Robi Steel

Im voting Trump in November and why I left this forum

206 posts in this topic

Hey guys, 

I'm Robin and I started watching Leo´s videos when I was 14. I have been trying to answer the big existential questions from a very young age and have taken psychedelics over 30-40 times starting from age 17. Im 20 now. Before Leo turned into white Gandalf, every single video that he posted absolutely resonated with my soul and made incredible progress possible in my Life. I went from an outcast and looser to a self-confident, peaceful man. I've had several, deep mystical experiences. 

I just wanted to notify you that this forum is heavily biased and reduces political discussions mostly to a left-wing echo chamber. You may think that this forum covers a wide range of opinion, it actually covers a small range of left ideology, pretending to be the whole conversation. You can see it clearly in the guidelines of this forum. Yes, right-wing opinions exist and are sometimes allowed to be formulated but they are not taken seriously and ridiculed as soon as they diverge from the left-wing narrative. 

You can see in the guidelines that "fascism, xenophobia, islamophobia" are discouraged. First of all, you can see that communism is not discouraged, the other end of the stick regarding fascism. Secondly, xenophobia and islamophobia are terms that intentionally distort the perspective of right-wing political beliefs. Phobia would refer to an "irrational" fear of other cultures or Islam. In reality, people don't want their countries to de-evolve to values of less developed cultures, simple as that. When you look at the ACTUAL statistics, it is clear that, for example, Germany (my home country) will develop into an Islamic state in the next 50 years, just based on birth rates. This will set the country back to stage blue, congrats. 

You can also see that sources like Fox News and PragerU are discouraged but not other ideology factories like MSNBC or CNN. This sets the tone where one side of the argument is associated with conspiracy theories and the other with truth, this is a one-sided, prejudiced starting point. Yes, Fox News has a clear bias and agenda, that doesn't mean that ALL of their reports are pure propaganda. Fox News probably does a better job reporting on Trump or Gun-control, while CNN does a better job reporting on LGBT issues or racial inequality. 

If you consider yourself spiritual or enlightened in any way, I will expect from you that you can identify the people who have more ego and those that have less, regardless of ideology. Sadly, this is not what I observed in this forum. You should seriously consider who the delusional people in America are right now, is it those that mindlessly support "Black Lives Matter", an organization that is run by self-proclaimed Marxists (a murderous extremist ideology), or is it the people that simply want their shops to not be burned down and live in peace in the city with their family? Who are the people that have an allergic reaction to differing opinions and label anyone who disagrees with them "sexist", "racist", "homophobic"? Who are the people that want to end racism but constantly make everything about race and judge people by their melatonin levels? Who are the people that shut down debates? Who are the people that seem to be full of hate (for Trump)? Who are the people that call disagreeing ideas "dangerous" and "problematic"? Who are the people that are getting people fired from their jobs? Who are the people that everyone is scared to disagree with? Who are the people that are creating scapegoats and bogeymen everywhere? Who are the people that are manipulated by dishonest media? Who are the people that want to tear down statues? Who are the people that want to defund the basic functions of our society? Who are the people that are creating criminality? Who are the people that have an absolutist mindset? Who are the people that use political violence? Who are the people that are sensitive and easily offended? 

Did you know that the republican party is making a great effort to support LGBT issues? Did you know that there is not one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist? Did you know that Caitlyn Jenner was lobbying for the republican party? Because she deems a smaller government to be the greater issue. Did you know that the USA is one of the least racist countries in the world?

Did you know that Im not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not xenophobic, not islamophobic but still support President Trump? Did you know that I think that Caitlyn Jenner is one of the bravest people I know? Im voting for Trump because I'm not an extremist, I actually don't support just opening the borders for everyone and giving free healthcare to all those that come in (crazy right?)

I have said it many times before on here: The left and the right constantly need to change power in order for real progress to occur otherwise one side gets stale and ideological (OBVIOUSLY), 

Anyways, let me hear your takes, Im very excited :)


Edited by Robi Steel

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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31 minutes ago, Robi Steel said:

When you look at the ACTUAL statistics, it is clear that, for example, Germany (my home country) will develop into an Islamic state in the next 50 years, just based on birth rates. This will set the country back to stage blue, congrats. 

