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Life purpose is the key that you fashion for others

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My purpose is to teach people the power of understanding. Plain and simple.


The first step in breaking out of a prison is to realize you are in one.


My purpose is to empower people by giving words to their suffering.


Once you correctly identify the prison as a prison, you will suddenly be able to see the key. You won’t admit it, but it was there all along.


My purpose is to restore humanity's long lost dignity.


Free from the darkness, you now see that the real world is not what you thought it was. But you feel at ease in this new world, because some part of you knows that this Eden, and not the metal cage hidden underground, is your true home.


My purpose is to restore faith in humanity.


The possibilities are plenty, but never do they overwhelm, for every moment greets you with a sincerity that you have never known. Take its hand and it will joyfully take you to who you are.


My purpose is to stoke mankind's desire to understand himself.


Looking back, you see that it was actually the prison that was the greatest gift, a teacher cleverly disguised as pain. The illusion is what got you to see the truth, just as smoke reveals the wind that carries it. As tears of gratitude fall on the ground, you know you do not weep alone.

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