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Nak Khid

The Buddha's Competitors in India

2 posts in this topic

Incredibly informative. Thank you for posting. What strikes me when learning more and more about the Buddha is how humble and shy he was in terms of making definitive cosmological, ontological and metaphysical assertions despite his superior spiritual status. So different from people now who do psychadelic drugs and then blabber on for hours about the "true nature of reality" (TM Leo Gura) thinking they have it all worked out.

I recall Shinzen Young making a similar point about how one should be humble in making definitive statements about reality, cosmology and metaphysics. Great advice IMO since in the end all we can be 100% sure of is our own phenomenological and subjective experience. Making grand claims about God and reality seems so childish and immature and is one of the biggest turn offs of, personally speaking

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