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Red flags for online course ? Or are they green flags (:

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Just want another perspective is all. thank you for your time. 

Currently buying online coaching for a large amount of money for me. 

Green flags so far

Referral from a friend I trust

Student testimonials 

Good reputation , no scammy advertising and trusted by others

They interview you (no charge) 

Not many bad reviews, hard to find but mainly positive balanced feedback. 

calibrations with well respected in there industry 

Free quality content on what they help you with. ( youtube ) 

Good size following ( established ) 


Red flags

There don't promise results but do have exceptions for your success after 3-7months of work with them with pretty crazy good results, like quit your job results. 


Cant think of anymore but I will if I do, Let me know what your green and red flags for online products/coaching . 

Take care.


p.s. I do already have experience buying online products and gained results. 



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What kind of online course?

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2 hours ago, LessonsSavesLifes said:

Just want another perspective is all. thank you for your time. 

Currently buying online coaching for a large amount of money for me. 

Green flags so far

Referral from a friend I trust

Student testimonials 

Good reputation , no scammy advertising and trusted by others

They interview you (no charge) 

Not many bad reviews, hard to find but mainly positive balanced feedback. 

calibrations with well respected in there industry 

Free quality content on what they help you with. ( youtube ) 

Good size following ( established ) 


Red flags

There don't promise results but do have exceptions for your success after 3-7months of work with them with pretty crazy good results, like quit your job results. 


Cant think of anymore but I will if I do, Let me know what your green and red flags for online products/coaching . 

Take care.


p.s. I do already have experience buying online products and gained results. 



Might be a throwaway comment, but if it is London Real, do not hand over your money. 

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Trust your intuition. Having good resonance with the coach and being willing to follow the course is what is the most important thing.

Whatever you want to do, the course will not do the work for you. You have to sit and do the 100-1000hours it takes to get what you want. If the course motivates you to keep going its good.

Also you cant go wrong with buying a course from a person you trust and you resonate with.

  1. You invest in yourself, this money is already better spend than most money you piss away anyway
  2. You might get great results and learn important stuff
  3. If the course is shit you learned a valuable lesson for what to look out for next time

And I would be wary of people who are extremely big on social media/marketing. There has to be a balance between them doing marketing/selling courses and them actually working in the field they want to teach you. Id rather look at lesser known experts.

Edited by universe

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@Leo Gura a company by Alexander Vikin.

(You can search him on youtube) 

Helps freelancers get higher volume of clients on upwork. Helps you close serious people that have money to spend on big projects by getting your first 5 projects started and getting the initial reviews needed to be attractive to potential other clients.  


Basically teaches you sales by hopping on calls with clients from upwork. 

I am a creative type but still young, so I'm honing my skills currently so I figured this is a great product to hone my sales skills as well to better market my services. 


Has a mastermind to gain help from those who already been though the proces and have gained results . 

I believe he takes 12 students per 6 month periods , not sure. 

P.s. the one who recommended it was really  Intelligent mentor who I got online coaching from to help with my dating life. 

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@universe yes I 100% agree. 

The marketing is what really caught my eye. 

There is no marketing.  Thats what I noticed, the owner of the company seems to value organic growth over mass "tie lopez" type  scammy marketing.  The marketing seems to be just word of mouth and his reputation(youtube channel) 


Of course yes I am ready for the work that awaits, I wouldn't be interested if it was easy to no effort, thats a big red flag for me. 

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@LessonsSavesLifes I'm always leery of online marketing/biz courses. But sometimes they can be worth it. It all depends.

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@Leo Gura I'm also like that. I rarely trust anyone selling anything without much research and a second perspective ( in case I invested to much and im biased) 

What really is pushing me is the fact that my friend I trust recommend it. Without that, I wouldn't be considering it at all. Given that information I have, I'm confident I'm not risking too much. 


Im saving double of what they are asking, in case its a waste of money. Just to be save , i don't want to be in debt lol and I don't want to tap into my savings .  I afford to lose the money I invest so its not a big deal. 


Thank you leo for the free work you put out. Much appreciated. Wish you much success in your journey.  

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talk about your greatest knuckle head ninja :P

live and learn my dude, but there can only be One hokage!!! 

Believe it!!!!!

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Make sure it is not something you could extract from few good books. 

Building a Story Brand - by Don Miller teaches you how to speak the client's language, how to be where they are, how to position yourself into their life story and how to become their soulmate business partner. 

He teaches it in a very gentle and organic way and guides you stop by step on how to polish your marketing message. 

He talks a lot about collecting emails, elevator pitches and common sales mistakes as well. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 sales isn't something i can learn from a book. The theory is awesome and necessary to thrive but experience is what I value more. 

Its the one on one coaching I'm after, not the theory. 

I figure its like basketball ( Im really good at it) 

I cant learn basketball from a book , only from experience. 

The coaching from an expert in him field is what I'm after, he's so good I cant ignore him. Assuming my research about the product is correct. 

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@LessonsSavesLifes I checked your profile. Does CA mean Canada or California. I'm honestly always confused about that. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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