Don't be so sure about that. It might seem convincing now, but things often turn out radically different than what people think. Social media technology for example resulted in the complete opposite of what experts and larger culture expected.

Anyways as for the rest of your post - I won't pick it apart piece by piece because honestly it disinterests me to go over such semantics, you're obviously burrowed deep in your identity so I won't waste your time. You're actually technically right about most of it, but it is still blind and resistant to a larger truth:

Going left/liberal/progressive is always the way forward, and is fundamentally more developed than everything else, BY DEFINITION. That's literally what the word "progress" means.

Now see the problem is we live in the present moment, so we're always stuck in a narrow view of the world. However if you take a larger look at history you'll notice how liberalism (or whatever you want to label it) always ends up winning and pushing humanity forward. Sometimes it's one step back, two steps forward, but it's inevitable.

We move from be exclusive and separated, to being inclusive and united. People shed their fears of the other, and different people become more equal. This is the trend of history, realize this.

Notice how the liberals of today are the conservatives of tomorrow. The conservatives of now are what the liberal parties were 50 years ago. In 100 years from now the liberals of 2120 will look back and scoff at how backwards and misguided we are today.

Now of course you're going to point all the flaws, hypocrisy, and contradictions of the left today. I get it, I understand, I even agree with you. Just do yourself a favor and take a moment to consider and appreciate that moving forward isn't always pretty, it isn't always logical, and there is collateral damage.

In the end though after the dust settles, we will be in a better place. You can either accept this and let it happen. Or resist and be apart of the footnotes of history.

Edit: I'd also like to point out shouldn't it be painfully obvious that this forum would be heavily left leaning? It's a self-development/spirituality forum, it's naturally going to attract more open minded, progressive people. You don't find right-wing views and conversations here because that is going in the opposite direction of development.

It's impossible for conservatism to be the leader of advancement, it can only be integrated into it as much as is necessary for stability, because if you progress too fast people can't keep up.

Edited by Roy


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@Roy Just because progressivism is defined as "progress" doesn't mean that it actually is that. Just because you name yourself that way, doesnt really mean anything, just like North Korea is the "Peoples Republic".  Political movements and parties often turn into the opposite of what they are trying to achieve. 

Yes, liberalism always ends up winning, but who are the liberals at the moment? Which party represents authoritarianism and which one liberalism has changed many times in history between the democrats and republicans. I believe its switching once again at this time.   

Yes, separation and unity are prominent patterns in history, however, the separatists are not the ones making the progress each time. Sometimes, the revolutionaries are the ones that want to destroy progress. 

I believe the times of violent revolution are long behind us and our system allows for peaceful, steady change. The "progressives" want to change too fast and have no idea how to actually implement their ideas effectively besides authoritarianism. I dont want the whole country to look like "CHAZ", these "progressives" are clearly made up of the least developed people in our society 

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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You seem like a sharp dude @Robi Steel so I'll pose you a question.

Who is actually more progressive; The people criticizing, judging, and projecting, while sitting around and offering nothing, or the people who are out there challenging and pushing the systems and society to improve?


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@Roy Btw, I thought your first post was a good argument and I would have argued the same in my head if I were to question Trump. 

I believe that the people who are out there challenging and pushing the system to improve are doing the right thing. At the moment, the brave thing to do which challenges the status quo is supporting Donald Trump. Supporting freedom of speech and limits on immigration is the opinion that gets you fired from your job and excluded by your surroundings. These people really have to risk a lot to stand up for what they believe in and yet still they do it. They are using phrases from Martin Luther King to argue against Black Lives Matter. They are defending the statues of abolitionists which are torn down by lefties. They are focusing on their own issues and how to improve this country. 

On the other hand, I see the progressives only criticizing and projecting. "Stop the hate" while hating Trump, burning down buildings, stealing from people, shutting down different opinions. "Stop racism" while clearly putting people into racial categories. "Advocate equality" while dehumanizing one half of the population. Almost their entire ideology is based on hating trump and hating republicans, they would rather cancel people instead of lifting people up. Simple as that. They are also supported by virtually all major corporations and the media which doesnt make it very rebellious. 

