
I Am Fucked... And Rsd Are Crooks

12 posts in this topic

Hey guys,

Just feeling like crap right now because I think I am in massive trouble.

I was practicing cold approach a night club and hit on this chick where I think I was a bit too touchy feely and too soon. She now thinks I am a bit rapey which I don't want to be labelled that. I was also sober while doing it was also flipping nervous.

I now personally am going to stop doing this because I feel like cold approach in general is wrong morally, especially in nightclubs because the girls are intoxicated and especially when you are sober. I  now personally think that RSD are massive dicks for misleading people like me to think that hitting on girls which are at least tipsy is ok. I am too decent to do that. I have come to this epiphany 

Also I am a college student so I am really scared that she will tell everyone in college.

what the fuck do I do?!?!

PS Why do people still follow RSD advice when they are fucking banned from countries because they promote harsh treatment from women? 

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@Ross Woah. Relax. Your ego is massively freaking out for some reason.

You cannot possibly blame a source of information for your actions, do you ?

While something might be recommended to you it doesn't mean you HAVE to do it.

Your actions remain your actions no matter what.

Unless you actually tried to rape her or really overdid it she will most likely forget about it or simply label you as a uncool guy and you'll be amongst the last 300 guys who approached her.

Stating that talking to someone who is slightly intoxicated is moraly wrong is simply hilarious.

Rsd are banned in saudi arabia and countries under sharia law, because girl cannot legaly have sex or flirt without marriage.

On what to do : Relaxing - going on rsd forums to blame them and get maybe some constructive feedback - learn why girls I talk to find me rapey - how to stop freaking out - watch leo's video on morality

Honestly this kind of advice might simply not be your piece of cake, hence if you don't find it productive for you simply ignore it and move on!

Best of luck !

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@Ross Did I not mention it before?

The self help industry, and yes that included the spiritual community is a scam.

You can solve all your problems by dropping the programming you accepted from these "authorities" and just live intensely in the moment.

You will see clearly for yourself that this industry is nothing but nonsense that you never needed.

Try it for yourself. But you must be willing to drop the Mooji, RSD, Hulse, Ken Wilber and all the other nonsense that you bought into. 

You can only do that when you become serious enough.

Enjoy the bliss

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I'm going to break down your post.

7 hours ago, Ross said:

I now personally am going to stop doing this because I feel like cold approach in general is wrong morally, especially in nightclubs because the girls are intoxicated and especially when you are sober.

I'll agree with @Lynnel , watch Leo's vid on morality.

7 hours ago, Ross said:

I  now personally think that RSD are massive dicks for misleading people like me to think that hitting on girls which are at least tipsy is ok.

Misleading? So what you're saying was you misinterpreted what they discuss and are blaming them for a choice you made? Try watching Leo's vid on victim mentality. Also re-watch their videos for nuance. Do you want to know one of the major things RSD promotes? Social awareness and calibration. Something you are probably lacking.


7 hours ago, Ross said:

I am too decent to do that. I have come to this epiphany 

Cool down that ego/pain-body whatever is making you think like this. You are projecting the backlash of a negative reaction onto RSD instead of critically examining yourself. If you were a cooler, more grounded, fun-creating guy with better social acuity do you think she would've reacted the same way? Questions questions....


7 hours ago, Ross said:


Also I am a college student so I am really scared that she will tell everyone in college.

what the fuck do I do?!?!

PS Why do people still follow RSD advice when they are fucking banned from countries because they promote harsh treatment from women? 

If she does, apologize and say you were drunk. She probably won't care enough to hunt you down, honestly. More importantly, stop freaking out over this little thing. You shouldn't scream everytime you get your finger pricked. Move on with your life and do whatever you want to do and don't blame others for your actions.


Sidenote: As for why RSD is banned, RSDJulien released some edgy videos which could be construed as mysogynistic and racist a few years ago(context shows that he was only being edgy and maybe trying to do silly things to impress his fanbase) and that provoked an enormous feminist backlash which certain government officials noticed and immediately banned Rsd for brownie points.

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@Ross bro morality is just a way for people in charge to control other people, don't be a sheep and follow what other people tell you.

