
Suddenly panic attacks for 2 weeks. What books do you recommend?

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I'm 30, male, live alone. I will be getting professional help on monday for the first time. It suddenly came at night, and now for 2 weeks it still appears suddenly daily. I went to a doctor and to a hospital at first because back then I didn't know what was going on. I know it's dangerous to get advice from other people, so I hope to get advice for good books or videos that can at least calm me down a bit.

Thank you guys very much

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I have suffered from panic attacks as well. Practicing some mindfulness and grounding techniques in the moments of the attack can be helpful in shortening or stopping it. Concentrating on breathing and slowing it down to a nice rhythm, to force your body to calm down. Or deliberately paying attention and focusing on counting things in the room, like "how many red things can I count", or "what objects are made out of wood."

Basically things to remind you that you are safe, not in danger, and therefore have the luxury to pay attention to such small things. It communicates to your body that it is confused, and there is no reason to be panicking. Although it will be convinced and probably convince you you should be panicking, it's simply not true.

As for the root of why you're having a panic attack, you need to discover that on your own or with professional help.

Edited by Roy


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Hope and help for your nerves by Claire Weekes. I used to have bad panic attacks, and this is the book that helped me the most!

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Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy

I find it a very calming and positive book. Some great jokes included :-)

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Alan Watts. 

Grounding techniques, read up on polyvagal theory. But more important than reading is going to therapy, learn how to calm yourself down and have a healthy lifestyle (rest, exercise, healthy diet, social life, etc.).

If you are with someone you trust or you can build a safe atmosphere for yourself, you can paradoxically control anxiety by surrendering to it. However, if you are already in the middle of a panic attack, I reccomend grounding techniques first. 

Edited by Farnaby

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Go for a walk, lie down in nature, cold shower or take a bath, deep slow belly breathes, eat something that's heavy

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