Edited by Robi Steel

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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People on this forum are more openminded than the general population and thus favor more progressive views. If you were expecting something else, there is a problem with your expectations. :)

The problem with the leftists is that they haven't gone full circle yet. If you go all the way to the left, eventually you will come to the right.

But many people, especially on far left hold extremist views against the right because they absolutely believe in their ideology. On one hand, they have moved in the correct direction and they see that going left leads to more progress in society. But what they fail to realize is that once progress has been made, you need people from the right to systematize and democratize the progress. 

The left is necessary to point to holes in the current system to destabilize it and make it better eventually. But the right is necessary to take over from the left and create the right institutions that will stabilize the progress. 

The left can create CHAZ countries, but other than guitars and yoga mats they can't bring anything else to the table. They don't know how to create institutions, because that is more in the skillset of the people from the right. So you are right, we need people from the left and the right.

As long as there is the freedom to express our opinions in an open debate, there is a chance to align our views. In the long run, we are all wrong anyway. Both left and right. 

Are you an American living in Germany? I don't think they allow the Germans to vote in American elections. But these days anything is possible. 

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@JosephKnecht Good point, and yes this forum is probably more progressive due to its spiritual nature, youre right. But I still felt like the one-sidedness really took all of the joy out of the political forum for me. And just now when I came back, I saw people excusing violence which makes me a little queezy sometimes. 

And yes, we need a good balance of left and right. And it still seems like I can speak freely on this forum without getting banned which is good. This means we can still come to sensible conclusions and compromises. 

And yes sorry, "I will vote for trump", just sounded better than "I would vote for Trump if I were an American". I can only vote in german elections but Im still supporting the election campaign of trump on social media and trying to spread the word. It was just convenient, I hope it doesnt distort the message in any way. Im anyways way more informed about global and american politics than my own local politics

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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1 hour ago, Robi Steel said:

Did you know that there is not one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist? 

I love you man. 

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2 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

I just wanted to notify you that this forum is heavily biased and reduces political discussions mostly to a left-wing echo chamber.

What is "politics" about in the first place? If politics were about the creation & distribution of material resources then there should be a great amount of space for differing opinions and perspectives. Political discussions these days, however, are not really about wonky policy details but instead about issues of identity. This is true whether we like it or not, and this is what leads to what may well feel like heavy-handed accusations of privilege and prejudice.

While I understand (and have some sympathy for) the arguments you are making with regards to the 2020 presidential election, you might want to consider how your advocacy of Trump comes across to your peers.

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Politics also shouldn't be about hating other races in the name of free speech and looking at them in reductionist ways


In my opinion, Leo has done an excellent job of maintaining this forum with the guidelines. 

Otherwise this forum would have turned into another low quality Reddit or 4chan long ago. 

Allow the left to exist if you want the right to exist. 

There is ideological mentality on both sides. You talk a lot about the future of your country when even the future of human life is not certain. 

Kind of reminds me of what American cops say a lot of the time, "I shot him because I was thought he was a threat to my life." even when the person shot was found to be unarmed. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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2 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Hey guys, 

I'm Robin and I started watching Leo´s videos when I was 14. I have been trying to answer the big existential questions from a very young age and have taken psychedelics over 30-40 times starting from age 17. Im 20 now. Before Leo turned into white Gandalf, every single video that he posted absolutely resonated with my soul and made incredible progress possible in my Life. I went from an outcast and looser to a self-confident, peaceful man. I've had several, deep mystical experiences. 

I just wanted to notify you that this forum is heavily biased and reduces political discussions mostly to a left-wing echo chamber. You may think that this forum covers a wide range of opinion, it actually covers a small range of left ideology, pretending to be the whole conversation. You can see it clearly in the guidelines of this forum. Yes, right-wing opinions exist and are sometimes allowed to be formulated but they are not taken seriously and ridiculed as soon as they diverge from the left-wing narrative. 

You can see in the guidelines that "fascism, xenophobia, islamophobia" are discouraged. First of all, you can see that communism is not discouraged, the other end of the stick regarding fascism. Secondly, xenophobia and islamophobia are terms that intentionally distort the perspective of right-wing political beliefs. Phobia would refer to an "irrational" fear of other cultures or Islam. In reality, people don't want their countries to de-evolve to values of less developed cultures, simple as that. When you look at the ACTUAL statistics, it is clear that, for example, Germany (my home country) will develop into an Islamic state in the next 50 years, just based on birth rates. This will set the country back to stage blue, congrats. 

