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Birth = I Am?

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Was the self (ego) literally born with the thought "I Am"? Were my parents "created" because I needed some "reason" like a "backstory" for being here, besides just popping out of nowhere? Were their backstories created so that I wouldn't question them, and they wouldn't question themselves? And their parents backstories were created so they wouldn't question them either? It's like a giant fail-safe mechanism, each part re-enforces every other part. All these backstories are happening right Now? Is that all that History is, is a web of backstories to prevent us from questioning anything? hahaha

Are other babies that are born in my reality now, and "me" watching them grow up, just a re-enforcement that story too, in an attempt to blind me from the Truth? Is that why we can't "remember" our childhood? Because we are in the process of constructing this reality from nothing, and we're trying to hide the "building plans" from ourselves. 

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