
Yellow to Turquoise: Transcending Personal Biases

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I'm seeking some perspectives on how to transcend stage Yellow if your personality is biased towards individuality. 

As a kid, I worshipped stage Red in the form of heroes like Superman and King Arthur, but my military family was die-hard stage Blue at the time, and I was largely indoctrinated into this for much of my childhood.  Strong streaks of independence, intellectualism, skepticism, and rebelliousness have always been part of me, though, and after I left home and started college, I consciously left Blue behind for a rationalist, scientific, atheist perspective.  STEM and Ayn Rand and psychology 101 and Kant and others put me in Orange territory, where I remained until a couple years ago.  This transition was "easy" in a way because it appealed to individualist aspects of my personality that originated in my worship of Red as a young child, and because I understood Blue so well, it was easy to leave it behind in the transition back to an individual perspective of competitiveness, meritocracy, and materialism.  Then I went to business school for my MBA, which ironically wasn't full of Orange people but full of Green people.  Intense Green was everywhere, and I was forced to confront it for two years.  I was pulled along kicking and screaming--the collective/emotional view was hard to accept, especially given my personal biases.

But something kind of strange happened.  I never "was" Green.  As I finally came to understand Green, I became Yellow.  It was as if the lack of understanding Green was holding me back from a transition I had already been pushing towards, and once resolved, Yellow became obvious.  I saw the nuance.  I saw the integrated systems functioning together.  I realized that perspective was crucial to the big-picture.  Yellow's more impersonal big-picture understanding is so natural to me, and yet still grounded in some degree of individuality while embodying growth and learning for its own sake. 

Having now discovered Spiral Dynamics and nonduality, I question how to continue my growth.  Turquoise people are rare indeed, so it's hard to surround yourself with them.  Combined with my personal difficulty of truly identifying with a collective perspective, I feel this level will be much harder to achieve FOR ME.  I continue to pursue enlightenment itself, though I think that will take time and effort over months or years to make meaningful progress towards.  I wonder if, similar to Green, understanding Turquoise could eventually facilitate a transition to Coral if I can achieve awakening/liberation in the process.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

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You won’t be able to figure it out. I would suggest letting go of cognitive Yellow-level constructs and engaging within 5th dimensional realms that seem like magic, without trying to figure it out conceptually. 

Much of Turquoise is non-verbal and non-conceptual. Thought stories are not front and center on the Turquoise stage. One orientation is to try and figure out that which is cannot be figured out. This is the slow approach, like crawling up a mountain on one’s belly. Another orientation is that actuality of that which is not figured out and being like “Omg!! How do I even begin to explain this??!!”. 

For some minds, a psychedelic is like taking a helicopter up to the top of Mt. Turquoise. 

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Psychedelics have given me a glimpse of the mountain, to be sure, and their exploration has been the greatest discovery of my adult life and an incredible tool for personal development.  I never even CONSIDERED that spirituality was "real" until I tried N,N,DMT.  Wow, that cracked me open.  Unfortunately, I had a misstep involving my serotonin receptors (don't use MAOI's you bought online in powder form) and I'm grounded to no psychedelics for at least the next 3-6 months, so I have to do some work the long way in the meantime.

I'm exploring Kriya yoga, meditation, books, videos, journaling, etc.  I just can see how this collective development towards Turquoise will be a difficult step for me based on my past development.  The spiritual stuff is also a bit of a maze.  I'm realizing much of it is "real," and yet much of it is garbage.  It's hard to know the difference at the beginning, and results without psychedelics are slow.

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I've heard about that before with spiral dynamics. People going through either even or odd numbered stages. It makes me wonder which i am.

Edit: oh and lets compare with other systems. Green is 8 circuits of consciousness 5th circuit and elevator of enlightenment shiny baby. Turquoise is 8th circuit and cosmos. So yellow is either 6th circuit tribe of humanity or 7th circuit gaia. Spiral dynamics misses a stage.

That means, if yellow is 6th circuit, you'll actually jump to 8th circuit turquoise. You will likely have a low activity profile while 7th circuit is activating, going by that line of reasoning. 

Edit: its cool, this theory can explain why we can have entire years that are high or low in activity in a somewhat cyclic pattern.

Actually it seems i have a good year every 3 years but stages go up every 2 or 4 years depending on how you define things. So the 2 might be separate but interrelating processes.

Edited by Artsu

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