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Awakening through just focusing on plants

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Has anybody reached awakening by just focusing on plants ?

I was standing by the balcony this morning having my usual cup of coffee on one hand , and my cigarette on the other one.

I was staring at this plant from where I was standing, and I had this thought " What if this plant is really a sign to awaken ? What if it's trying to tell me something", 

By having just these thoughts I had heightened focus I've never had before, even though I've tried to be mindful for a lot of time during the past. This type of focus made me feel like If I kept holding it, I will discover something huge, it was so effortless, It wasn't like I'm trying to control my mind to focus. However , I didn't keep my focus because I was worried if someone saw me just staring from the balcony below me, I'm about to jump, lol .

Anyone had or know someone who had similar experience with plants ?

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@Nick_98 I don't know about other people, but plants have a very conscious energy to me and being around them always helps me feel centered / awake / calm etc. I'm not sure about plants themselves awakening you, but I would say that being around them might raise your consciousness and make you susceptible to getting deeper insights than you would have if you were just around man-made stuff all the time.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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You have primed your mind to look for opportunities like this by starting on the path towards Self-actualization. I do think plants do have a certain grounding energy to them, which helps calm and focus your mind. I don't think it's a coincidence zen buddhists have made an art form of flower arrangement. 

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Makes no difference what you focus on as long as you focus on it.

You could focus on a turd and awaken.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'm planning on becoming achieving the ultimate while indulging in video games or something thank you Leo my master I will focus on my anime games; love you.The path of beauty(and paradoxical self trolling).

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There is something very interesting about the different forms of life, from a plant to a fly to a full human. I feel like there are some valuable hints to life you can find in all the organisms. I remember seeing a fly and thinking why did God create something so fragile and meaningless, and then I realized how relative my notion of meaning was.

Describe a thought.

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lol i tried to get awaken yesterday while learning to code (i do like this may times, as where i live it's difficult to find psychedelics somewhere around) i was looking at the text "num" and i just filled my head with thoughts like just be present at this moment, also like' i am not doing this code, the code is doing me' but most importantly my focus was to just be present at this very moment and i started feeling some vibration in my body a little the text started floating a little from screen. yesterday i think i got little close to have some true spiritual experience but then i got distracted with the phone call i just got.  i believe just keep doing the practice like this will lead me to some real spiritual experience one day.

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If you're already on the awakened path, focusing on plants can help trigger transpersonal consciousness. You'll start to see through the eyes of other forms of life. However, in my view, this doesn't mean those other lifeforms are above humans. They are below. It's just that humanity is part of a bigger whole, even if we are the most important parts. I think this relates to seeing multiple systems through spiral dynamics yellow, because the earth is multiple systems interacting in an ecological network.

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On 7/3/2020 at 0:42 AM, Leo Gura said:

Makes no difference what you focus on as long as you focus on it.

You could focus on a turd and awaken.

Imagine two people focusing on each other's eyes and both have their awakening at the same time. Imagine it's their first awakening.

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