
If the whole world was stage yellow or above in 2120

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Do you think we would find something else to fight with each other about?

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1 hour ago, Lindsay said:

Do you think we would find something else to fight with each other about?



just look at this forum

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Considering how spiral development and poverty are inversely correlated and how the most affluent parts of the world aren't even fully green yet, then for the entire world to get to yellow will probably only happen when generalized AI has eliminated all poverty. Is that even possible? We don't know.

Anyways, given that world-wide yellow requires global eradictation of poverty and that the power-asymmetry issues of generalized AI have already been solved, then we'll already be in a world government type situation anyway. Any potential internal ideological issues will be overseen by an united monopoly of force, and therefore it would be more easily resolved than in the current world environment. Will these ideological issues even happen at global yellow in a post-scarcity economy? Who knows?

To summarize, yellow will necessarily arise in tandem with the technological solutions that will allow for a global spread of yellow, and this will produce a positive feedback loop. Yellow will start to spread rapidly once it passes an extremely tight evolutionary bottleneck in terms of worldy affairs, so tight infact that it might not even happen. The fact that this type of united world is not just post-scarcity but also fully postmodern will probably lead to a level of homogeneity that doesn't leave much room for disagreements at all, atleast relative to today's standards.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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6 hours ago, Rilles said:



just look at this forum

This forum isn't unanimously yellow.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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3 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

This forum isn't unanimously yellow.

Hyperbolic joke, bruh.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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21 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Hyperbolic joke, bruh.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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7 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:


xD ok that was childish but i laughed a little 

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Apparently the Netherlands are potentially entering into the 2nd tier (as a society). I haven't found a great many resources online for describing this, but I do find this David Brooks article on the NYT to be suggestively interesting:

"They look at education differently than we do. The German word they used to describe their approach, bildung, doesn’t even have an English equivalent. It means the complete moral, emotional, intellectual and civic transformation of the person. It was based on the idea that if people were going to be able to handle and contribute to an emerging industrial society, they would need more complex inner lives."

"Today, Americans often think of schooling as the transmission of specialized skill sets — can the student read, do math, recite the facts of biology. Bildung is devised to change the way students see the world. It is devised to help them understand complex systems and see the relations between things — between self and society, between a community of relationships in a family and a town."

“Bildung is the way that the individual matures and takes upon him or herself ever bigger personal responsibility towards family, friends, fellow citizens, society, humanity, our globe, and the global heritage of our species, while enjoying ever bigger personal, moral and existential freedoms.”

"Their intuition was that as people grow, they have the ability to go through developmental phases, to see themselves and the world through ever more complex lenses. A young child may blindly obey authority — Mom, Dad, teacher. Then she internalizes and conforms to the norms of the group. Then she learns to create her own norms based on her own values. Then she learns to see herself as a node in a network of selves and thus learns mutuality and holistic thinking."

It's pretty amazing, actually, that an entire society has figured all that out. Meanwhile, we in the USA are stuck with the comparatively adolescent Libertarian view of "greed is good" and "every man for himself".

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