
Can I Just 'visualise'/affirm Myself Into Enlightenment?

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In the self-help world, visualisation works to reprogram your mind. People that visualise what they want get it. Like the law of attraction.

Similarly, if you say what you want to believe (through affirmations), then eventually you become that.

If I just visualise myself as being everywhere and being not a human, will I eventually experience it?

If I wake up and go "I am the universe, I am everywhere" and picture myself being everywhere, is that going to get me to enlightenment?

or is that just a trap and i need to continue meditating my way through it?

Edited by WhatAmI

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No you can't. Enlightenment isn't something you can believe yourself into, it's beyond beliefs and concepts. Every thing you think you know about enlightenment is false, it's not about being one with the universe nor being everywhere. How can you visualize something you can never know what it is? Sure, there are a lot of guru's who use a lot of fancy words to describe their experience as an enlightened being but these words only point to the real thing. "I am the universe" is just a pointer, there is no such thing in true enlightenment. 

Enlightenment isn't something you can find, nor can you understand it since there is nothing to understand and there is no one who is doing the understanding. Throw away all your beliefs and maybe you will see the truth.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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4 hours ago, WhatAmI said:

If I just visualise myself as being everywhere and being not a human, will I eventually experience it?


You MIGHT, but it will ONLY be yet another experience. 

The issue with affirmations is that the subconscious mind might have an inner programming that is much more powerful than affirmations from conscious mind. So it's like trying to pull a train with a horse :D 




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Affirmations and visualization are all about thinking and thinking does NOT get you to enlightenment. In fact, it slows you down.

Enlightenment is a realization grounded in the present moment that you are nothing and everything. There are degrees to enlightenment so it is not like either you are enlightened or not. 

To increase your degree of enlighenment, meditate and do self inquiry work consistently for many years. There are no shortcuts here ;) 



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