You can also see that sources like Fox News and PragerU are discouraged but not other ideology factories like MSNBC or CNN. This sets the tone where one side of the argument is associated with conspiracy theories and the other with truth, this is a one-sided, prejudiced starting point. Yes, Fox News has a clear bias and agenda, that doesn't mean that ALL of their reports are pure propaganda. Fox News probably does a better job reporting on Trump or Gun-control, while CNN does a better job reporting on LGBT issues or racial inequality. 

If you consider yourself spiritual or enlightened in any way, I will expect from you that you can identify the people who have more ego and those that have less, regardless of ideology. Sadly, this is not what I observed in this forum. You should seriously consider who the delusional people in America are right now, is it those that mindlessly support "Black Lives Matter", an organization that is run by self-proclaimed Marxists (a murderous extremist ideology), or is it the people that simply want their shops to not be burned down and live in peace in the city with their family? Who are the people that have an allergic reaction to differing opinions and label anyone who disagrees with them "sexist", "racist", "homophobic"? Who are the people that want to end racism but constantly make everything about race and judge people by their melatonin levels? Who are the people that shut down debates? Who are the people that seem to be full of hate (for Trump)? Who are the people that call disagreeing ideas "dangerous" and "problematic"? Who are the people that are getting people fired from their jobs? Who are the people that everyone is scared to disagree with? Who are the people that are creating scapegoats and bogeymen everywhere? Who are the people that are manipulated by dishonest media? Who are the people that want to tear down statues? Who are the people that want to defund the basic functions of our society? Who are the people that are creating criminality? Who are the people that have an absolutist mindset? Who are the people that use political violence? Who are the people that are sensitive and easily offended? 

Did you know that the republican party is making a great effort to support LGBT issues? Did you know that there is not one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist? Did you know that Caitlyn Jenner was lobbying for the republican party? Because she deems a smaller government to be the greater issue. Did you know that the USA is one of the least racist countries in the world?

Did you know that Im not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not xenophobic, not islamophobic but still support President Trump? Did you know that I think that Caitlyn Jenner is one of the bravest people I know? Im voting for Trump because I'm not an extremist, I actually don't support just opening the borders for everyone and giving free healthcare to all those that come in (crazy right?)

I have said it many times before on here: The left and the right constantly need to change power in order for real progress to occur otherwise one side gets stale and ideological (OBVIOUSLY), 

Anyways, let me hear your takes, Im very excited :)


Heavily biased? No shit. Have you seen my account and bans for stating the facts? 

The ideal solution imho from a spiritual aspect is away from government. Libertarian. Smaller, not larger government. Not reliant on the state and pity party victim clout but the individual, family unity, community, etc. 

Trump closed the boarder due to global pandemic and got called a racist. The parties are both flawed. 

My issue is that democrats are kneeling to a organisation that the leader made terrorist like comments. Its appalling. 

A two party election isn't the solution nor is a lawlessness in a election cycle. Shocking. 

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1 minute ago, Onemanwolfpac said:

Libertarian. Smaller, not larger government. Not reliant on the state and pity party victim clout but the individual, family unity, community, etc.

Man. I have a treat for you. Enjoy. Its only 4 hours of yelling at you on how you are wrong. :) 

The man has a point tho. 


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That man always has a point and always a good one.. :)



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Robi Steel This is a rather small community. There are diverse opinions, but a lot of people are in the same camp yes. I don't think right wing stuff has been excessively silenced. Most of the time I see Serotoninluv or Leo giving in depth responses and having normal conversations with conservative stuff. That's provided you bring something to the table.

Left wingers don't have to bring anything to the table though, they get accepted here. I don't think that's bad. I see most of it is the nature of agreement. When people agree they don't argue, when people disagree though they elaborate and get into in depth.

The partition between consciousness work( i.e. the absolute ) and politics ( the relative) is flimsy. So for example, examining the topic of "bias" in our domain of politics is inevitably linked to the domain of consciousness work. At the heart of it bias and consciousness work is a very individual thing yet we're now in politics and talking about people besides ourselves.

