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Some intuitions

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These are just thoughts about the feelings that I have. I can be wrong


I feel like the motion that nature permeates the same way at all levels. Every level is an imitation/mirroring of the level above it. Layers upon layers. 

We will, as a species, simulate the way of existence and eventually merge into a singularity and be an ultimately hedonistic being. I think this might be what DMT entities are. 

Or I'm just too cooked

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14 minutes ago, NorthNow said:

I feel like the motion that nature permeates the same way at all levels. Every level is an imitation/mirroring of the level above it. Layers upon layers.

That's definitely how it feels like to me, too. Fractal mirroring of the Absolute.

15 minutes ago, NorthNow said:

We will, as a species, simulate the way of existence and eventually merge into a singularity

We can't know but somehow it's the only logical way seen from God's perspective.

16 minutes ago, NorthNow said:

and be an ultimately hedonistic being.

? Well what does hedonistic mean here for you? Pleasure maximizing? Depends on the level one sees it from, from a human perspective I'd say no. From God's perspective self love and self pleasure... It's just words at this point. Maybe it's the same thing.

20 minutes ago, NorthNow said:

I think this might be what DMT entities are.

Cool idea tbh. We have no clue. There's something to these energetic beings, more than just a human hallucination, at least that's what would be super amazing :D

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