
Awareness only exist because of sensory organs?

49 posts in this topic

First of all, we should have a Self-Inquiry mega-thread.


I have been contemplating this for a long time now and listening to Rupert Spira lately gave me some questions that I did like to get explained.

Our true nature seems to be this omnipresent field of awareness, meaning that I am all that I see, hear and feel. 

There seems to be this knowing of all sensory input and nothing outside what I can perceive. 

So, what happens with what I can't see like when I close my eyes, the objects just cease to exist or they exist even when there is no awareness of them?

Awareness is All? I am this Awareness? 

I have read that we are God experiencing himself, through awareness (sensory input) of himself (the Reality we are perceiving).

It there was no way of perceiving itself, like a Reality that only have rocks or something, can it still exist or it just exists when there is some sort of channel through which God can experience itself?

All I see is just as "me" as all I feel?

We tend to feel like we are somewhere inside the body/head, but shouldn't be any hierarch between organs of perception, so this feeling of "I" isn't more "me" then what i see or hear.

When i see a rock, this rock is just as me as when i feel my head?



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8 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

There seems to be this knowing of all sensory input and nothing outside what I can perceive. 

So, what happens with what I can't see like when I close my eyes, the objects just cease to exist or they exist even when there is no awareness of them?

They literally only exist when you are aware of them. Like in a video game. There is no static video game world other than what is rendered on the screen. The screen is it.


Awareness is All? I am this Awareness? 



When i see a rock, this rock is just as me as when i feel my head?

Of course

There is no difference between a rock and your body.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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All questions can be answered with yes and no, both are equally true and untrue. The question and answer format creates confusion because there is an expectation that everything can be hidden within an answer, that it can be known through aquiring enough knowledge. The questioner, question, the answerer and the answer is within the dream of separation. Everything, how can you step out of it to find it, if it is everything? Hint: you can't. The tension/frustration is the seeking energy, the energy the seeking energy is seeking to unravel. It is a loop of itself. It perpetuates "itself" by trying to find it's own absence, but it is "itself". It thinks that an answer will fullfill it's need of not seeking anymore, but not seeking anymore is not seeking anymore, how are you going to seek to not seek anymore?

Edited by traveler

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@Leo Gura H o l y   s h i t ! This is so strange and shocking :o 

@traveler The question and answer format if more like a "point me to the right direction and I take it from here" kind of thing, I know I have to come to those insights through my direct experience and that is what i am doing, the theory is supplementary when i am stuck and cannot find my way through direct experience alone.

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2 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

First of all, we should have a Self-Inquiry mega-thread.




Agreed.  It is paramount.  If you wanna start one i will feature it.  

2 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:


Our true nature seems to be this omnipresent field of awareness, meaning that I am all that I see, hear 

It there was no way of perceiving itself, like a Reality that only have rocks or something, can it still exist or it just exists when there is some sort of channel through which God can experience itself?


Ahh.  Now you inch closer.  This is the very question of if a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound.   What if there were no perceivers?  Well it turns out a perceiver isn't required because reality IS itself.  Meaning absolute Oneness.

So the better question is how the FUCK can it make a sound without a perceiver? Well because it didn't.  It was imagined by consciousness because consciousness is itself.  It is One and unlimited.   You would have to have separation between consciousness and matter for it to exist with no One conscious of it.  And matter is simply impossible without being imagined.

That's just something you either get or you don't.  And if you can't get that - you are lost in this work.

A thing can't exist unless it is held within consciousness.   Because  Consciousness IS itself.  It is One.  It cannot have anything outside of it because it is Infinity.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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God is aware of all that exists.

I considered in the past that maybe rocks have awareness too. Awareness is far more universal than the sensory organs. For instance, when you drop a rock, it lands on the ground. Doesnt this mean the rock is aware of the ground?

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3 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

So, what happens with what I can't see like when I close my eyes, the objects just cease to exist or they exist even when there is no awareness of them?

Awareness is All? I am this Awareness? 

Refer to quantum mechanics for this. Double slit experiment.

There is NO looking, or perception.


Objects just "are" because you are experiencing them. If you weren't experiencing them them, they wouldn't BE in the first place.

All there is is subjective experience.

Objects can't exist independent of experience.

Every time you close your eyes, the entire universe ceases to exist.

Because there is no universe in the first place.

