesses? As someone who has traveled the length of the path, I would have to wonder what is the point of exploring infinity anymore when all you will end up with is more infinity, unless it’s just your hobby or past time. And in that case why hold it over other peoples heads like they are so underdeveloped, when these realizations don’t really hold any value for anyone else. None of this has any value, so what is the pissing contest all about. Why belittle people who’ve decided to opt out of seeking at a certain point. If they have well being and are satisfied. The self can never have or hold onto any enlightened state, why keep trying, other than your own curiosity? Genuinely curious how Leo sees this...

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The journey changes you. What is the point of traveling across the world if you’re just going to return home? 

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Imagine you were a deep sea diver and figured out a way to go super deep. You put your own health on the line and are willing to be the first through the door. You explore a depth that no one around you is describing or has described. . . 

Some personalities want to share this with their fellow humans. There can be a desire to say “Whoa. . . I just dove to depths that almost killed me. I don’t think anyone has described this before. Check this out guys. . . “.

Indicating to others that a new area has been explored can be helpful to others. It would be inaccurate and misleading to tell people that I just explored the same stuff that others have. That can actually be unhelpful to others. However, egoic dynamics can enter and start to claim ownership, identity and superiority. This mental dynamic would have energetics of “I just dove deeper into the sea than any other diver. And I did it on a solo dive. Those other divers that claim to be masters haven’t been to this level. They are punk ass divers”. . . This would be unhelpful in the context of altruistic sharing and exploration, because it introduces personality dynamics, competition and conflict. 

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@Illj Great and honest question @Forestluv great answer

I can just speak for myself. Have realized infinity today, went in and in again for multiple hours. It‘s crystal clear, and it beholds all that could ever be desired. Utter, final perfection. 

But since it is infinity, and if one is humble enough to see that it‘s COMPLETELY mysterious, there is also the potential for this:
- Why not exploring this mystery further and further and further?

I was starting to ask myself today what is it I want to do with this power, this recognition? And you‘re right, there‘s nothing wrong with doing whatever the heart desires, for it is all perfect anyway!
But I feel like we are granted this reflection of ourselves to dive all the way - and all the way might mean it will never end. How could it end?

I see infinite potential for understanding + infinite potential for making the world a playground for this perfection, this love. Whatever we do is doing that ANYWAY. I feel like I‘m entering my own mysterious library that is literally infinite. Consciousness studying itself. Infinite possibilites. It doesn‘t change anything about the truth that everyone is. „No one“ is less than anything, no compartmentalizations. I find this talk to seem reeking of ownership, but quite honestly - I have no idea if Leo is genuinely just not able to speak the truth otherwise. I understand it‘s hard. But indeed nobody should feel attacked, that‘s unskillful. 

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You keep pushing boundaries and you keep having breakthroughs

We wouldn't be where we are right now if some of the great minds weren't exploring infinity and we will always keep doing so.

The point is you don't it for seeking. You're exploring.

Knowing everything has no value and meaning is just knowing one aspect of it.

Now you're free to create meaning and purpose and stil be free of it.

That's what the entire journey is about.

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