I'll try a bit to lay out the blueprint that I think I and many others operate from.Now phrasing it like that, it might sound like I'm giving an exposition of some sort of ideology. This is a difficult task for me and the words aren't coming out. TLDR I think it boils down to spiral dynamics. 

I'm trying enter as much as a state of "not-knowing" as I can about spiral dynamics. I can see the "actuality" of bits and pieces, but a deep bigger picture and dynamics haven't been directly seen. What exactly is growing as you go across the stages, I don't know.  

Okay that meta discussion to one side. I'll just try and talk about the specific points you mentioned now.


 When you look at the ACTUAL statistics, it is clear that, for example, Germany (my home country) will develop into an Islamic state in the next 50 years, just based on birth rates.

I don't know the facts about this. I've listened to plenty of people with these talking points before in the Anti-SJW YouTube community. Most of them were purposefully inflammatory demagogues. Maybe your nuance about the situation is different, idk. But I've almost never seen someone healthily addressing this issue from the right.


Phobia would refer to an "irrational" fear of other cultures or Islam. In reality, people don't want their countries to de-evolve to values of less developed cultures, simple as that.

It's not as simple as that. People on the right are invested in defending what they call "western values" or "christian values". It's a bunch of traditional bullshit where women stay in the kitchen. On the alt-right they long for the 1950's for some reason, as if that was some golden era we need go back to. Back when racism, sexism, prejudice, wealth inequality, abuse and white supremacy was more prevalent. 

If you listen to Stefan Molyneux, he'll justify the anti-immigration thing by bringing up the IQ of different races, and uses it as some measuring stick for human worth. It's really stupid actually the way he does it. There is a kernel of truth to it though. But I see it as an issue of poverty, education, spiral dynamics and level of consciousness in other countries and etc. And of course IQ is a little biased to western thought patterns at the very least. 


You should seriously consider who the delusional people in America are right now, is it those that mindlessly support "Black Lives Matter", an organization that is run by self-proclaimed Marxists (a murderous extremist ideology), or is it the people that simply want their shops to not be burned down and live in peace in the city with their family? Who are the people that have an allergic reaction to differing opinions and label anyone who disagrees with them "sexist", "racist", "homophobic"? Who are the people that want to end racism but constantly make everything about race and judge people by their melatonin levels? Who are the people that shut down debates? Who are the people that seem to be full of hate (for Trump)? Who are the people that call disagreeing ideas "dangerous" and "problematic"? Who are the people that are getting people fired from their jobs? Who are the people that everyone is scared to disagree with? Who are the people that are creating scapegoats and bogeymen everywhere? Who are the people that are manipulated by dishonest media? Who are the people that want to tear down statues? Who are the people that want to defund the basic functions of our society? Who are the people that are creating criminality? Who are the people that have an absolutist mindset? Who are the people that use political violence? Who are the people that are sensitive and easily offended? 

Did you know that the republican party is making a great effort to support LGBT issues? Did you know that there is not one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist? Did you know that Caitlyn Jenner was lobbying for the republican party? Because she deems a smaller government to be the greater issue. Did you know that the USA is one of the least racist countries in the world?

Alright first things first, I don't give a shit about Caitlyn Jenner (either?). Superficial celebrity garbage.

Conservatives don't spearhead LGBT issues. You have to reluctantly drag them along to your social progressivism, and then 10 years later they'll pretend like they agreed with you all along, when initially they were dragged kicking and screaming. You really think it was conservatives spearheading gay marriage becoming legal, or spearheading gays being in the military? They were the ones fighting against it and resisting it non-stop. But I'm sure nowadays they'll pretend like they were always for it. 

I could go into a massive thing in regards to this first paragraph but I'm lazy right now. Too large a subject and I don't have all day to state my full opinion on politics. I might edit it in something later or post again later, I'll see



Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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4 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


That man always has a point and always a good one.. :)

He had good points, but he keeps demonizing people from the lower level on the spiral. 

The rant against Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Brandon was unnecessary. These people were intellectual giants in their time. They attempted to create an objectivist philosophy of reality and went as far as they could. Why demonize them for their failures?

