Kailash Bhattarai

How does reincarnation works?

28 posts in this topic

15 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You’re incorrect in saying that there is no reincarnation, since there is no self to reincarnate. 

The “self” won’t service, but there will NEVER be a moment that “Self” - just awareness itself, wont experience something.

And this POV, or “Self” with capital S is nothing experiencing different gradations of itself.

Because there is only 1 subject in the entire universe. 

Every moment is self awareness itself. You are talking to yourself now, and breathing, eating yourself. That why nothing happening. There is no you in body to be reincarnate, nothing will can never be exist nor not exist, forget even to be reincarnated. There is no subject in the universe. There is no universe, you think you are in world now? :) 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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11 minutes ago, James123 said:

 There is no universe, you think you are in world now? :) 

Me? I am saying there is only 1 subject. And that 1 subject lives through each life. There is a subject at the center of each experience, and that subject is TRANSCENDENTAL.

 OF COURSE I do not think I’m in the world now. This is all a hallucination. There is no physical reality.

The transcendental “I” in you and I are the same being.

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5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

I am saying there is only 1 subject

That subject is formlessness or nothingness. Thats why all is one, because formlessness can be formless and at the same time can take any form. So 


5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

There is a subject at the center of each experience, and that subject is TRANSCENDENTAL.

This is nothingness.


5 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

he transcendental “I” in you and I are the same being.

This is nothingness. So where is the world, reincarnation, universe or enlightenment? You are not even in the body, because there is no body.  So how am i wrong with saying there is no reincarnation? There is nothing here, so where is the reincarnation? 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 Don’t get cute with me on terminology. You know that what I am saying and what you are saying is the same thing.

Im saying that your POV and my POV are nothingness experiencing life, via 2 individual projections emanating from consciousness.

1 consciousness or server, infinity of POVs within it.

You and I are probes that God inserted into its own asshole to know itself.

Disprove me.

Edited by justfortoday

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1 hour ago, James123 said:

nothing is experiencing different vibrations as itself, and

@justfortodaywhat is the differences between what you say now and what i say in the first comment ?  :) you are approving me :):):) thanks brother. But i am nothing, thats why james and you are inly different vibrations within me. Which is me nothingness again. Thats why there is no you or james or life, just me, nothingness.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 minutes ago, James123 said:

@justfortodaywhat is the differences between what you say now and what i say in the first comment ?  :) you are approving me :):):) thanks brother. But i am nothing, thats why james and you are inly different vibrations within me. Which is me nothingness again. Thats why there is no you or james or life, just me, nothingness.

Can we agree on:

Capital "S" self, God, Eternal Consciousness = Nothingness (in order for everything to be contained in it as a projection).


Reincarnation is real. 

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1 minute ago, justfortoday said:

Can we agree on:

Capital "S" self, God, Eternal Consciousness = Nothingness (in order for everything to be contained in it as a projection).


Reincarnation is real. 

Thats what i exactly say, if nothingness in every projection, when you look at from perspective of nothing word of table, chair, reincarnation, are identical because they are all one, which is nothingness. So word of reincarnation and table are identical. You answer yourself is the reincarnation is real, if it is identical with table? 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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4 hours ago, justfortoday said:

Can we agree on:

Capital "S" self, God, Eternal Consciousness = Nothingness (in order for everything to be contained in it as a projection).


Reincarnation is real. 

 check this out :) 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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