
Libertarianism in a nutshell

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The Hippy Movement, would have been a better title for this video.

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People who don't want to use violence - whether directly or through the proxy of the state - to force others to conform to their ethics, morals, values, and preferences are simply awful people. 


Edited by BHKNB

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@BHKNB Exactly, could agree more! States politicians is the best living example. Sleepy deef and dumb people are the people of states. (Not generalizing)

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Honestly that's great. Small communes of libertarians, anarchists or communists can function and in fact do function right now. Allowing smaller movements like this is perfectly fine as far as I care. The silly thing would be thinking that this can simply be up-scaled to a nation size area.   

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@RareGodzilla Yea I agree with you say. Thing here is that circles or I might say communities or communes like this never reach to a wider population, historically speaking. They always bite their ass at the end and fall apart. 

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