To get higher on the spiral, you must first go through the lower levels. These people are still lifting up people with the books they wrote. The same goes for Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris and whomever else Leo has ranted against.  

@Leo Gura Just friendly advice to tone down your criticism of others. You are free to point to holes in their arguments, but don't use ad hominem attacks in the manner you spoke today. Some of your listeners have to read Ayn before they can understand your argument. Don't deprive them of that privilege. 

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Did you know that the republican party is making a great effort to support LGBT issues? 

 I didn't know, tell us how that is being done

3 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

When you look at the ACTUAL statistics, it is clear that, for example, Germany (my home country) will develop into an Islamic state in the next 50 years, just based on birth rates. This will set the country back to stage blue, congrats. 

Muslim in Germany are about 6-7% the majority of them of Turkish background and most Muslims being in the West 
 In the United states about 1% and they have very little political visibility in the U.S. regardless of it was Barack Obama or Trump in the white house

Trump wanting to keep out Mexican illegals has very little comparison to Muslims who represent a specific belief system so I don't see a strong comparison to the politics in Germany.  Mexicans will be increasing needed as workers in the future because U.S. birth rates are going down. 



Pew Research Center 

The Growth of Germany’s Muslim Population

NOVEMBER 29, 2017

Even if all migration to and from Germany were to stop as of the middle of 2016, Germany’s Muslim population would be projected to increase by about 1 million, from just under 5 million (6.1% of the 2016 population) to 6 million in 2050 (8.7% of a shrinking overall population). This is because Muslims in Germany are considerably younger than non-Muslims – with median ages of 31 and 47, respectively, in 2016 – and because Muslim women have more children (1.9, on average) than non-Muslims in Germany (1.4).

In a “medium” migration scenario – which envisions regular migration continuing, but all refugee flows coming to a stop as of mid-2016 – Muslims would number 8.5 million and make up 10.8% of Germany’s population in 2050. This is smaller than the projected Muslim populations in this scenario in the United Kingdom (13.1 million) and France (12.6 million), because the UK and France have tended to receive more regular Muslim migrants than Germany, while far more Muslim refugees have arrived in Germany.

Alternatively, in a “high” migration scenario in which both regular migration and the heavy flows of refugees from the Middle East were to continue indefinitely into the future, Germany’s Muslim population would be expected to more than triple by 2050, growing from 4.9 million (6.0%) to 17.5 million (19.7%). In this scenario, Germany would have the largest Muslim population in Europe at midcentury.

However, recent policy shifts have made the high scenario less realistic in the future; an EU agreement with Turkey has slowed the influx of refugees to mainland Europe, and the German government has taken steps to limit future flows. After a September 2017 election gave the far-right Alternative for Germany party a presence in parliament for the first time, Merkel signaled openness to limiting the number of asylum seekers entering Germany to 200,000 per year. These conflicting factors may put Germany’s current course somewhere in between the medium and high scenarios.

So even in the highest case projection it's 20% by 2050 so how is that an Islamic state? 

And do you support the ADF or GI ? 


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2 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

@Roy Btw, I thought your first post was a good argument and I would have argued the same in my head if I were to question Trump. 

I believe that the people who are out there challenging and pushing the system to improve are doing the right thing. At the moment, the brave thing to do which challenges the status quo is supporting Donald Trump. Supporting freedom of speech and limits on immigration is the opinion that gets you fired from your job and excluded by your surroundings. These people really have to risk a lot to stand up for what they believe in and yet still they do it. They are using phrases from Martin Luther King to argue against Black Lives Matter. They are defending the statues of abolitionists which are torn down by lefties. They are focusing on their own issues and how to improve this country. 

On the other hand, I see the progressives only criticizing and projecting. "Stop the hate" while hating Trump, burning down buildings, stealing from people, shutting down different opinions. "Stop racism" while clearly putting people into racial categories. "Advocate equality" while dehumanizing one half of the population. Almost their entire ideology is based on hating trump and hating republicans, they would rather cancel people instead of lifting people up. Simple as that. They are also supported by virtually all major corporations and the media which doesnt make it very rebellious. 

lol, no. American progressives are more about getting rid of money in politics, universal healthcare, making high quality education more accessible, getting out of wars, ending mass incarceration... the opposite of the current status quo that trump is propagating. that is why progressives are triggered by trump, republicans, and even establishment dems like biden and pelosi.

it seems that you are isolating instances of stage green stupidity and strawmanning progressives as being limited to that stupidity. you are blinded from accepting the truth in the progressive movement. 

