
White kid cries because he got segregated on the basis of race

43 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Scholar said:

Next step:

Put every child into a cage in which they can only kneel in and not even turn around, leave them in there for a few hours in the dark.  Maybe even pretend like they are being slaughtered and eaten, showing some obese person eating and enjoying a hamburger made of their classmates flesh.


That would make people more empathic real quick. Sadly most people never experience terror and subjugation, which is why we live in a society in which it is viewed as almost completely non-problematic. So much so that people are willing to do this to their brothers and sisters for something like trivial health benefits or energy levels.

There is a spectrum of intensity. If it’s too intense, it can be traumatic and counter-productive. One reason I’m open to the original exercise is that it was a mild level of discomfort. In the area of animal farming, I think it would be more appropriate to take kids to a factory farm and let them observe the cruelty. This would be moderately uncomfortable, yet wouldn’t leave long-lasting traumatic harm. 

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12 hours ago, Forestluv said:

There is a spectrum of intensity. If it’s too intense, it can be traumatic and counter-productive. One reason I’m open to the original exercise is that it was a mild level of discomfort. In the area of animal farming, I think it would be more appropriate to take kids to a factory farm and let them observe the cruelty. This would be moderately uncomfortable, yet wouldn’t leave long-lasting traumatic harm. 

I don't know, seeing animal cruelty would definitely be more traumatic for me than being put into a simulated situation myself.

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