And there is nothing 'wrong' with cold approach, sometimes its better because you don't have to deal with trying out people you know, or your friends know, if something goes wrong


And RSD wasn't banned because of their harsh treatment, it was banned because governments are feminist sucking apologists who can't handle freedom of speech

Edited by electroBeam

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Do you find it a bit strange that as soon as you run into some emotional trouble and your ego is challenged, suddenly RSD are a bunch crooks and you're "too decent" to do that slimy, disgusting, evil pickup stuff? Because It couldn't be possible to do pickup in a way that doesn't involve taking advantage of overly drunk girls, right?


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Leo has a pretty spot-on video dealing directly with pickup. I think it's called A rant Against Pickup. 

If you can still embrace pickup after watching that entire video? Well, enjoy the fallout, yikes.

@Ross  Cool for thinking for yourself after all bud, but placing blame anywhere really does nothing.

Even beating yourself up over your experience with that girl will do nothing for you except generate guilt, which is probably the best way to hinder thinking clearly and reasoning it all out as a social experiment that made you uneasy afterwords, that you learned a bit from, and are moving on.  

In my opinion and experience anyway.

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On July 26, 2016 at 0:16 PM, Ross said:

Hey guys,

Just feeling like crap right now because I think I am in massive trouble.

I was practicing cold approach a night club and hit on this chick where I think I was a bit too touchy feely and too soon. She now thinks I am a bit rapey which I don't want to be labelled that. I was also sober while doing it was also flipping nervous.

I now personally am going to stop doing this because I feel like cold approach in general is wrong morally, especially in nightclubs because the girls are intoxicated and especially when you are sober. I  now personally think that RSD are massive dicks for misleading people like me to think that hitting on girls which are at least tipsy is ok. I am too decent to do that. I have come to this epiphany 

Also I am a college student so I am really scared that she will tell everyone in college.

what the fuck do I do?!?!

PS Why do people still follow RSD advice when they are fucking banned from countries because they promote harsh treatment from women? 

My recommendation is to 1. Don't do pick-up on women more intoxicated than you are; and 2. Read her signals. Women are used to being hit on, so unless you really overdid it, she probably was just using her basic deflection techniques to indicate to you that she's not interested. Even so, you probably didn't traumatize her. You can totally learn to flirt with women without being sleazy about it. The dynamic of the mating dance is 'she invites, you approach, she accepts and invites more, you approach more, and so on.' It's like a very subtle conversation. If you don't get an answer back, the conversation ends. So, learn indicators of attraction, and gauge for them before making any moves or advances. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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On Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 2:42 PM, aurum said:

Do you find it a bit strange that as soon as you run into some emotional trouble and your ego is challenged, suddenly RSD are a bunch crooks and you're "too decent" to do that slimy, disgusting, evil pickup stuff? Because It couldn't be possible to do pickup in a way that doesn't involve taking advantage of overly drunk girls, right?


Same. Women go out to night clubs for the specific reason to meet guys. Why not take rejection on the chin like a man and deal with this awkward phase. 

Or you can quit and start the blame game but no one is going to miss you.

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3 hours ago, Jecht Spencer said:


Or you can quit and start the blame game but no one is going to miss you.

So true. No one is going to miss you and most likely even be glad that you're not creeping out girls anymore to be totally honest :P

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Ain't no girl care that you hit on her at the nightclub while she's tipsy. That's what nightclubs were invented for!

Definition of a nightclub: place to go to get drunk, listen to music, and get laid.

Girls know this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 7/31/2016 at 0:16 PM, Emerald Wilkins said:

My recommendation is to 1. Don't do pick-up on women more intoxicated than you are; and 2. Read her signals. Women are used to being hit on, so unless you really overdid it, she probably was just using her basic deflection techniques to indicate to you that she's not interested. Even so, you probably didn't traumatize her. You can totally learn to flirt with women without being sleazy about it. The dynamic of the mating dance is 'she invites, you approach, she accepts and invites more, you approach more, and so on.' It's like a very subtle conversation. If you don't get an answer back, the conversation ends. So, learn indicators of attraction, and gauge for them before making any moves or advances. 

Unless you flip the script.

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