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Stage of Awakening (Spiral Dynamics etc.)

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Some reasons why I am drawn to this site are the ideas like actualisation and awakening, and systems like spiral dynamics (SD). While I am not a user of SD per se, I do use a different but overlapping variants of the universal meta-model*.

So, in lining up these notions so as to orient my "map" so to speak, would it be correct to assume that  being "awake" corresponds to stages green and above? This would correspond also to the third-eye and crown chakras, and to self-actualisation and self-transcendence. The stages above green are increasing levels of self-transcendence, such as being cosmos-centric in turquoise.

How would you line things up?

I am aware that there are other aspects of awakening that are not covered by SD, and likewise aspects of SD that do not concern awakening, but I think the two are overlapping and approximate each other, with waking up being a process of uncovering stage green consciousness and above.

Furthermore, there are post-integral levels of SD. These would be when one is fully awake. I don't know of any system that really talks much about these levels - they all seem to trail off around the same point and speak of "higher levels". One of my goals at the moment - and likely for a long time to come - is to try and map out these higher levels of consciousness.

Well, that's all for now. I'm glad to be part of the community, and hope that my ideas will mix well with the discussions here.

note: I have identified systems not mentioned on the list, that are variants of the same thing. I use a system related to Jungian archetypes. 8 Circuits of Consciousness is another one.

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I was inspired by a convo, in the thread that I'll call Kanye 4 president, to do an outline of where i think i am in SD stages and other systems.

The highest stage that i have a wide exposure to is about 2 above turquoise. I only spend a minority of time in the post integral stages. I can often tell when i move from turquoise to post integral, because there is an intermediate stage with clear markers. Its difficult to sustain "being on the other side", so generally im in the green yellow turquoise zone.

In Maslow i operate generally in the realm of self transcendence. I have a lower physiological, security, belonging, and esteem needs than most people, however i feel that esteem focus will rise considerably if i work full time, and belonging will be increased if i start a family. However for now i am more in Self zone.

Of course we are operating at i suppose all levels at any time, and we do elevation rituals starting from the ego, the "seat of consciousness", through to t shadow, anima/animus, wise old man/woman, and hopefully landing at Self. So its not that the level we are at is all we are doing, but its where the focus is.

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