You're just a projection or hallucination happening in empty space.

You're like the transparent, clear, empty dimension in which all of reality happens.

Edited by justfortoday

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@Recursoinominado also...

After enough awakenings you will realize that what you are inside of is a house of mirrors created out of pure consciousness.

The “space” between you and I is what is actually awake, not your “brain”.

Imagine a 360 degree camera located anywhere and everywhere.

Instead of you going anywhere; the 360 degree camera goes there for you in this “make believe” world - and you as a static and eternal consciousness just experience it - like looking into a screen.

Consciousness is wakefulness itself, knows everything about you, is sentient, loves you, and is YOU.


Edited by justfortoday

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@justfortoday how does any of that benefit me in life other than turning me into a dissociated mentally unstable person? 

It'll free you from needing any benefit in life, and from thinking there's such thing as a dissociated mentally unstable person. 

Edited by JayG84

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2 minutes ago, JayG84 said:

It'll free you from needing any benefit in life, and from thinking there's such thing as a dissociated mentally unstable person. 

How does that free me of anything?  All that does  is just ruining  your mind literally it's like a mind virus.   If one is not conscious of such things really he shouldn't ramble about it as if you actually gonna live your life assuming that "objects do Not exist when you are not perceiving them" bla bla .   Untill the last day of your life you will live assuming that objects exist independently from your perception and the consistency of that will reinforce that belief. Because every time you look away from the moon and then look back at it you find it exactly as it is.    

Isn't it weird that everyone is telling the "other" that he is the only one out there? lol ..he forgot that he himself is aware and if he is talking to a real person then he contradicted his own statement.  And then when  someone makes a thread about Solipsism syndrome or suffering from derealizaton.. everyone goes like "no that's false.. Solipsism is false.. Everything is real.. We were just" philosophizing " don't take these teachings so seriously and enjoy your life".  I'm kinda sick of this hypocrisy.  If you don't believe others exist independently from your awareness then save us your wise words and stop talking to nonexistent figments of your mind. 

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How does that free me of anything?  All that does  is just ruining  your mind literally it's like a mind virus.   If one is not conscious of such things really he shouldn't ramble about it as if you actually gonna live your life assuming that "objects do Not exist when you are not perceiving them" bla bla .   Untill the last day of your life you will live assuming that objects exist independently from your perception and the consistency of that will reinforce that belief. Because every time you look away from the moon and then look back at it you find it exactly as it is.    

Isn't it weird that everyone is telling the "other" that he is the only one out there? lol ..he forgot that he himself is aware and if he is talking to a real person then he contradicted his own statement.  And then when  someone makes a thread about Solipsism syndrome or suffering from derealizaton.. everyone goes like "no that's false.. Solipsism is false.. Everything is real.. We were just" philosophizing " don't take these teachings so seriously and enjoy your life".  I'm kinda sick of this hypocrisy.  If you don't believe others exist independently from your awareness then save us your wise words and stop talking to nonexistent figments of your mind. 

All I meant was it'll free you from attaching to any 'ideas' of anything 'benefiting' you, or that there are people who are 'mentally unstable'. These are filters that you're seeing the world through and questioning them make an ego fearful and defensive. I didn't say anything about 'objects not existing'. They do and they don't, everything is relative if you haven't noticed it already. You choose how you want to see them, but ultimately, everything is One, and all dualities collapse if you look and question hard enough. 

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8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If you don't believe others exist independently from your awareness then save us your wise words and stop talking to nonexistent figments of your mind. 

I'm basically with you: if you're only going to believe in one thing, let that be it! But still, I do enjoy talking to figments of my mind. Refraining from doing so saves others nothing, precisely because the figments of my mind are only me.

I also think many in this thread misunderstand what it means to say that objects are a product of perception (or that there is no objective reality). What I care most about however is: please stop dragging physics into this! That's painful.

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I like sensory deprivation tanks for this type of thing. 

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9 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Someone here there is no objective reality.  Deal with it.  Because i know you know.

Are nighttime dreams real or unreal? 

Hint : it's impossible to answer this question. 

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Just now, Someone here said:

Are nighttime dreams real or unreal? 

Hint : it's impossible to answer this question. 

They are real. There you go.

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3 minutes ago, commie said:

They are real. There you go.

So are P-Zombies. :)




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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