Edited by louhad

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You are making gross generalizations:

Muslims = stage blue coming to convert us.

Left = radical stalinist communists.

I don’t blame you because that’s a basic reaction everywhere in the world (right wing reaction). But this won’t fly in a spiritual community, we know that we don’t have that many right wing ideas here, but I think most people are okay with that.

You can still use the other sub forums if you want. 

Edited by Akemrelax

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4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

I just wanted to notify you that this forum is heavily biased and reduces political discussions mostly to a left-wing echo chamber. You may think that this forum covers a wide range of opinion, it actually covers a small range of left ideology, pretending to be the whole conversation. You can see it clearly in the guidelines of this forum. Yes, right-wing opinions exist and are sometimes allowed to be formulated but they are not taken seriously and ridiculed as soon as they diverge from the left-wing narrative. 

That is because the right wing ideology is not as developed as the left wing ideology. from a tier 2 perspective, this is clear as day. 

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

If you consider yourself spiritual or enlightened in any way, I will expect from you that you can identify the people who have more ego and those that have less, regardless of ideology. Sadly, this is not what I observed in this forum. You should seriously consider who the delusional people in America are right now, is it those that mindlessly support "Black Lives Matter", an organization that is run by self-proclaimed Marxists (a murderous extremist ideology)


you don't understand how diverse marxism is and you don't understand how necessary aspects of marxism are for any modern society to function. 

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Who are the people that have an allergic reaction to differing opinions and label anyone who disagrees with them "sexist", "racist", "homophobic"? 


1. if your differing opinion is that black people are poor because they are lazy, but refuse to acknowledge systemic problems that lead to poverty in the black community, i hate to break it to ya, you are at least reinforcing racism. Of course stage green is going to be triggered by that. 

2. who are the people that have an allergic reaction to people trying to decrease military funding, increase infrastructure, increase education spending, and increase taxes on the top .1% of income and labelling them as "Murderous marxists who want to turn america to Venezuela"?

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Who are the people that want to end racism but constantly make everything about race and judge people by their melatonin levels? 

another strawman, 95% of progressives are not "anti white"...  this is your own victim mindset ironically. 

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Who are the people that seem to be full of hate (for Trump)?

it isn't a blind hatred of trump... it is more like a hatred for the status quo of corporatism and deception that he is a caricature of

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Who are the people that are creating scapegoats and bogeymen everywhere? Who are the people that are manipulated by dishonest media?

Ironically, you just created a boogieman earlier by labelling marxists as "murderous"... go watch fox news for 5 seconds and you will see how they demonize "the left" and try to manufacture a worldview where bernie sanders(and even joe biden at times lol) is Mao Zedong. 

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Who are the people that want to defund the basic functions of our society? Who are the people that are creating criminality?

lol, funny how right wingers didn't complain when education was defunded. funny how defunding education and healthcare and other social safety nets systemically reproduces poverty and by extension criminality. if we invested more money into infrastructure and education, we wouldn't need so much goddamn police spending. 

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:

Who are the people that have an absolutist mindset? Who are the people that use political violence? Who are the people that are sensitive and easily offended? 

... lol, I don't feel like this even needs to have anything said about it. 

4 hours ago, Robi Steel said:


Did you know that the republican party is making a great effort to support LGBT issues? Did you know that there is not one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist? Did you know that Caitlyn Jenner was lobbying for the republican party? Because she deems a smaller government to be the greater issue. Did you know that the USA is one of the least racist countries in the world?

1. a majority of the republican party I would say does not have a favorable opinion towards lgbt community... Whether jenner supports them or "small gubbermint" or whatever is not is relevent. 

2. whether trump is racist or not is irrelevent, his policies reinforce systems that reproduce poverty in black communities. 

3. just because we are "one of the least racist countries" doesn't mean there aren't a shit ton of racism that needs to be addressed systemically. 


Edited by louhad

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Trump is clearly stage Red.

Nothing more to say

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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