
Thoughts on Intuition? Is the still small voice whiten the God head talking to you?

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I'm talking about the discernible voice that you intuitively know will lead you down the right path. 

What is it and why do we often struggle to follow it's directions ?

Is fear and procrastination the ego / devil that hinders our actualization of potential? 

It's just no matter what I do I can't follow my heart / intuition for more than a few days, I always return to procrastination, mess ups , mistakes and in turn self hatred.

Any input is really appreciated,



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I've learned, through much pain regarding this topic, that intuition is NOT necessarily the still small voice. 

Rather, one can follow intuition by paying attention to the outside world such as noticing and following synchronicities. 

Its more of a magic based approach and for me it makes way more sense. 

The voice inside your head CAN still be intuition, yet often the truth is drowned out by fear and its simply not practical to "force" yourself to trust it. 

Read The Celestine Prophesy for more guidance on intuition. It helped me immensely.

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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I’ve found my intuition often resides in my gut, hence “gut feeling.” Sometimes if I’m unsure of the right course of action instead of focusing on my mind I’ll focus on my gut instead, and I’ll get a clearer picture.

Also keep in mind the devil will try to trick you with it’s own fake version of it intuition. Let’s say you’re feeling lonely and your friend invites you to a party, however you’ve been developing yourself so the idea of drinking doesn’t appeal to you that much, and your gut is even saying you won’t enjoy it. However, there might also be another voice saying “Go, you might meet some spiritual people there!” It doesn’t matter that you can feel that no one there will be interested in spirituality, the devil is trying to come up with excuses to get you to go so you don’t have to deal with that loneliness, which might even be beneficial for you to face that night.

Whether you’ll listen to the devil or not depends on how conscious you’re prepared to be in any given situation and how much you’ve refused to listen to it before.

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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