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Girls thinks i am cute, is this good or bad?

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When a girls find you being cute does that  mean i  am attractive? I have heard that being  cute only  means that  she  sees you as a "friend". This is something i have received from movies, but not sure  whether this is true for in real life. Are you only attractive if they say you are handsome or hot.

Maybe its true what they say that i am cute/adorable.

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What do you feel from the interaction?

Girls usually give you signals of attraction you such as: touching their hair, looking you in the eye, smiling at you. You feel it when they are attracted to you.


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I usually say that a guy is cute if I find him attractive. 


I hope  that helps. 

In my opinion she likes you. 


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38 minutes ago, Sleyker said:

You feel it when they are attracted to you.

There where girls in middle school that where talking  a lot to me, thouching me slightly and asking  personal question. I always pushed them  away because i had way  more social anxiety then and i was terrified of girls, sex and reletionship. This fear only began to fade away when i was 16 years old. I am glad i did push them away because i was way immature and afraid too have girlfriend. 


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Yes they probably find you attractive. It's just a word they use to describe it. It might have flowed better with the context of the conversation.

Don't over-analyze this. Just be happy you got a compliment and go from there!


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@Peo  frankly if  I were a man and if a girl told me that I was cute and adorable I would be jumping with joy, even if she didn't mean I was hot or wanted. 

It would have such an impact. :)

That's the cutest thing a girl can say to a guy. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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5 hours ago, Peo said:

When a girls find you being cute does that  mean i  am attractive?

Of course, dummy.

Girls will never call a guy cute unless they are attracted.

The best way to tell if she's attracted is by how attentive she is when you talk, how willing she is to follow your lead, and how willing she is to hold deep eye contact. If she's looking deep in your eyes, she's willing to sleep with you.

Also, if she's willing to let you touch her body, she's willing to sleep with you.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Girls will never call a guy cute unless they are attracted.

Wrong xD

Not all girls are the same.

"Cute" could mean "you are a pleasant companion, you remind me of a cute puppy" or "you smile radiates happiness and positive energy". Girls compliment each other like this all the time. Maybe they're just trying to be nice, it's not always attraction ?

Edited by Member

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Least youre not ugly! 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Do you look like a puppy? ;) I think this can be sign of attraction but it is also descriptive.

My English teacher was saying that she could put a picture of me near a glass tea instead of sweetening it xD She did that in a group setting and she was just about getting married that time. My guess is that I was younger version of her fiance. It just means she had certain preferences.

Some girls will like certain things and others will be turned off by it. In general it is a positive sign. You just need to find compatible one.

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6 hours ago, Member said:

Wrong xD

Not all girls are the same.

"Cute" could mean "you are a pleasant companion, you remind me of a cute puppy" or "you smile radiates happiness and positive energy". Girls compliment each other like this all the time. Maybe they're just trying to be nice, it's not always attraction ?

?‍♂️ ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

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14 hours ago, Moon said:
18 hours ago, Member said:

Boys be like:


he cute tho^_^

True i sound just like this guy in "Ice age" movies.

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On 04/07/2020 at 7:45 PM, Peo said:

When a girls find you being cute does that  mean i  am attractive? I have heard that being  cute only  means that  she  sees you as a "friend". This is something i have received from movies, but not sure  whether this is true for in real life. Are you only attractive if they say you are handsome or hot.

Maybe its true what they say that i am cute/adorable.

Well,its not that radical like "every time a girl says that you are cute it means she sees you as a friend".

Sometimes yes, sometimes not, it depends on the context, as was said. She may think you are a handsome guy, but she does not necessarily have a sexual interest in you.

Watch out for other signs, does it touch your body? How close is she when she talks to you, what kind of subjects does she talk to you? Is her body language open and aimed at you?

Sometimes she can be an extrovert and was kind and nice to you, which is a common thing here in Brazil.

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Cute is a big compliment.  BTW friendship is also a big compliment, and not at all an insult.

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The deeper issue here is this: you interactions with women need to be obviously charged with sexual intent that if a woman pays you any compliment at whatsoever, she knows she's implicitly asking to sleep with you.

You need to make it clear with the first 5 minutes of meeting a girl that this is not a friend-to-friend interaction.

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most of the time, it's not a good sign

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On 5-7-2020 at 6:35 AM, Leo Gura said:

Girls will never call a guy cute unless they are attracted.

The best way to tell if she's attracted is by how attentive she is when you talk, how willing she is to follow your lead, and how willing she is to hold deep eye contact. If she's looking deep in your eyes, she's willing to sleep with you.

Also, if she's willing to let you touch her body, she's willing to sleep with you.

Even though the last part is a disaster waiting to happen when doctors and physical therapists read it, I'm still saving this into my OneNote page with the best quotes related to dating... thank you Leo

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